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externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Prefabs/Facts/Circle.prefab b/Assets/Resources/Prefabs/Facts/Circle.prefab index 2ec57bc1b6addd91dd80ea2da82cf6a6f5c20768..f3223214b818003441e53677c88042e88cd413f4 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Prefabs/Facts/Circle.prefab +++ b/Assets/Resources/Prefabs/Facts/Circle.prefab @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Transform: m_GameObject: {fileID: 5866155945383417828} m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 0.96, y: 0.51, z: 0.96} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.96, y: 1, z: 0.96} m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 142224692930156368} @@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ GameObject: - component: {fileID: 142224692930156368} - component: {fileID: 7167210412035754299} - component: {fileID: 1078883255209641429} + - component: {fileID: 7621282258514180204} - component: {fileID: 5602986836502461330} - component: {fileID: 8419554499757686208} - component: {fileID: 8526453253978894086} @@ -186,6 +187,21 @@ MeshRenderer: m_SortingLayer: 0 m_SortingOrder: 0 m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!114 &7621282258514180204 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6262947649539239553} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 405087c38b8537e43bcc99727c5325ec, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + radius: 1 + sideCount: 500 + circleMesh: {fileID: 7167210412035754299} --- !u!114 &5602986836502461330 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/AbstractLineFact.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/AbstractLineFact.cs index 0b91a3a2a640aacbd329b5bdc5892c03e52d9417..59acbab4fa4a1ca6fdf68e06ed45cce490bea85b 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/AbstractLineFact.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/AbstractLineFact.cs @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractLineFact : FactWrappedCRTP<AbstractLineFact> [JsonIgnore] public PointFact Point2 { get => (PointFact)_Facts[Pid2]; } + /// <summary> Distance between <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid1"/> and <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid2"/></summary> + [JsonIgnore] + public float Distance; + /// <summary> /// Normalized Direction from <see cref="Pid1"/> to <see cref="Pid2"/>. /// </summary> @@ -79,9 +83,12 @@ private void set_public_members(string pid1, string pid2) { this.Pid1 = pid1; this.Pid2 = pid2; - PointFact pf1 = _Facts[pid1] as PointFact; - PointFact pf2 = _Facts[pid2] as PointFact; - this.Dir = (pf2.Point - pf1.Point).normalized; + this.Dir = (Point1.Point - Point2.Point).normalized; + this.Distance = Dir.magnitude; + + Position = Vector3.Lerp(Point1.Point, Point2.Point, 0.5f); + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Dir, Vector3.up); + LocalScale.Set(Distance, 1, 1); } /// \copydoc Fact.hasDependentFacts @@ -138,25 +145,16 @@ public class LineFact : AbstractLineFactWrappedCRTP<LineFact> [JsonProperty] protected static new string s_type = "LineFact"; - /// <summary> Distance between <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid1"/> and <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid2"/></summary> - public float Distance; - /// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary> - public LineFact() : base() - { - Distance = 0; - } + public LineFact() : base() { } /// <summary> \copydoc AbstractLineFact.AbstractLineFact(AbstractLineFact, Dictionary<string, string>, FactOrganizer) </summary> public LineFact(LineFact fact, Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(fact, old_to_new, organizer) => init(old_to_new[fact.Pid1], old_to_new[fact.Pid2]); /// <summary> \copydoc AbstractLineFact.AbstractLineFact(string, string, string, FactOrganizer) </summary> - public LineFact(string pid1, string pid2, string backendURI, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(pid1, pid2, backendURI, organizer) - { - SetDistance(); - _ = this.Label; - } + public LineFact(string pid1, string pid2, string backendURI, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(pid1, pid2, backendURI, organizer) + => _ = this.Label; /// <summary> \copydoc AbstractLineFact.AbstractLineFact(string, string, FactOrganizer) </summary> public LineFact(string pid1, string pid2, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(pid1, pid2, organizer) @@ -169,12 +167,6 @@ public LineFact(string pid1, string pid2, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(pid1, /// <param name="pid2">sets <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid2"/></param> private void init(string pid1, string pid2) { - SetDistance(); - - PointFact pf1 = _Facts[pid1] as PointFact; - PointFact pf2 = _Facts[pid2] as PointFact; - float v = (pf1.Point - pf2.Point).magnitude; - SOMDoc lhs = new OMA( new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.Metric), @@ -185,7 +177,7 @@ private void init(string pid1, string pid2) ); SOMDoc valueTp = new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.RealLit); - SOMDoc value = new OMF(v); + SOMDoc value = new OMF(Distance); MMTValueDeclaration mmtDecl = new(this.Label, lhs, valueTp, value); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); @@ -235,10 +227,6 @@ protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(LineFact f1, LineFact f2) return (p1f1.Equivalent(p1f2) && p2f1.Equivalent(p2f2)) ;//|| (p1f1.Equivalent(p2f2) && p2f1.Equivalent(p1f2)); } - - /// <summary> Calculates and sets <see cref="Distance"/>; <remarks> <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid1"/> and <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid2"/> needs to be set first.</remarks></summary> - private void SetDistance() - => this.Distance = Vector3.Distance(((PointFact)_Facts[Pid1]).Point, ((PointFact)_Facts[Pid2]).Point); } /// <summary> @@ -272,6 +260,8 @@ public RayFact(string pid1, string pid2, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(pid1, p /// <param name="pid2">sets <see cref="AbstractLineFact.Pid2"/></param> private void init(string pid1, string pid2) { + LocalScale = new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, 1, 1); + SOMDoc tp = new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.LineType); SOMDoc df = new OMA( new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.LineOf), diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Fact.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Fact.cs index ad5d269b21280c03d780f9294e0a865b179627ae..9534e20b5d9d9b01888e1203430a9f61bf6a9b41 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Fact.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Fact.cs @@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ using static SOMDocManager; using static CommunicationEvents; using JsonSubTypes; -using System.Linq.Expressions; using UnityEngine.ProBuilder; -using System.Reflection; -using System.Linq; public class ParsingDictionary { @@ -208,6 +205,14 @@ public string Label [JsonIgnore] protected FactOrganizer _Facts; + [JsonIgnore] + public Vector3 Position { get; protected set; } = Vector3.zero; + [JsonIgnore] + public Quaternion Rotation { get; protected set; } = Quaternion.identity; + [JsonIgnore] + public Vector3 LocalScale { get; protected set; } = Vector3.one; + + /// <summary> /// Only being used by [JsonReader](https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/T_Newtonsoft_Json_JsonReader.htm) to initiate empty \ref Fact "Facts". /// <seealso cref="SOMDocManager"/> @@ -254,7 +259,7 @@ protected Fact(Fact fact, FactOrganizer organizer) public bool rename(string newLabel) // returns true if succeded { - if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newLabel)) + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newLabel) && _Facts.GetNumberOfFacts() != 0) // switch back to autogenerated { generateLabel(); @@ -453,6 +458,9 @@ private void init(Vector3 P, Vector3 N) this.Point = P; this.Normal = N; + Position = P; + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(N); + SOMDoc tp = new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.Point); SOMDoc df = new OMA( new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.Tuple), @@ -584,6 +592,23 @@ private void init(string pid, string rid) this.Pid = pid; this.Rid = rid; + Position = Point.Position; + { //Rotation + Vector3 up = Point.Normal; + Vector3 forward = Ray.Dir; + + if(Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(up, forward)) + { + Vector3 arbitary = Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(forward, Vector3.forward) + ? Vector3.right + : Vector3.forward; + + up = Vector3.Cross(arbitary, forward); + } + + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); + } + SOMDoc tp = new OMA( new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.Ded), new List<SOMDoc> { @@ -700,7 +725,8 @@ public class AngleFact : FactWrappedCRTP<AngleFact> /// <summary> <see langword="true"/>, if AngleFact is approximately 90° or 270°</summary> public bool is_right_angle; - + [JsonIgnore] + public float angle; /// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary> public AngleFact() : base() @@ -742,9 +768,27 @@ private void init(string pid1, string pid2, string pid3) this.Pid2 = pid2; this.Pid3 = pid3; - float v = GetAngle(); // sets is_right_angle + ComputeAngle(); // sets is_right_angle, angle + + Position = Point2.Position; + { //Rotation + Vector3 from = (Point1.Position - Position).normalized; + Vector3 to = (Point3.Position - Position).normalized; + + Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross(to, from); + Vector3 forwoard = (from + to).normalized; - MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateNot90DegreeAngleDeclaration(v, pid1, pid2, pid3); + if (up.sqrMagnitude < Math3d.vectorPrecission) + { //Angle is 180° (or 0°) + Vector3 arbitary = up.normalized == Vector3.forward ? Vector3.right : Vector3.forward; + up = Vector3.Cross(arbitary, to); + forwoard = Vector3.Cross(up, to); + } + + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forwoard, up); + } + + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateNot90DegreeAngleDeclaration(angle, pid1, pid2, pid3); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -762,7 +806,7 @@ public AngleFact(string Pid1, string Pid2, string Pid3, string backendURI, FactO this.Pid2 = Pid2; this.Pid3 = Pid3; - _ = GetAngle(); + _ = ComputeAngle(); this._URI = backendURI; _ = this.Label; } @@ -777,7 +821,6 @@ public AngleFact(string Pid1, string Pid2, string Pid3, float angle, string back _ = this.Label; } - /// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(Scroll.ScrollFact) public new static AngleFact parseFact(Scroll.ScrollFact fact) { @@ -829,16 +872,16 @@ protected override string generateLabel() /// Computes smallest angle and sets <see cref="is_right_angle"/> /// </summary> /// <returns>Smallets angle between [<see cref="Pid1"/>, <see cref="Pid2"/>] and [<see cref="Pid2"/>, <see cref="Pid3"/>]</returns> - private float GetAngle() + private float ComputeAngle() { PointFact pf1 = _Facts[Pid1] as PointFact; PointFact pf2 = _Facts[Pid2] as PointFact; PointFact pf3 = _Facts[Pid3] as PointFact; - float v = Vector3.Angle((pf1.Point - pf2.Point), (pf3.Point - pf2.Point)); - this.is_right_angle = Mathf.Abs(v - 90.0f) < 0.01; + angle = Vector3.Angle((pf1.Point - pf2.Point), (pf3.Point - pf2.Point)); + this.is_right_angle = Mathf.Abs(angle - 90.0f) < 0.01; - return is_right_angle ? 90f : v; + return is_right_angle ? 90f : angle; } /// <summary> @@ -999,6 +1042,24 @@ private void init(string pid1, string pid2, string pid3) this.Pid2 = pid2; this.Pid3 = pid3; + Position = Point2.Position; + { //Rotation + Vector3 from = (Point1.Position - Position).normalized; + Vector3 to = (Point3.Position - Position).normalized; + + Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross(to, from); + Vector3 forwoard = (from + to).normalized; + + if (up.sqrMagnitude < Math3d.vectorPrecission) + { //Angle is 180° (or 0°) + Vector3 arbitary = up.normalized == Vector3.forward ? Vector3.right : Vector3.forward; + up = Vector3.Cross(arbitary, to); + forwoard = Vector3.Cross(up, to); + } + + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forwoard, up); + } + AddFactResponse.sendAdd(generateMMTDeclaration(pid1, pid2, pid3), out this._URI); } @@ -1391,6 +1452,10 @@ private void init(string pid1, string pid2, float radius, Vector3 normal) this.radius = radius; this.normal = normal; + Position = Point1.Position; + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normal); + LocalScale = new Vector3(radius, 1, radius); + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateCircleFactDeclaration(pid1, pid2, radius, normal); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -1621,6 +1686,9 @@ private void init(string pid, string cid) this.Pid = pid; this.Cid = cid;; + Position = Point.Position; + Rotation = Circle.Rotation; + SOMDoc tp = new OMA( new OMS(MMT_OMS_URI.Ded), @@ -1735,8 +1803,13 @@ public class AngleCircleLineFact : FactWrappedCRTP<AngleCircleLineFact> [JsonIgnore] public CircleFact Circle { get => (CircleFact)_Facts[Cid1]; } + //TODO? deg or rad? + [JsonIgnore] public float angle; + [JsonIgnore] + public Vector3 intersection; + /// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary> public AngleCircleLineFact() : base() { @@ -1752,7 +1825,7 @@ public AngleCircleLineFact() : base() /// <param name="old_to_new"><c>Dictionary</c> mapping <paramref name="fact"/>.<see cref="getDependentFactIds"/> in <paramref name="fact"/>.<see cref="Fact._Facts"/> to corresponding <see cref="Fact.Id"/> in <paramref name="organizer"/> </param> /// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="_Facts"/></param> public AngleCircleLineFact(AngleCircleLineFact fact, Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(fact, organizer) - => init(old_to_new[fact.Cid1], old_to_new[fact.Rid2], fact.angle); + => init(old_to_new[fact.Cid1], old_to_new[fact.Rid2]); /// <summary> /// Standard Constructor @@ -1761,8 +1834,8 @@ public AngleCircleLineFact(AngleCircleLineFact fact, Dictionary<string, string> /// <param name="rid2">sets <see cref="Rid2"/></param> /// <param name="angle"> sets the angle </param> /// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param> - public AngleCircleLineFact(string cid1, string rid2, float angle, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer) - => init(cid1, rid2, angle); + public AngleCircleLineFact(string cid1, string rid2, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer) + => init(cid1, rid2); /// <summary> /// Initiates <see cref="Cid1"/>, <see cref="Rid2"/>, <see cref="angle"/> <see cref="Fact._URI"/> and creates MMT %Fact Server-Side @@ -1770,11 +1843,34 @@ public AngleCircleLineFact(string cid1, string rid2, float angle, FactOrganizer /// <param name="cid1">sets <see cref="Cid1"/></param> /// <param name="rid2">sets <see cref="Rid2"/></param> /// <param name="angle"> sets the angle </param> - private void init(string cid1, string rid2, float angle) + private void init(string cid1, string rid2) { this.Cid1 = cid1; this.Rid2 = rid2; - this.angle = angle; + this.angle = Math3d.AngleVectorPlane(Ray.Dir, Circle.normal).ToDegrees(); + Math3d.LinePlaneIntersection(out intersection, Ray.Point1.Position, Ray.Dir, Circle.normal, Circle.Position); + + Position = intersection; + { //Rotation + Vector3 from = (Circle.Position - Position).normalized; + + Vector3 angle_to = Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(intersection, Ray.Point1.Position) + ? Ray.Point2.Position + : Ray.Point1.Position; + Vector3 to = (angle_to - Position).normalized; + + Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross(to, from); + Vector3 forwoard = (from + to).normalized; + + if (up.sqrMagnitude < Math3d.vectorPrecission) + { //Angle is 180° (or 0°) + Vector3 arbitary = up.normalized == Vector3.forward ? Vector3.right : Vector3.forward; + up = Vector3.Cross(arbitary, to); + forwoard = Vector3.Cross(up, to); + } + + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forwoard, up); + } MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(angle, cid1, rid2); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); @@ -1948,6 +2044,9 @@ private void init(string cid1) CircleFact cf1 = _Facts[cid1] as CircleFact; this.rad = cf1.radius; + Position = Circle.Position; + Rotation = Circle.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(cid1, this.rad); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -2095,6 +2194,9 @@ private void init(string cid1) CircleFact cf1 = _Facts[cid1] as CircleFact; this.A = cf1.radius * cf1.radius * ((float)System.Math.PI); + Position = Circle.Position; + Rotation = Circle.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(cid1, this.A); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -2246,6 +2348,9 @@ private void init(string cid1, string pid1, float vol) this.Pid1 = pid1; this.vol = vol; + Position = Point.Position; + Rotation = Circle.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(cid1, pid1, vol); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -2381,6 +2486,14 @@ public class OrthogonalCircleLineFact : FactWrappedCRTP<OrthogonalCircleLineFact [JsonIgnore] public AbstractLineFact Ray { get => (AbstractLineFact)_Facts[Lid1]; } + //TODO? deg or rad? + [JsonIgnore] + public float angle = 90f; + + [JsonIgnore] + public Vector3 intersection; + + /// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary> public OrthogonalCircleLineFact() : base() { @@ -2415,6 +2528,21 @@ private void init(string cid1, string lid1) { this.Cid1 = cid1; this.Lid1 = lid1; + Math3d.LinePlaneIntersection(out intersection, Ray.Point1.Position, Ray.Dir, Circle.normal, Circle.Position); + + Position = intersection; + { //Rotation + Vector3 from = (Circle.Position - Position).normalized; + + Vector3 angle_to = Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(intersection, Ray.Point1.Position) + ? Ray.Point2.Position + : Ray.Point1.Position; + Vector3 to = (angle_to - Position).normalized; + + Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross(to, from); + Vector3 forward = (from + to).normalized; + Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); + } MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(cid1, lid1); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); @@ -2599,6 +2727,9 @@ private void init(string cid1, string cid2, float vol, string unequalproof, OMA this.unequalCirclesProof = unequalproof; this.vol = vol; + Position = Circle2.Position; + Rotation = Circle2.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(cid1, cid2, vol, unequalproof, proof); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -2786,6 +2917,9 @@ private void init(string cid1, string cid2, float vol, string eqProof, OMA proof this.equalCirclesProof = eqProof; this.vol = vol; + Position = Circle2.Position; + Rotation = Circle2.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateMMTDeclaration(cid1, cid2, vol, eqProof, proof); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -2956,6 +3090,9 @@ private void init(string cid1, string cid2) this.Cid1 = cid1; this.Cid2 = cid2; + Position = Circle1.Position; + Rotation = Circle1.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateEqualCirclesFactDeclaration(cid1, cid2); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } @@ -3132,6 +3269,9 @@ private void init(string cid1, string cid2) this.Cid1 = cid1; this.Cid2 = cid2; + Position = Circle2.Position; + Rotation = Circle2.Rotation; + MMTDeclaration mmtDecl = generateUnEqualCirclesFactDeclaration(cid1, cid2); AddFactResponse.sendAdd(mmtDecl, out this._URI); } diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactManager.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactManager.cs index 1a8844d8a158bd8d419432ec1e3aa3e62c8129d1..1b91647fc9cdff5035de426bfb64ee9859dedb9d 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactManager.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactManager.cs @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public static AngleCircleLineFact AddAngleCircleLineFact(string cid, string lid, { AngleCircleLineFact angle = (AngleCircleLineFact)AddFactIfNotFound( - new AngleCircleLineFact(cid, lid, angleValue, StageStatic.stage.factState) + new AngleCircleLineFact(cid, lid, StageStatic.stage.factState) , out _, samestep, gadget, scroll_label); if (Mathf.Approximately(Mathf.Abs(angleValue), 90.0f)) diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactSpawner.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactSpawner.cs index 5730c06192420a9fc0c7ec16e95ca118cc4eaeae..7150d6011abbc8902098fcc5cfb1588a60ff64ba 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactSpawner.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/FactSpawner.cs @@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ public Fact SpawnFactRepresentation(Fact fact) { Func<Fact, Fact> func = fact switch { - PointFact => SpawnPoint, - LineFact => SpawnLine, - RightAngleFact => SpawnAngle, //needed for Hint System - AngleFact => SpawnAngle, - RayFact => SpawnRay, - CircleFact => SpawnRingAndCircle, + PointFact => SpawnPoint, + LineFact => SpawnLine, + RightAngleFact => SpawnAngle, //needed for Hint System + AngleFact => SpawnAngle, + RayFact => SpawnRay, + CircleFact => SpawnRingAndCircle, _ => null, }; return func?.Invoke(fact); } - + public Fact SpawnPoint(Fact pointFact) { PointFact fact = ((PointFact)pointFact); - + GameObject point = GameObject.Instantiate(Sphere); point.transform.position = fact.Point; point.transform.up = fact.Normal; @@ -58,30 +58,26 @@ public Fact SpawnPoint(Fact pointFact) public Fact SpawnLine(Fact fact) { LineFact lineFact = ((LineFact)fact); - - Vector3 point1 = lineFact.Point1.Point; - Vector3 point2 = lineFact.Point2.Point; //Change FactRepresentation to Line GameObject line = GameObject.Instantiate(Line); //Place the Line in the centre of the two points - line.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(point1, point2, 0.5f); + line.transform.position = lineFact.Position; //Change scale and rotation, so that the two points are connected by the line //Get the Line-GameObject as the first Child of the Line-Prefab -> That's the Collider var v3T = line.transform.GetChild(0).localScale; //For every Coordinate x,y,z we have to devide it by the LocalScale of the Child, //because actually the Child should be of this length and not the parent, which is only the Collider - v3T.x = (point2 - point1).magnitude / line.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).localScale.x; + v3T.x = lineFact.LocalScale.x / line.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).localScale.x; //Change Scale/Rotation of the Line-GameObject without affecting Scale of the Text line.transform.GetChild(0).localScale = v3T; - line.transform.GetChild(0).rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, lineFact.Dir); + line.transform.GetChild(0).rotation = lineFact.Rotation; - //string letter = ((Char)(64 + lineFact.Id + 1)).ToString(); - //line.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>().text = letter; - line.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>().text = - lineFact.Label + " = " + Math.Round((point1-point2).magnitude, 2) + " m"; + line.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>().text = + lineFact.Label + " = " + Math.Round(lineFact.Distance, 2) + " m"; line.GetComponentInChildren<FactObject>().URI = lineFact.Id; + lineFact.Representation = line; return lineFact; @@ -90,25 +86,21 @@ public Fact SpawnLine(Fact fact) public Fact SpawnRay(Fact fact) { RayFact rayFact = ((RayFact)fact); - - Vector3 point1 = rayFact.Point1.Point; - Vector3 point2 = rayFact.Point2.Point; - //Change FactRepresentation to Line GameObject line = GameObject.Instantiate(Ray); //Place the Line in the centre of the two points - line.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(point1, point2, 0.5f); + line.transform.position = rayFact.Position; //Change scale and rotation, so that the two points are connected by the line //Get the Line-GameObject as the first Child of the Line-Prefab -> That's the Collider var v3T = line.transform.GetChild(0).localScale; //For every Coordinate x,y,z we have to devide it by the LocalScale of the Child, //because actually the Child should be of this length and not the parent, which is only the Collider - v3T.x = (point2 - point1).magnitude * 100 / line.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).localScale.x; + v3T.x = rayFact.LocalScale.x / line.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).localScale.x; //Change Scale/Rotation of the Line-GameObject without affecting Scale of the Text line.transform.GetChild(0).localScale = v3T; - line.transform.GetChild(0).rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, rayFact.Dir); + line.transform.GetChild(0).rotation = rayFact.Rotation; line.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>().text = rayFact.Label; line.GetComponentInChildren<FactObject>().URI = rayFact.Id; @@ -116,58 +108,42 @@ public Fact SpawnRay(Fact fact) rayFact.Representation = line; return rayFact; } - + //Spawn an angle: point with id = angleFact.Pid2 is the point where the angle gets applied public Fact SpawnAngle(Fact fact) { - Vector3 point1, point2, point3; + Vector3 Psotion; + Quaternion Rotation; + float angleValue; // TODO: just use simple inheritence or similar!! if (fact is RightAngleFact rightangleFact) { - point1 = rightangleFact.Point1.Point; - point2 = rightangleFact.Point2.Point; - point3 = rightangleFact.Point3.Point; + Psotion = rightangleFact.Position; + Rotation = rightangleFact.Rotation; + angleValue = 90f; } else if (fact is AngleFact angleFact) { - point1 = angleFact.Point1.Point; - point2 = angleFact.Point2.Point; - point3 = angleFact.Point3.Point; + Psotion = angleFact.Position; + Rotation = angleFact.Rotation; + angleValue = angleFact.angle; } - else + else throw new Exception("Invalid Type:" + fact.GetType().ToString()); //Change FactRepresentation to Angle GameObject angle = GameObject.Instantiate(Angle); - //Calculate Angle: - Vector3 from = (point3 - point2).normalized; - Vector3 to = (point1 - point2).normalized; - float angleValue = Vector3.Angle(from, to); //We always get an angle between 0 and 180° here - - //Change scale and rotation, so that the angle is in between the two lines - - Vector3 forwoard = (from + to).normalized; - Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross(to, from); - - if (up.sqrMagnitude < Math3d.vectorPrecission) { //Angle is 180° (or 0°) - Vector3 arbitary = up.normalized == Vector3.forward ? Vector3.right : Vector3.forward; - up = Vector3.Cross(arbitary, to); - - forwoard = to; - } else - forwoard = Vector3.Cross(forwoard, up); - //Place the Angle at position of point2 - angle.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(point2, Quaternion.LookRotation(forwoard, up)); + angle.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(Psotion, Rotation); //Set text of angle TextMeshPro[] texts = angle.GetComponentsInChildren<TextMeshPro>(); - foreach (TextMeshPro t in texts) { - //Change Text not to the id, but to the angle-value (from both sides) AND change font-size relative to length of the angle (from both sides) - t.text = Math.Round((double) angleValue, 2) + "°"; - t.fontSize = angle.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>().fontSize * angle.transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetChild(0).localScale.x; + foreach (TextMeshPro t in texts) + { + //Change Text not to the id, but to the angle-value (from both sides) + t.text = Math.Round(angleValue, 2) + "°"; } //Generate angle mesh @@ -182,107 +158,52 @@ public Fact SpawnAngle(Fact fact) public Fact SpawnRingAndCircle(Fact fact) { + CircleFact circleFact = fact as CircleFact; + var ringAndCircleGO = new GameObject("RingAndCircle"); - _ = SpawnRing(fact, ringAndCircleGO.transform); - var circleFact = SpawnCircle(fact, ringAndCircleGO.transform); + SpawnRing(circleFact, ringAndCircleGO.transform); + SpawnCircle(circleFact, ringAndCircleGO.transform); - //TODO check whether this is necessary? - // this.FactRepresentation = ringAndCircleGO; - circleFact.Representation = ringAndCircleGO; + //Move Ring to middlePoint + ringAndCircleGO.transform.position = circleFact.Position; - return circleFact; + fact.Representation = ringAndCircleGO; + return fact; } - public Fact SpawnRing(Fact fact, Transform parent = null) + public void SpawnRing(CircleFact circleFact, Transform parent = null) { - CircleFact circleFact = (CircleFact)fact; - - PointFact middlePointFact = circleFact.Point1; - PointFact basePointFact = circleFact.Point2; - - Vector3 middlePoint = middlePointFact.Point; - Vector3 normal = circleFact.normal; - float radius = circleFact.radius; - - //Change FactRepresentation to Ring - //TODO check whether this is necessary? - - //this.FactRepresentation = Ring; - //GameObject ring = Instantiate(FactRepresentation, parent); - GameObject ring = GameObject.Instantiate(Ring,parent); - + GameObject ring = GameObject.Instantiate(Ring, parent); var tori = ring.GetComponentsInChildren<TorusGenerator>(); var tmpText = ring.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>(); var FactObj = ring.GetComponentInChildren<FactObject>(); - //Move Ring to middlePoint - ring.transform.position = middlePoint; - - //Rotate Ring according to normal - if (normal.y < 0) // if normal faces downwards use inverted normal instead - ring.transform.up = -normal; - else - ring.transform.up = normal; - //Set radii foreach (var torus in tori) - torus.torusRadius = radius; + torus.torusRadius = circleFact.radius; - string text = $"○{middlePointFact.Label}"; - tmpText.text = text; - ////move TMP Text so it is on the edge of the circle - //tmpText.rectTransform.position = tmpText.rectTransform.position - new Vector3(0, 0, -radius); + tmpText.text = $"○{circleFact.Point1.Label}"; FactObj.URI = circleFact.Id; - circleFact.Representation = ring; - - return circleFact; } - public Fact SpawnCircle(Fact fact, Transform parent = null) + public void SpawnCircle(CircleFact circleFact, Transform parent = null) { - CircleFact circleFact = (CircleFact)fact; - - PointFact middlePointFact = circleFact.Point1; - PointFact basePointFact = circleFact.Point2; - - Vector3 middlePoint = middlePointFact.Point; - Vector3 normal = circleFact.normal; - float radius = circleFact.radius; - - //TODO check whether this is necessary - //Change FactRepresentation to Ring - // this.FactRepresentation = Circle; GameObject circle = Instantiate(Circle, parent); - var FactObj = circle.GetComponentInChildren<FactObject>(); - //Move Circle to middlePoint - circle.transform.position = middlePoint; - - //Rotate Circle according to normal - if (normal.y < 0) // if normal faces downwards use inverted normal instead - circle.transform.up = -normal; - else - circle.transform.up = normal; - //Set radius - circle.transform.localScale = new Vector3(radius, circle.transform.localScale.y, radius); + circle.transform.localScale = Vector3.Scale(circle.transform.localScale, circleFact.LocalScale); FactObj.URI = circleFact.Id; - circleFact.Representation = circle; - - return circleFact; } public void DeleteObject(Fact fact) - { - //print("Deleting: " + fact.Representation?.name); - GameObject.Destroy(fact.Representation); - } + => GameObject.Destroy(fact.Representation); - public void animateNonExistingFactTrigger(Fact fact) { + public void animateNonExistingFactTrigger(Fact fact) + { StartCoroutine(animateNonExistingFact(fact)); IEnumerator animateNonExistingFact(Fact fact) diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/ShapeGenerator.cs b/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/ShapeGenerator.cs index 1753f61f28f7cb6ea482b244b4a6d2f72894e0eb..b7309740d44bdaadf2fc29a945825c48cea7ce39 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/ShapeGenerator.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/ShapeGenerator.cs @@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ protected static Mesh CreateMesh((Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles) meshValue return mesh; } - protected static Vector3[] GetCirclePoints(float circleRadius, int pointCount) => GetCirclePoints(circleRadius, pointCount, Vector3.zero); + protected static Vector3[] GetCirclePoints(float circleRadius, int pointCount) + => GetCirclePoints(circleRadius, pointCount, Vector3.zero); + protected static Vector3[] GetCirclePoints(float circleRadius, int pointCount, Vector3 offset) { Vector3[] circle = new Vector3[pointCount]; diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/TorusGenerator.cs b/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/TorusGenerator.cs index 95ef7746d9b72022d148fa987423136440778261..ab05a78233c7656f78b9b0ebb88aa4dbac822080 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/TorusGenerator.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/MeshGenerator/TorusGenerator.cs @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ protected override void GenerateShape() { if (torusMesh.sharedMesh != null) torusMesh.sharedMesh.Clear(); + torusMesh.mesh = CreateMesh(CreateTorus(torusRadius, ringRadius, ringSegmentCount, segmentSideCount)); if (torusMesh.transform.TryGetComponent(out MeshCollider meshCol))