layout: page
title: SigMathLing - Technical Concerns

Recall that {{site.title}} maintains [a bouquet of services](services/); here we air some technical concerns and ideas.

### Resource Repositories

We have a [{{site.title}} group](http://gl.kwarc.info/SIGMathLing) on the [GitLab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitLab) server [gl.kwarc.info](http://gl.kwarc.info), where we have hosted a range of data repositories.
This allows us to use Git permissions for access control and the GitLab permission UI for management.
We estimate that for the first two years (2017-2019) {{site.title}} will have below 25 members (reducing the traffic) and below 5 TB data sets.
gl.kwarc.info should be able to serve that given that most data sets will be served via [Git LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/).
Should space or traffic become a problem for the KWARC servers to handle, we will try to raise money for a more scalable solution.

[Zenodo](http://zenodo.org) has officially turned down hosting the SIGMathLing resources due to the large volume of data, but we are open to exploring alternative providers - feel free to reach out!

### Standardizing Datasets and Resources

We will need to develop standards for representing, classifying, describing, and citing data sets and reources.
1. *Representation*: file formats, repository layout, data models
2. *Classification/description*: is the dataset
  * a corpus (raw, processed, ...),
  * a set of annotations to a corpus,
  * automatically/automatically created, by which process/system?
  * an evaluation data set (gold standard)?
  * what is the quality? f-measure,
  * what is the license.
3. *Identification*: we are looking into obtaining a DOI data identifier for each resource
4. *Citation*  The idea is to have a "landing page per resourcer that address all
   the points in 1. and 2. as well as the authors that can be cited. The landing page
   should also have pre-made bibTeX (and possibly EndNote) entries to make citations

### Resource Reference Page

Currently, this is just a manually curated [page on the {{site.title}} web site](/resources/), eventually we will statically generate it from an internal data base of resources and/or harvested from the repositories. Licensing should be made transparent.

### Suite of Systems and Libraries

Currently, this is just a manually curated [page on the {{site.title}} web site](/systems/), eventually we will statically generate it from an internal data base of resources and/or harvested from the repositories. Licensing should be made transparent.

### Math Analysis Blackboard

MK would like develop and publish an annotation schema (using the KAT schema as a starting point) and establish a math result triple store that manages all of these. Technical details are still open how best to do this, but Deyan is quite skeptical.