using MasterDevs.ChromeDevTools.Protocol.Chrome.Page; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using MasterDevs.ChromeDevTools.Protocol.Chrome.DOM; using MasterDevs.ChromeDevTools.Protocol.Chrome.Emulation; using Task = System.Threading.Tasks.Task; namespace MasterDevs.ChromeDevTools.Sample { internal class Program { const int ViewPortWidth = 1440; const int ViewPortHeight = 900; private static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Run(async () => { // synchronization var screenshotDone = new ManualResetEventSlim(); // STEP 1 - Run Chrome var chromeProcessFactory = new ChromeProcessFactory(new StubbornDirectoryCleaner()); using (var chromeProcess = chromeProcessFactory.Create(9222)) { // STEP 2 - Create a debugging session var sessionInfo = (await chromeProcess.GetSessionInfo()).LastOrDefault(); var chromeSessionFactory = new ChromeSessionFactory(); var chromeSession = chromeSessionFactory.Create(sessionInfo.WebSocketDebuggerUrl); // STEP 3 - Send a command // // Here we are sending a commands to tell chrome to set the viewport size // and navigate to the specified URL await chromeSession.SendAsync(new SetVisibleSizeCommand { Width = ViewPortWidth, Height = ViewPortHeight }); var navigateResponse = await chromeSession.SendAsync(new NavigateCommand { Url = "" }); Console.WriteLine("NavigateResponse: " + navigateResponse.Id); // STEP 4 - Register for events (in this case, "Page" domain events) // send an command to tell chrome to send us all Page events // but we only subscribe to certain events in this session var pageEnableResult = await chromeSession.SendAsync<Protocol.Chrome.Page.EnableCommand>(); Console.WriteLine("PageEnable: " + pageEnableResult.Id); chromeSession.Subscribe<LoadEventFiredEvent>(loadEventFired => { // we cannot block in event handler, hence the task Task.Run(async () => { Console.WriteLine("LoadEventFiredEvent: " + loadEventFired.Timestamp); var documentNodeId = (await chromeSession.SendAsync(new GetDocumentCommand(), CancellationToken.None)).Result.Root.NodeId; var bodyNodeId = (await chromeSession.SendAsync(new QuerySelectorCommand { NodeId = documentNodeId, Selector = "body" })).Result.NodeId; var height = (await chromeSession.SendAsync(new GetBoxModelCommand {NodeId = bodyNodeId})).Result.Model.Height; await chromeSession.SendAsync(new SetVisibleSizeCommand {Width = ViewPortWidth, Height = height}); Console.WriteLine("Taking screenshot"); var screenshot = await chromeSession.SendAsync(new CaptureScreenshotCommand {Format = "png"}); var data = Convert.FromBase64String(screenshot.Result.Data); File.WriteAllBytes("output.png", data); Console.WriteLine("Screenshot stored"); // tell the main thread we are done screenshotDone.Set(); }); }); // wait for screenshoting thread to (start and) finish screenshotDone.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Exiting .."); } }).Wait(); } } }