using Newtonsoft.Json; using REST_JSON_API; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; /// <summary> /// Point in 3D Space /// </summary> public class CylinderFact : FactWrappedCRTP<CylinderFact> { //used points public string PidM, PidE, PidT; public Vector3 M, E, T; public float Volume = 0.0F; public PointFact GetM {get => (PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[PidM];} public PointFact GetE {get => (PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[PidE];} public PointFact GetT {get => (PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[PidT];} protected void calculate_vectors(){ M = ((PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[PidM]).Point +; E = ((PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[PidE]).Point +; T = ((PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[PidT]).Point +; //Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, new Vector3(1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)); Position = M; } public CylinderFact() : base(){ this.PidM = null; this.PidE = null; this.PidT = null; } [JsonConstructor] public CylinderFact( string PidM, string PidE, string PidT) : base() { this.PidM = PidM; this.PidE = PidE; this.PidT = PidT; calculate_vectors(); } /// <summary> /// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_. /// <see cref="Normal"/> set to <c>Vector3.up</c> /// </summary> /// <param name="Point">sets <see cref="Point"/></param> /// <param name="ServerDefinition">MMT URI as OMS</param> public CylinderFact(string PidM, string PidE, string PidT, SOMDoc ServerDefinition) : base() { this.PidM = PidM; this.PidE = PidE; this.PidT = PidT; this.ServerDefinition = ServerDefinition; calculate_vectors(); } /// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact) public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact) { if (((MMTGeneralFact)fact).defines is not OMA df) yield break; OMS pointM, pointE, pointT; pointM = (OMS)df.arguments[0]; pointE = (OMS)df.arguments[1]; pointT = (OMS)df.arguments[2]; string PidM = pointM.uri; string PidE = pointE.uri; string PidT = pointT.uri; ret.Add(new CylinderFact(PidM, PidE, PidT)); //ParsingDictionary.parseTermsToId.TryAdd(defines.ToString(), fact.@ref.uri); //ret.Add(new PointFact(SOMDoc.MakeVector3(defines), fact.@ref)); } /// \copydoc Fact.hasDependentFacts public override bool HasDependentFacts => true; /// \copydoc Fact.getDependentFactIds protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds() => new string[] { PidM, PidE, PidT}; /// \copydoc Fact.GetHashCode /* public override int GetHashCode() => this.Point.GetHashCode(); */ protected override void RecalculateTransform() { calculate_vectors(); } /// \copydoc Fact.Equivalent(Fact, Fact) protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(CylinderFact f1, CylinderFact f2){ return ( Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f1.M, f2.M) && Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f1.E, f2.E) && Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f1.T, f2.T) ); } public bool isEqual(CylinderFact f2){ return EquivalentWrapped(this, f2); } protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new){ return new CylinderFact(this.PidM, this.PidE, this.PidT); } public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration() { SOMDoc tp = new OMS(MMTConstants.CylinderType); return new MMTGeneralFact(_LastLabel, tp, Defines()); } public override SOMDoc Defines() => new OMA( new OMS(MMTConstants.CylinderCons), new[] { new OMS(PidM), new OMS(PidE), new OMS(PidT), } ); }