diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/GlobalBehaviour.cs b/Assets/Scripts/GlobalBehaviour.cs
index 33e8f2abecdb7a6b9293f30fec21130af3b7ff75..9c28beaa311fe92f9b546835e18a6fad226b0fa9 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/GlobalBehaviour.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/GlobalBehaviour.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 using Newtonsoft.Json;
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
 using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEngine.Networking;
@@ -56,7 +58,8 @@ private void Awake()
-        PostServerConnection();
+        GetScrollsfromServer();
+        GetContextfromServer();
     //TODO: Move where appropiate
@@ -65,13 +68,11 @@ private void Awake()
     static public List<REST_JSON_API.Scroll> AvailableScrolls;
     public static IEnumerator InitiateScrolls = IEnumeratorExtensions.yield_break;
-    public static FactRecorder Context = new();
-    private void PostServerConnection()
+    private void GetScrollsfromServer()
-        StartCoroutine(InitiateScrolls = getScrollsfromServer());
+        StartCoroutine(InitiateScrolls = _GetScrollsfromServer());
-        IEnumerator getScrollsfromServer()
+        IEnumerator _GetScrollsfromServer()
             //Try /scroll/listall endpoint when scroll/list is not working
             //UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress + "/scroll/listall");
@@ -133,4 +134,108 @@ IEnumerator getScrollsfromServer()
             yield break;
+    public static FactRecorder Context = new();
+    private void GetContextfromServer()
+    {
+        StartCoroutine(_GetContextfromServer());
+        IEnumerator _GetContextfromServer()
+        {
+            System.DateTime requestTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
+            UnityWebRequest request = null;
+            for (int i = 0; i < this.tryScrollListTimes; i++)
+            {
+                request = UnityWebRequest.Get(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress + "/fact/list");
+                request.method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET;
+                yield return request.SendWebRequest();
+                if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError
+                 || request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError)
+                {
+                    Debug.LogWarning(request.error);
+                    Debug.Log("GET /fact/list failed. Attempt: " + (i + 1).ToString());
+                }
+                else
+                    break;
+            }
+            System.DateTime answerTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
+            string jsonString = null;
+            if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError
+             || request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError)
+            {
+                Debug.LogWarning(request.error);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                CommunicationEvents.ServerRunning = true;
+                while (!request.downloadHandler.isDone)
+                    yield return null;
+                jsonString = request.downloadHandler.text;
+            }
+            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonString)
+             || jsonString.Equals("[]"))
+            {
+                jsonString = File.ReadAllText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/context.json");
+                Debug.Log("Using Fallback Context: \n" + jsonString);
+            }
+            System.DateTime parseTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
+            MMTFact[] context_facts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MMTFact[]>(jsonString);
+            System.DateTime parseEnd = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
+            System.DateTime justParseTime = default;
+            System.DateTime justAddinTime = default;
+            bool samestep = false;
+            foreach (MMTFact fact in context_facts)
+            {
+                if (Regex.IsMatch(fact.@ref.uri, ".*fact\\d+$") // one of ours
+                 || Regex.IsMatch(fact.@ref.uri, ".*SituationTheory\\d+\\?.*") // one of ours
+                 || fact.GetDefines() == null) // Scala rule?
+                    continue;
+                List<Fact> new_list = new();
+                System.DateTime parse_time = System.DateTime.Now;
+                yield return ParsingDictionary.parseFactDictionary[fact.getType()](new_list, fact);
+                justParseTime += System.DateTime.Now - parse_time;
+                if (new_list.Count == 0)
+                {
+                    Debug.LogWarning("Parsing on context-fact returned empty List -> One of the dependent facts does not exist or parsing failed");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                System.DateTime addin_time = System.DateTime.Now;
+                foreach (Fact new_fact in new_list)
+                {
+                    Context.Add(new_fact, out bool exists, samestep, null, null, true, true);
+                    if (!exists)
+                        samestep = true;
+                    yield return null;
+                }
+                justAddinTime += System.DateTime.Now - addin_time;
+            }
+            Debug.Log(
+                $"Context Times:\n" +
+                $"Summ\t{(System.DateTime.UtcNow - requestTime).TotalMilliseconds}ms\n" +
+                $"Server\t{(answerTime - requestTime).TotalMilliseconds}ms\n" +
+                $"Download\t{(parseTime - answerTime).TotalMilliseconds}ms\n" +
+                $"Parsing\t{(parseEnd - parseTime).TotalMilliseconds}ms\n" +
+                $"FactParsing\t{justParseTime.Millisecond}ms\n" +
+                $"FactAdding\t{justAddinTime.Millisecond}ms\n" +
+                "");
+            yield break;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs
index cfceb1b7683f82e651950acf05c022c65560da4a..f9fe86b7c2ebbcc0c188e14be564e1a02a414761 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/Fact.cs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ public static class ParsingDictionary
     //TODO: docu
     public static Dictionary<string, Func<List<Fact>, MMTFact, IEnumerator>> parseFactDictionary = new() {
+        { MMTConstants.TypeType,
+            GeneralFact.parseFact },
         { MMTConstants.Point,
             PointFact.parseFact },
         { MMTConstants.Metric,
@@ -401,6 +403,9 @@ protected virtual string generateLabel(FactRecorder name_space)
     public static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
         => null;
+    public virtual SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+        => new OMS(MMTConstants.TYPE_TO_OMS[GetType()]);
     /// <summary>
     /// Tells a <see cref="FactRecorder"/> that \ref Fact "this" no longer uses auto-generated <see cref="GetLabel"/>, but remembers current generation variable(s).
     /// </summary>
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs
index a2fff9bb92d9e3cb0cd50cb6b33a04fb8053149e..71206c165b3afb929e1adc7900ff1f6127d609c9 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/InteractionEngine/FactHandling/Facts/MMTTypes.cs
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
 using Newtonsoft.Json;
 using System.Collections;
+using System.Linq.Expressions;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
 /// <summary>
@@ -141,11 +143,14 @@ protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new)
     public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
-        => new MMTGeneralFact(_LastLabel, ListType, Defines());
+        => new MMTGeneralFact(_LastLabel, GetMMTType(), Defines());
     public override SOMDoc Defines()
         => SOMDoc.MakeShallowList(payload);
+    public override SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+        => ListType;
     protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
         => lids.Where(lid => lid != null).ToArray();
@@ -467,11 +472,14 @@ public static List<Fact> MMTFactory(object payload, SOMDoc indirect_payload, SOM
     public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
         => Defines() == null
         ? throw new NotSupportedException(nameof(indirect_payload) + " must not be null")
-        : new MMTGeneralFact(_LastLabel, TupleType, Defines());
+        : new MMTGeneralFact(_LastLabel, GetMMTType(), Defines());
     public override SOMDoc Defines()
         => indirect_payload;
+    public override SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+        => TupleType;
     public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
         if (fact is not MMTGeneralFact MMTSymbol)
@@ -572,6 +580,9 @@ public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
     public override SOMDoc Defines()
         => new OMLIT<float>(value);
+    public override SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+        => new OMS(MMTConstants.RealLit);
     protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(RealLitFact f1, RealLitFact f2)
         => Mathf.Approximately(f1.value, f2.value);
@@ -582,4 +593,51 @@ protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
     protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new)
         => new RealLitFact(value);
+public class GeneralFact : FactWrappedCRTP<GeneralFact>
+    public MMTFact Raw { get; private set; }
+    //[JsonIgnore]
+    //public LambdaExpression GeneratedExpression { get; private set; }
+    public GeneralFact() : base() { }
+    public GeneralFact(MMTFact Raw) : base()
+    {
+        this.Raw = Raw;
+    }
+    public GeneralFact(MMTFact Raw, SOMDoc ServerDefinition) : base()
+    {
+        this.Raw = Raw;
+        this.ServerDefinition = ServerDefinition;
+    }
+    public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
+    {
+        ret.Add(new GeneralFact(fact, fact.@ref));
+        yield break;
+    }
+    public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
+        => Raw;
+    public override SOMDoc Defines()
+        => Raw.GetDefines();
+    public override SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+        => Raw.GetMMTType() is OMS omsType && omsType.uri == MMTConstants.TypeType
+         ? Raw.GetDefines()
+         : Raw.GetMMTType();
+    protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(GeneralFact f1, GeneralFact f2)
+        => MMTFact.Equivalent(f1.Raw, f2.Raw);
+    protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
+        => Raw.GetDependentFactIds();
+    protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
+    protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new)
+        => new GeneralFact(Raw.MapURIs(old_to_new));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/Endpoints.cs b/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/Endpoints.cs
index 253d603921f3169baf27d451047740ce109c1852..6320f0f8373589102402695365ea7229360ce29c 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/Endpoints.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/Endpoints.cs
@@ -92,6 +92,19 @@ public string label
         public abstract SOMDoc GetDefines();
         public abstract MMTFact MapURIs(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new);
+        public abstract string[] GetDependentFactIds();
+        public static bool Equivalent(MMTFact f1, MMTFact f2)
+            => f1.Equivalent(f2);
+        public bool Equivalent(MMTFact f2)
+            => this.getType().Equals(f2.getType())
+            && EquivalentWrapped(this, f2);
+        protected abstract bool EquivalentWrapped(MMTFact f1, MMTFact f2);
+        public abstract SOMDoc GetMMTType();
     /// <summary>Class for facts without values, e.g. Points</summary>
@@ -157,6 +170,21 @@ public override MMTFact MapURIs(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new)
             => new MMTGeneralFact(@ref, label, type.MapURIs(old_to_new), defines.MapURIs(old_to_new));
         public override SOMDoc GetDefines() => defines;
+        public override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
+            => type.GetDependentFactIds().ShallowCloneAppend(defines.GetDependentFactIds());
+        protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(MMTFact f1, MMTFact f2)
+        {
+            MMTGeneralFact g1 = (MMTGeneralFact)f1;
+            MMTGeneralFact g2 = (MMTGeneralFact)f2;
+            return g1.type.Equivalent(g2.type)
+                && g1.defines.Equivalent(g2.defines);
+        }
+        public override SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+            => type;
     /// <summary>Class for facts with values, e.g. Distances or Angles</summary>
@@ -224,6 +252,23 @@ public override MMTFact MapURIs(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new)
         public override SOMDoc GetDefines() => lhs;
+        public override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
+            => lhs.GetDependentFactIds().ShallowCloneAppend(value.GetDependentFactIds());
+        protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(MMTFact f1, MMTFact f2)
+        {
+            MMTValueFact g1 = (MMTValueFact)f1;
+            MMTValueFact g2 = (MMTValueFact)f2;
+            return g1.lhs.Equivalent(g2.lhs)
+                && g1.value.Equivalent(g2.value);
+        }
+        public override SOMDoc GetMMTType()
+        {
+            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
+        }
     public class Scroll
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/MMTConstants.cs b/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/MMTConstants.cs
index a812b891e5ee900db03c1f430f1ee9cea832c196..0a95014a59149056aa456aad510aab8d99386b93 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/MMTConstants.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/MMTConstants.cs
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public static class MMTConstants
         public static readonly string Tuple = "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Sigma?Symbols?Tuple";
         public static readonly string MakeType = "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Records?Symbols?Recexp";
         public static readonly string MakeTypeType = "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Records?Symbols?Rectype";
+        public static readonly string TypeType = "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type";
         public static readonly string GetField = "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Records?Symbols?Getfield";
         public static readonly string ListType = "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Datatypes?ListSymbols?ListType";
@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ public static class MMTConstants
         public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Type> OMS_TO_TYPE = new Dictionary<string, Type>()
+            { TypeType,
+                typeof(Type) },
             { Point,
                 typeof(Vector3) },
             { Metric,
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/SOMDocs.cs b/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/SOMDocs.cs
index d696f73e7a4c9951063525b4cd6dd86c872cbbc5..f224fd7fc9af312f2bdc4d130ccd086037679b65 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/SOMDocs.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/MMTServer/CommunicationProtocoll/SOMDocs.cs
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ public override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
         protected internal override Type ToType(Type[] args, (string name, Type type)[] bound_params)
             if (FactRecorder.AllFacts.TryGetValue(uri, out Fact found))
-                return found.GetType();
+                return found.GetMMTType().ToType(args, bound_params);
             if (MMTConstants.HeterogenApplication_TO_TypeOF.TryGetValue(uri, out string s_type))
diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/context.json b/Assets/StreamingAssets/context.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f14544b805d44cfc4ea341bc680cc9ef2340ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/context.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2943 @@
+	{
+		"ref": {
+			"uri": "http://mathhub.info/FrameIT/frameworld?StepUntil?stepUntil"
+		},
+		"label": "<no label>",
+		"tp": {
+			"params": [
+				{
+					"uri": "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "X",
+					"kind": "VAR"
+				},
+				{
+					"params": [
+						{
+							"name": "X",
+							"kind": "VAR"
+						}
+					],
+					"ret": {
+						"name": "X",
+						"kind": "VAR"
+					},
+					"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+				},
+				{
+					"params": [
+						{
+							"name": "X",
+							"kind": "VAR"
+						}
+					],
+					"ret": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?Logic?prop",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+				}
+			],
+			"ret": {
+				"applicant": {
+					"uri": "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Datatypes?ListSymbols?ListType",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				"arguments": [
+					{
+						"name": "X",
+						"kind": "VAR"
+					}
+				],
+				"kind": "OMA"
+			},
+			"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+		},
+		"df": null,
+		"kind": "general"
+	},
+	{
+		"ref": {
+			"uri": "http://mathhub.info/FrameIT/frameworld?IfThenElseX?ifthenelsex"
+		},
+		"label": "<no label>",
+		"tp": {
+			"params": [
+				{
+					"uri": "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				{
+					"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?Logic?prop",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "X",
+					"kind": "VAR"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "X",
+					"kind": "VAR"
+				}
+			],
+			"ret": {
+				"name": "X",
+				"kind": "VAR"
+			},
+			"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+		},
+		"df": null,
+		"kind": "general"
+	},
+	{
+		"ref": {
+			"uri": "http://mathhub.info/FrameIT/frameworld?StepUntilX?stepUntilX"
+		},
+		"label": "<no label>",
+		"tp": {
+			"params": [
+				{
+					"uri": "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				{
+					"uri": "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				{
+					"uri": "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "B",
+					"kind": "VAR"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "C",
+					"kind": "VAR"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "A",
+					"kind": "VAR"
+				},
+				{
+					"params": [
+						{
+							"name": "B",
+							"kind": "VAR"
+						},
+						{
+							"name": "C",
+							"kind": "VAR"
+						},
+						{
+							"name": "A",
+							"kind": "VAR"
+						}
+					],
+					"ret": {
+						"name": "A",
+						"kind": "VAR"
+					},
+					"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+				},
+				{
+					"params": [
+						{
+							"name": "A",
+							"kind": "VAR"
+						}
+					],
+					"ret": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?Logic?prop",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+				}
+			],
+			"ret": {
+				"applicant": {
+					"uri": "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Datatypes?ListSymbols?ListType",
+					"kind": "OMS"
+				},
+				"arguments": [
+					{
+						"name": "A",
+						"kind": "VAR"
+					}
+				],
+				"kind": "OMA"
+			},
+			"kind": "FUNTYPE"
+		},
+		"df": null,
+		"kind": "general"
+	},
+	{
+		"ref": {
+			"uri": "http://mathhub.info/FrameIT/frameworld?Walls?wall"
+		},
+		"label": "<no label>",
+		"tp": {
+			"uri": "http://cds.omdoc.org/urtheories?Typed?type",
+			"kind": "OMS"
+		},
+		"df": {
+			"applicant": {
+				"uri": "http://gl.mathhub.info/MMT/LFX/Records?Symbols?Rectype",
+				"kind": "OMS"
+			},
+			"arguments": [
+				{
+					"name": "point1",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "point2",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "point3",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "point4",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "u",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "v",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "vc",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/core/geometry?3DGeometry?point",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "a",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?RealLiterals?real_lit",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "b",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?RealLiterals?real_lit",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "c",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?RealLiterals?real_lit",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "d",
+					"tp": {
+						"uri": "http://mathhub.info/MitM/Foundation?RealLiterals?real_lit",
+						"kind": "OMS"
+					},
+					"df": null,
+					"kind": "OML"
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "length",
+					"tp": {
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