diff --git a/Assets/AngleTool.cs b/Assets/AngleTool.cs
index f1f4eb440cbf28b40d4fdb1088ed3a75dec9c153..d6db88f1ada18c6ad761024b521f2319f156b25a 100644
--- a/Assets/AngleTool.cs
+++ b/Assets/AngleTool.cs
@@ -6,80 +6,186 @@
 public class AngleTool : Gadget
+    //Variables for AngleMode distinction
+    private bool angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
+    private PointFact angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
+    private bool angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = false;
+    private PointFact angleModeSecondPointSelected = null;
+    //Attributes for simulating the drawing of a curve
+    private bool curveDrawingActivated;
+    public WorldCursor Cursor;
+    public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
+    private List<Vector3> linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
+    public Material anglePreviewMaterial;
+    //Vertices for the Curve
+    private int curveDrawingVertexCount = 36;
+    private Vector3 curveEndPoint;
+    private Vector3 angleMiddlePoint;
+    private float curveRadius;
+    //Initialize Gadget when enabled AND activated
+    void OnEnable()
+    {
+        this.ResetGadget();
+    }
+    void Start()
+    {
+        if (FactManager == null) FactManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<FactManager>();
+        CommunicationEvents.TriggerEvent.AddListener(OnHit);
+        if (this.Cursor == null) this.Cursor = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<WorldCursor>();
+    }
     public override void OnHit(RaycastHit hit)
         if (!this.isActiveAndEnabled) return;
         if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Point"))
-            Fact tempFact = Facts[hit.transform.GetComponent<FactObject>().Id];
+            PointFact tempFact = (PointFact)Facts[hit.transform.GetComponent<FactObject>().Id];
             //If two points were already selected and now the third point got selected
-            if (FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected && FactManager.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected)
+            if (this.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected && this.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected)
-                //Event for end of curve-drawing in "ShinyThings"
-                CommunicationEvents.StopCurveDrawingEvent.Invoke(null);
                 //Create AngleFact
                 //Check if new Point is equal to one of the previous points -> if true -> cancel
-                if (!(FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id == tempFact.Id || FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected.Id == tempFact.Id))
+                if (!(this.angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id == tempFact.Id || this.angleModeSecondPointSelected.Id == tempFact.Id))
                     //Check if exactly the same angle already exists
-                    if (!FactManager.factAlreadyExists(new int[] { ((PointFact)FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)tempFact).Id }))
-                        CommunicationEvents.AddFactEvent.Invoke(FactManager.AddAngleFact(((PointFact)FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)tempFact).Id, FactManager.GetFirstEmptyID()));
+                    if (!FactManager.factAlreadyExists(new int[] { ((PointFact)this.angleModeFirstPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)this.angleModeSecondPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)tempFact).Id }))
+                        CommunicationEvents.AddFactEvent.Invoke(FactManager.AddAngleFact(((PointFact)this.angleModeFirstPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)this.angleModeSecondPointSelected).Id, ((PointFact)tempFact).Id, FactManager.GetFirstEmptyID()));
-                FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
-                FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
-                FactManager.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = false;
-                FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected = null;
+                ResetGadget();
             //If only one point was already selected
-            else if (FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected && !FactManager.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected)
+            else if (this.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected && !this.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected)
                 //Check if the 2 selected points are the same: If not
-                if (FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id != tempFact.Id)
+                if (this.angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id != tempFact.Id)
-                    FactManager.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = true;
-                    FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected = tempFact;
-                    //Event for start of curve-drawing in "ShinyThings"
-                    //Create new LineFact with the 2 points
-                    LineFact tempLineFact = new LineFact();
-                    tempLineFact.Pid1 = FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id;
-                    tempLineFact.Pid2 = FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected.Id;
-                    CommunicationEvents.StartCurveDrawingEvent.Invoke(tempLineFact);
+                    this.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = true;
+                    this.angleModeSecondPointSelected = tempFact;
+                    ActivateCurveDrawing();
-                    FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
-                    FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
+                    this.angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
+                    this.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
             //If no point was selected before
                 //Save the first point selected
-                FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = true;
-                FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected = tempFact;
+                this.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = true;
+                this.angleModeFirstPointSelected = tempFact;
         //No point was hit
-            if (FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected && FactManager.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected)
-            {
-                //Event for end of curve-drawing in "ShinyThings"
-                CommunicationEvents.StopCurveDrawingEvent.Invoke(null);
-            }
-            //Reset Angle-Preview-Attributes
-            FactManager.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
-            FactManager.angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
-            FactManager.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = false;
-            FactManager.angleModeSecondPointSelected = null;
+            ResetGadget();
             //TODO: Hint that only an angle can be created between 3 already existing points
+    void Update()
+    {
+        if (!this.isActiveAndEnabled) return;
+        if (this.curveDrawingActivated)
+            UpdateCurveDrawing(this.Cursor.transform.position);
+    }
+    private void ResetGadget()
+    {
+        this.angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
+        this.angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
+        this.angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = false;
+        this.angleModeSecondPointSelected = null;
+        DeactivateCurveDrawing();
+    }
+    //Expect a LineFact here, where Line.Pid2 will be the Basis-Point of the angle
+    public void ActivateCurveDrawing()
+    {
+        //In AngleMode with 3 Points we want to draw nearly a rectangle so we add a startPoint and an Endpoint to this preview
+        this.lineRenderer.positionCount = curveDrawingVertexCount + 2;
+        this.lineRenderer.material = this.anglePreviewMaterial;
+        lineRenderer.startWidth = 0.05f;
+        lineRenderer.endWidth = 0.05f;
+        //Set CurveDrawing activated
+        this.curveDrawingActivated = true;
+        //curveEndPoint is a point on the Line selected, with some distance from point2
+        curveEndPoint = angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point + 0.3f * (angleModeFirstPointSelected.Point - angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point).magnitude * (angleModeFirstPointSelected.Point - angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point).normalized;
+        angleMiddlePoint = angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point;
+        curveRadius = (curveEndPoint - angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point).magnitude;
+    }
+    public void UpdateCurveDrawing(Vector3 currentPosition)
+    {
+        //Find the nearest of all potential third points
+        PointFact nearestPoint = null;
+        foreach (Fact fact in Facts)
+        {
+            if (fact is PointFact && fact.Id != angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id && fact.Id != angleModeSecondPointSelected.Id && nearestPoint == null)
+                nearestPoint = (PointFact)fact;
+            else if (fact is PointFact && fact.Id != angleModeFirstPointSelected.Id && fact.Id != angleModeSecondPointSelected.Id && (nearestPoint.Point - currentPosition).magnitude > (((PointFact)fact).Point - currentPosition).magnitude)
+                nearestPoint = (PointFact)fact;
+        }
+        Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
+        if (nearestPoint != null)
+        {
+            Vector3 planePoint = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(currentPosition, Vector3.Cross((nearestPoint.Point - angleMiddlePoint), (curveEndPoint - angleMiddlePoint)));
+            //Determine the Start-Point for the nearest third-point
+            startPoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (planePoint - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //Determine the Start-Point
+            startPoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (currentPosition - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
+        }
+        //Determine the Center of Start-Point and End-Point 
+        Vector3 tempCenterPoint = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, curveEndPoint, 0.5f);
+        Vector3 curveMiddlePoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (tempCenterPoint - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
+        linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
+        //Start: AngleMiddlePoint -> FirstPoint of Curve
+        linePositions.Add(angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point);
+        for (float ratio = 0; ratio <= 1; ratio += 1.0f / this.curveDrawingVertexCount)
+        {
+            var tangentLineVertex1 = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, curveMiddlePoint, ratio);
+            var tangentLineVertex2 = Vector3.Lerp(curveMiddlePoint, curveEndPoint, ratio);
+            var bezierPoint = Vector3.Lerp(tangentLineVertex1, tangentLineVertex2, ratio);
+            linePositions.Add(bezierPoint);
+        }
+        //End: LastPoint of Curve -> AngleMiddlePoint
+        linePositions.Add(angleModeSecondPointSelected.Point);
+        lineRenderer.positionCount = linePositions.Count;
+        lineRenderer.SetPositions(linePositions.ToArray());
+    }
+    public void DeactivateCurveDrawing()
+    {
+        this.lineRenderer.positionCount = 0;
+        this.linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
+        this.curveDrawingActivated = false;
+    }
diff --git a/Assets/InteractionEngine/FactManager.cs b/Assets/InteractionEngine/FactManager.cs
index d734f61456c236ac339f070942a226c67e4c2a5d..3f2fa82082663763e797d7c0aceac469726e43e0 100644
--- a/Assets/InteractionEngine/FactManager.cs
+++ b/Assets/InteractionEngine/FactManager.cs
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ public class FactManager : MonoBehaviour
     public GameObject SmartMenu;
     private List<int> NextEmpties = new List<int>();
-    //Variables for AngleMode distinction
-    public bool angleModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
-    public Fact angleModeFirstPointSelected = null;
-    public bool angleModeIsSecondPointSelected = false;
-    public Fact angleModeSecondPointSelected = null;
     //Solving game parameters
     public GameObject snapZoneTop;
     public GameObject snapZoneBottom;
diff --git a/Assets/InteractionEngine/ShinyThings.cs b/Assets/InteractionEngine/ShinyThings.cs
index 98401fd7e4f3d54fcfcf337edadd32926564e558..3b4d5fc4feba76669df3dc99027f4500bf70ac0b 100644
--- a/Assets/InteractionEngine/ShinyThings.cs
+++ b/Assets/InteractionEngine/ShinyThings.cs
@@ -14,20 +14,6 @@ public class ShinyThings : MonoBehaviour
     public Material defaultMaterial;
     public Material highlightMaterial;
-    //Attributes for simulating the drawing of a line/curve
-    public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
-    private List<Vector3> linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
-    public Material anglePreviewMaterial;
-    private bool curveDrawingActivated;
-    //These are only the vertices for the Curve
-    private int curveDrawingVertexCount = 36;
-    private LineFact curveDrawingStartLine;
-    private Vector3 curveEndPoint;
-    private Vector3 angleMiddlePoint;
-    private float curveRadius;
     //Variables for Pushout-Highlighting
     private Fact highlightedPushoutFact;
     private GameObject extraHighlight;
@@ -53,9 +39,6 @@ public class ShinyThings : MonoBehaviour
     public void Start()
         if (Cursor == null) Cursor = GetComponent<WorldCursor>();
-        CommunicationEvents.StartCurveDrawingEvent.AddListener(ActivateCurveDrawing);
-        CommunicationEvents.StopCurveDrawingEvent.AddListener(DeactivateCurveDrawing);
-        CommunicationEvents.StopPreviewsEvent.AddListener(StopPreviews);
         speedSlowDown = timerDurationEnd * 10;
@@ -84,9 +67,6 @@ public void Update()
         //@John before:  hit.point
-        if (this.curveDrawingActivated)
-            UpdateCurveDrawing(this.transform.position);
         //If the Timer is Active, check Pushout-Highlighting
         if (this.timerActive)
@@ -365,92 +345,4 @@ public void slowDownAnimation(ParticleSystem main1, ParticleSystem main2) {
-    //Expect a LineFact here, where Line.Pid2 will be the Basis-Point of the angle
-    public void ActivateCurveDrawing(Fact startFact)
-    {
-        //In AngleMode with 3 Points we want to draw nearly a rectangle so we add a startPoint and an Endpoint to this preview
-        this.lineRenderer.positionCount = curveDrawingVertexCount + 2;
-        this.lineRenderer.material = this.anglePreviewMaterial;
-        lineRenderer.startWidth = 0.05f;
-        lineRenderer.endWidth = 0.05f;
-        //Set CurveDrawing activated
-        this.curveDrawingActivated = true;
-        curveDrawingStartLine = (LineFact)startFact;
-        PointFact curveDrawingPoint1 = (PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid1);
-        PointFact curveDrawingPoint2 = (PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2);
-        //curveEndPoint is a point on the Line selected, with some distance from point2
-        curveEndPoint = curveDrawingPoint2.Point + 0.3f * (curveDrawingPoint1.Point - curveDrawingPoint2.Point).magnitude * (curveDrawingPoint1.Point - curveDrawingPoint2.Point).normalized;
-        angleMiddlePoint = curveDrawingPoint2.Point;
-        curveRadius = (curveEndPoint - curveDrawingPoint2.Point).magnitude;
-    }
-    public void UpdateCurveDrawing(Vector3 currentPosition)
-    {
-        //Find the nearest of all potential third points
-        PointFact nearestPoint = null;
-        foreach (Fact fact in Facts) {
-            if (fact is PointFact && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid1 && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2 && nearestPoint == null)
-                nearestPoint = (PointFact)fact;
-            else if (fact is PointFact && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid1 && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2 && (nearestPoint.Point - currentPosition).magnitude > (((PointFact)fact).Point - currentPosition).magnitude)
-                nearestPoint = (PointFact)fact;
-        }
-        Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3(0,0,0);
-        if (nearestPoint != null)
-        {
-            Vector3 planePoint = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(currentPosition, Vector3.Cross((nearestPoint.Point-angleMiddlePoint), (curveEndPoint-angleMiddlePoint)));
-            //Determine the Start-Point for the nearest third-point
-            startPoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (planePoint - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            //Determine the Start-Point
-            startPoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (currentPosition - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
-        }
-        //Determine the Center of Start-Point and End-Point 
-        Vector3 tempCenterPoint = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, curveEndPoint, 0.5f);
-        Vector3 curveMiddlePoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (tempCenterPoint - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
-        linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
-        //Start: AngleMiddlePoint -> FirstPoint of Curve
-        linePositions.Add(((PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2)).Point);
-        for (float ratio = 0; ratio <= 1; ratio += 1.0f / this.curveDrawingVertexCount)
-        {
-            var tangentLineVertex1 = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, curveMiddlePoint, ratio);
-            var tangentLineVertex2 = Vector3.Lerp(curveMiddlePoint, curveEndPoint, ratio);
-            var bezierPoint = Vector3.Lerp(tangentLineVertex1, tangentLineVertex2, ratio);
-            linePositions.Add(bezierPoint);
-        }
-        //End: LastPoint of Curve -> AngleMiddlePoint
-        linePositions.Add(((PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2)).Point);
-        lineRenderer.positionCount = linePositions.Count;
-        lineRenderer.SetPositions(linePositions.ToArray());
-    }
-    public void DeactivateCurveDrawing(Fact startFact)
-    {
-        this.lineRenderer.positionCount = 0;
-        this.linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
-        this.curveDrawingActivated = false;
-    }
-    public void StopPreviews(Fact startFact) {
-        if (curveDrawingActivated)
-            DeactivateCurveDrawing(null);
-    }
diff --git a/Assets/LineTool.cs b/Assets/LineTool.cs
index 09a1e61eb5f61b232f9d9912a410ecd25e59feb3..ea72df96169808468b6c3d1e3c3a45cfef70bc51 100644
--- a/Assets/LineTool.cs
+++ b/Assets/LineTool.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ public override void OnHit(RaycastHit hit)
             //If first point was already selected AND second point != first point
             if (this.LineModeIsFirstPointSelected && this.LineModeFirstPointSelected.Id != tempFact.Id)
-                this.DeactivateLineDrawing();
                 //Create LineFact
                 //Check if exactly the same line/distance already exists
                 if (!FactManager.factAlreadyExists(new int[] { this.LineModeFirstPointSelected.Id, tempFact.Id }))
@@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ public override void OnHit(RaycastHit hit)
                 //Deactivate LineDrawing and first point selection
-                this.DeactivateLineDrawing();
             //TODO: Hint that only a line can be drawn between already existing points
diff --git a/Assets/Tape.cs b/Assets/Tape.cs
index f9e254782204e1ae620c9f1b4d3fc2ef0abd1cd1..e29372f2e049a63d4ce75c820215923ad3080b82 100644
--- a/Assets/Tape.cs
+++ b/Assets/Tape.cs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 public class Tape : Gadget
-    //Variables for LineMode distinction
+    //Variables for TapeMode distinction
     private bool TapeModeIsFirstPointSelected = false;
     private Fact TapeModeFirstPointSelected = null;
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ public override void OnHit(RaycastHit hit)
             //If first point was already selected AND second point != first point
             if (this.TapeModeIsFirstPointSelected && this.TapeModeFirstPointSelected.Id != tempFact.Id)
-                this.DeactivateLineDrawing();
                 //Create LineFact
                 //Check if exactly the same line/distance already exists
                 if (!FactManager.factAlreadyExists(new int[] { this.TapeModeFirstPointSelected.Id, tempFact.Id }))
@@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ public override void OnHit(RaycastHit hit)
                 //Deactivate LineDrawing and first point selection
-                this.DeactivateLineDrawing();
             //TODO: Hint that only a line can be drawn between already existing points
diff --git a/Assets/TreeWorld_02.unity b/Assets/TreeWorld_02.unity
index 9b5a621a670856681f9fa3cac2dbe0c3b5dbbddf..f4e50110578ab97b7019e12836787f46b63651eb 100644
--- a/Assets/TreeWorld_02.unity
+++ b/Assets/TreeWorld_02.unity
@@ -31463,9 +31463,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
   Cursor: {fileID: 1661088666}
   defaultMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 8ae9adf4dc782964387385c1e8c0eb72, type: 2}
   highlightMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: c7daa82e15f0cf04d92d0f41ce84f9df, type: 2}
-  lineRenderer: {fileID: 1661088668}
-  anglePreviewMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 8a28cccde2536794c97ec91954e34e90,
-    type: 2}
   directionalLight: {fileID: 138245305}
   pushoutMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: d9c43ce51f1a01d41a18fae03c0d406c, type: 2}
 --- !u!114 &1661088670
@@ -31482,8 +31479,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
   SmartMenu: {fileID: 5601740127768851631, guid: e693bf633c633d243b0254d117ec3893,
     type: 3}
-  angleModeIsFirstPointSelected: 0
-  angleModeIsSecondPointSelected: 0
   snapZoneTop: {fileID: 1563243733}
   snapZoneBottom: {fileID: 1009368148}
 --- !u!23 &1661088671 stripped
@@ -40476,6 +40471,18 @@ PrefabInstance:
     m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 729203331, guid: 2ba8d552442ba664e8e567adee683a11, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: Cursor
+      value: 
+      objectReference: {fileID: 1661088666}
+    - target: {fileID: 729203331, guid: 2ba8d552442ba664e8e567adee683a11, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: lineRenderer
+      value: 
+      objectReference: {fileID: 1661088668}
+    - target: {fileID: 729203331, guid: 2ba8d552442ba664e8e567adee683a11, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: anglePreviewMaterial
+      value: 
+      objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 8a28cccde2536794c97ec91954e34e90, type: 2}
     - target: {fileID: 1085307962, guid: 2ba8d552442ba664e8e567adee683a11, type: 3}
       propertyPath: GadgetUI