encoding: utf-8 # Permalinks permalink: /news/:year/:month/:day/:title/ # Setup title: SIGMathLing tagline: 'Special Interest Group for Math Linguistics.' description: 'SIGMathLing is a Forum and Resource Cooperative for the Linguistics of Mathematical/Technical Documents.' ####url: http://openmath.github.io baseurl: '' paginate: 10 paginate_path: "/news/page:num/" future: True plugins: - jemoji - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-github-metadata exclude: ['_activities/README.md', '*.synctex.gz', '*.aux', '*.nav', '*.out', '*.snm', '*.tex', '*.log', '*.toc'] # About/contact author: name: 'SIGMathLing' # url: '' email: michael.kohlhase@fau.de # twitter: OpenMathSoc repository_url: https://gl.kwarc.info/SIGMathLing/website repository: SIGMathLing/website sources: https://gl.kwarc.info/SIGMathLing/website#the-sources-of-the-sigmathling-web-site membership_admin: michael.kohlhase@fau.de collections: activities: output: true github: [metadata] # Custom vars version: 0.2.0