diff --git a/potential-members.md b/potential-members.md
index 44b58b6392130ae2c3fbd5516049f44b13573769..0232486622594db26a62bde2f018c7d59d3e2d76 100644
--- a/potential-members.md
+++ b/potential-members.md
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ initial members I can see include (please extend)
 - Arnold Neumaier and the Concise Group at Vienna University
 - Josef Urban at Prague University has a project in this direction
 - there is a group at Google who wants to do automated formalization via Deep Neural Networks
+- Jordi Saludes (he die Math Grammars in Molto project and is rumored to start things again)
+- Andreas Strotmann (he too).
 And the [International Mathematical Knowledge Trust (IMKT)](http://imkt.org) could provide admin/political support.