diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/GenerateDemoFiles.cs b/Assets/Scripts/GenerateDemoFiles.cs
index 6a3d69ff97eb75a81c02707fca857cd3b586199a..bd2c24d012b1a1b2e02e9478ccbb08ae409a58bb 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/GenerateDemoFiles.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/GenerateDemoFiles.cs
@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@
 public class GenerateDemoFiles
     public static void GenerateAll()
-        if (GameObject.FindObjectOfType<GadgetBehaviour>(true) == null)
+        if (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<GadgetBehaviour>(true) == null)
             Debug.LogError("Cannot GenerateDemoFiles without populated GadgetManager");
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs
index 16a6d1fe0af6fe1d00d070b8fa15cf1b612f9cfe..45bc11f5a576639dcded4c7057e0bf1530e74945 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs
@@ -2297,219 +2297,6 @@ protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, F
         => new UnEqualCirclesFact(old_to_new[this.Cid1], old_to_new[this.Cid2], organizer);
-/// <summary>
-/// </summary>
-/// <seealso cref="SOMDoc.MakeList(string[], string)"/>
-/// <remarks>Needed to refere to lists serverside</remarks>
-public class ListFact : FactWrappedCRTP<ListFact>
-    public string[] lids;
-    public string typeURI;
-    [JsonIgnore]
-    public Type ListType
-    {
-        get => MMT_OMS_URI.OMS_TO_TYPE[typeURI];
-        private set => typeURI = MMT_OMS_URI.TYPE_TO_OMS[value];
-    }
-    public ListFact() : base()
-    {
-        lids = new string[0];
-    }
-    public ListFact(string[] lids, Type ListType, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
-    {
-        this.lids = lids;
-        this.ListType = ListType;
-        SendToMMT();
-    }
-    public ListFact(string[] lids, string typeURI, string backendURI, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
-    {
-        this.lids = lids;
-        this.typeURI = typeURI;
-        _URI = backendURI;
-    }
-    protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(ListFact f1, ListFact f2)
-        => f1.typeURI == f2.typeURI
-        && DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2);
-    public override bool HasDependentFacts
-        => true;
-    protected override string[] GetGetDependentFactIds()
-        => lids;
-    public override MMTDeclaration MakeMMTDeclaration()
-    {
-        OMA List = SOMDoc.MakeList(lids, typeURI);
-        return new MMTSymbolDeclaration(Label, List.applicant, List.arguments[0]);
-    }
-    public static new ListFact parseFact(MMTDeclaration fact)
-        => new(parseFactList(fact, out string typeURI).ToArray(), typeURI, fact.@ref.uri, StageStatic.stage.factState);
-    public static List<string> parseFactList(MMTDeclaration decl, out string typeURI)
-    {
-        if (decl is not MMTSymbolDeclaration MMTSymbol
-         || MMTSymbol.type is not OMA listOMA
-         || listOMA.arguments[0] is not OMS typeOMS)
-        {
-            typeURI = null;
-            return null;
-        }
-        typeURI = typeOMS.uri;
-        List<string> ret = new();
-        SOMDoc next_element = MMTSymbol.defines;
-        while (true)
-        {
-            if (next_element is not OMA current_element)
-                return ret;
-            switch (current_element.arguments.Length)
-            {
-                case 2:
-                    if (current_element.arguments[1] is not OMS oMS)
-                        return ret;
-                    ret.Add(oMS.uri);
-                    next_element = current_element.arguments[0];
-                    break;
-                case 0:
-                case 1:
-                default:
-                    return ret;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public static List<T> parseFactList<T>(MMTDeclaration decl)
-    {
-        if (decl is not MMTSymbolDeclaration mMTSymbol)
-            return null;
-        List<T> ret = new();
-        SOMDoc next_element = mMTSymbol.defines;
-        while (true)
-        {
-            if (next_element is not OMA current_element)
-                return ret;
-            switch (current_element.arguments.Length)
-            {
-                case 2:
-                    ret.Add((current_element.arguments[1].GetLambdaExpression().Compile() as Func<T>)());
-                    next_element = current_element.arguments[0];
-                    break;
-                case 0:
-                case 1:
-                default:
-                    return ret;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
-    protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactOrganizer organizer)
-        => new ListFact(lids.Select(id => old_to_new[id]).ToArray(), ListType, organizer);
-/// <summary>
-/// </summary>
-/// <seealso cref="SOMDoc.MakeTupel(SOMDoc[])"/>
-/// <remarks>Needed to refere to tupels serverside</remarks>
-public class TupelFact : FactWrappedCRTP<TupelFact>
-    public string[] lids = new string[0];
-    public SOMDoc[] payload = new SOMDoc[0];
-    public TupelFact() : base() { }
-    public TupelFact(string[] lids, SOMDoc[] payload, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
-    {
-        Init(lids, payload);
-        SendToMMT();
-    }
-    public TupelFact(string[] lids, SOMDoc[] payload, string backendURI, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
-    {
-        Init(lids, payload);
-        _URI = backendURI;
-    }
-    private void Init(string[] lids, SOMDoc[] payload)
-    {
-        this.lids = lids ?? new string[0];
-        if (!HasDependentFacts)
-        {
-            if (payload.Any(p => p == null))
-                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(payload) + "must not include null elements iff " + nameof(lids) + " is all nulls or empty!");
-            this.payload = payload;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this.payload = new SOMDoc[math.max(lids.Length, payload.Length)];
-            for (int i = 0; i < this.payload.Length; i++)
-                if (lids[i] != null)
-                    payload[i] = new OMS(lids[i]);
-                else
-                if (lids[i] == null && payload[i] == null)
-                    throw new ArgumentException(nameof(lids) + " and " + nameof(payload) + " have to be complementary not null!");
-        }
-    }
-    protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactOrganizer organizer)
-        => new TupelFact(lids.Select(id => old_to_new[id]).ToArray(), payload, organizer);
-    public static new TupelFact parseFact(MMTDeclaration fact)
-    {
-        if (fact is not MMTSymbolDeclaration MMTSymbol
-         || MMTSymbol.defines is not OMA defineOMA)
-        {
-            return null;
-        }
-        string[] lids = defineOMA.arguments
-            .Select(oms => (oms as OMS)?.uri)
-            .ToArray();
-        return new(lids, defineOMA.arguments, fact.@ref.uri, StageStatic.stage.factState);
-    }
-    public override MMTDeclaration MakeMMTDeclaration()
-    {
-        OMA List = SOMDoc.MakeTupel(payload);
-        return new MMTSymbolDeclaration(Label, List.applicant, List);
-    }
-    protected override string[] GetGetDependentFactIds()
-        => lids.Where(lid => lid != null).ToArray();
-    protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
-    protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(TupelFact f1, TupelFact f2)
-        //=> DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2)
-        => f1.payload.Length == f2.payload.Length
-        && f1.payload
-            .Zip(f2.payload, (p1, p2) => SOMDoc.Equivalent(p1, p2))
-            .All(b => b);
 #pragma warning disable // Testing...
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1a57a519ecc1ba47ece0dc48de17168ec16c80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System;
+using static SOMDocManager;
+/// <summary>
+/// </summary>
+/// <seealso cref="SOMDoc.MakeList(string[], string)"/>
+/// <remarks>Needed to refere to lists serverside</remarks>
+public class ListFact : FactWrappedCRTP<ListFact>
+    public string[] lids;
+    public string typeURI;
+    [JsonIgnore]
+    public Type ListType
+    {
+        get => MMT_OMS_URI.OMS_TO_TYPE[typeURI];
+        private set => typeURI = MMT_OMS_URI.TYPE_TO_OMS[value];
+    }
+    public ListFact() : base()
+    {
+        lids = new string[0];
+    }
+    public ListFact(string[] lids, Type ListType, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
+    {
+        this.lids = lids;
+        this.ListType = ListType;
+        SendToMMT();
+    }
+    public ListFact(string[] lids, string typeURI, string backendURI, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
+    {
+        this.lids = lids;
+        this.typeURI = typeURI;
+        _URI = backendURI;
+    }
+    protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(ListFact f1, ListFact f2)
+        => f1.typeURI == f2.typeURI
+        && DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2);
+    public override bool HasDependentFacts
+        => true;
+    protected override string[] GetGetDependentFactIds()
+        => lids;
+    public override MMTDeclaration MakeMMTDeclaration()
+    {
+        OMA List = SOMDoc.MakeList(lids, typeURI);
+        return new MMTSymbolDeclaration(Label, List.applicant, List.arguments[0]);
+    }
+    public static new ListFact parseFact(MMTDeclaration fact)
+        => new(parseFactList(fact, out string typeURI).ToArray(), typeURI, fact.@ref.uri, StageStatic.stage.factState);
+    public static List<string> parseFactList(MMTDeclaration decl, out string typeURI)
+    {
+        if (decl is not MMTSymbolDeclaration MMTSymbol
+         || MMTSymbol.type is not OMA listOMA
+         || listOMA.arguments[0] is not OMS typeOMS)
+        {
+            typeURI = null;
+            return null;
+        }
+        typeURI = typeOMS.uri;
+        List<string> ret = new();
+        SOMDoc next_element = MMTSymbol.defines;
+        while (true)
+        {
+            if (next_element is not OMA current_element)
+                return ret;
+            switch (current_element.arguments.Length)
+            {
+                case 2:
+                    if (current_element.arguments[1] is not OMS oMS)
+                        return ret;
+                    ret.Add(oMS.uri);
+                    next_element = current_element.arguments[0];
+                    break;
+                case 0:
+                case 1:
+                default:
+                    return ret;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public static List<T> parseFactList<T>(MMTDeclaration decl)
+    {
+        if (decl is not MMTSymbolDeclaration mMTSymbol)
+            return null;
+        List<T> ret = new();
+        SOMDoc next_element = mMTSymbol.defines;
+        while (true)
+        {
+            if (next_element is not OMA current_element)
+                return ret;
+            switch (current_element.arguments.Length)
+            {
+                case 2:
+                    ret.Add((current_element.arguments[1].GetLambdaExpression().Compile() as Func<T>)());
+                    next_element = current_element.arguments[0];
+                    break;
+                case 0:
+                case 1:
+                default:
+                    return ret;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
+    protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactOrganizer organizer)
+        => new ListFact(lids.Select(id => old_to_new[id]).ToArray(), ListType, organizer);
+/// <summary>
+/// </summary>
+/// <seealso cref="SOMDoc.MakeTupel(SOMDoc[])"/>
+/// <remarks>Needed to refere to tupels serverside</remarks>
+public class TupelFact : FactWrappedCRTP<TupelFact>
+    public string[] lids = new string[0];
+    public SOMDoc[] payload = new SOMDoc[0];
+    public TupelFact() : base() { }
+    public TupelFact(string[] lids, SOMDoc[] payload, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
+    {
+        Init(lids, payload);
+        SendToMMT();
+    }
+    public TupelFact(string[] lids, SOMDoc[] payload, string backendURI, FactOrganizer organizer) : base(organizer)
+    {
+        Init(lids, payload);
+        _URI = backendURI;
+    }
+    private void Init(string[] lids, SOMDoc[] payload)
+    {
+        this.lids = lids ?? new string[0];
+        if (!HasDependentFacts)
+        {
+            if (payload.Any(p => p == null))
+                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(payload) + "must not include null elements iff " + nameof(lids) + " is all nulls or empty!");
+            this.payload = payload;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            this.payload = new SOMDoc[Unity.Mathematics.math.max(lids.Length, payload.Length)];
+            for (int i = 0; i < this.payload.Length; i++)
+                if (lids[i] != null)
+                    payload[i] = new OMS(lids[i]);
+                else
+                if (lids[i] == null && payload[i] == null)
+                    throw new ArgumentException(nameof(lids) + " and " + nameof(payload) + " have to be complementary not null!");
+        }
+    }
+    protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactOrganizer organizer)
+        => new TupelFact(lids.Select(id => old_to_new[id]).ToArray(), payload, organizer);
+    public static new TupelFact parseFact(MMTDeclaration fact)
+    {
+        if (fact is not MMTSymbolDeclaration MMTSymbol
+         || MMTSymbol.defines is not OMA defineOMA)
+        {
+            return null;
+        }
+        string[] lids = defineOMA.arguments
+            .Select(oms => (oms as OMS)?.uri)
+            .ToArray();
+        return new(lids, defineOMA.arguments, fact.@ref.uri, StageStatic.stage.factState);
+    }
+    public override MMTDeclaration MakeMMTDeclaration()
+    {
+        OMA List = SOMDoc.MakeTupel(payload);
+        return new MMTSymbolDeclaration(Label, List.applicant, List);
+    }
+    protected override string[] GetGetDependentFactIds()
+        => lids.Where(lid => lid != null).ToArray();
+    protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
+    protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(TupelFact f1, TupelFact f2)
+        //=> DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2)
+        => f1.payload.Length == f2.payload.Length
+        && f1.payload
+            .Zip(f2.payload, (p1, p2) => SOMDoc.Equivalent(p1, p2))
+            .All(b => b);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f17e280e4384bf239f953fadecb90f8597f9ffb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 1310c9354caf7604dbd787fc4e90899f
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/StageBehaviour.cs b/Assets/Scripts/StageBehaviour.cs
index dca99dc794358ad9d2a50d19e4587f3677142bbb..f5c4d1ce7c2c0e65edbeb22d6878f476f6b45b24 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/StageBehaviour.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/StageBehaviour.cs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ private void OnDestroy()
         StageStatic.SetMode(Mode.Play); // no Mode.Create
         // StageStatic.stage.solution.hardreset(invoke_event: false); NO! keep in memory!
-        StageStatic.stage.factState.hardreset(invoke_event: false);
+        StageStatic.stage?.factState.hardreset(invoke_event: false);
     /// <summary>
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/StageStatic.cs b/Assets/Scripts/StageStatic.cs
index a7795875b4deef7ef0947cba70355486ce702b53..7da9af0fd9767c3690e674c7e90cd25e19da31c4 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/StageStatic.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/StageStatic.cs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public static class StageStatic
     /// </summary>
     public static Stage stage {
         get {
-            return (local_stage ? StageLocal : StageOfficial)[current_name];
+            return (local_stage ? StageLocal : StageOfficial)?[current_name];    
         set {
             current_name = value.name;
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/UI/MainMenue/ListLoader.cs b/Assets/Scripts/UI/MainMenue/ListLoader.cs
index c78b473f18f7ab29893c5bd671f985a96bc2dae4..edfab7d7907dfa085ccaf87049eec6fca2b82f87 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/UI/MainMenue/ListLoader.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/UI/MainMenue/ListLoader.cs
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ public abstract class ListLoader<T> : MenueLoader
     protected void OnEnable()
+        // To measure correct timings, uncomment
+        //StartCoroutine(_Init());
-        StartCoroutine(_Init());
-        System.Collections.IEnumerator _Init()
-        {
-            yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
+        //System.Collections.IEnumerator _Init()
+        //{
+        //    yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
-        }
+        //}
     protected void OnDisable()