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+# General
+* [How to apply](https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/how-to-apply/)
+* [Documents and guidelines](https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/documents-and-guidelines/), 
+  including COST implementation rules, and [SESA guidelines](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/COST-004-18-REV-COST_Open_Call_SESA_guidelines.pdf)
+(submission, evaluation, selection, approval).
+## Contents
+1.  [Overview](#overview)
+2.  [Scope](#scope)
+3.  [Consortium](#consortium)
+4.  [SESA](#sesa)
+# Overview
+See the [infographic](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/infographic_opencall2020.pdf)
+* Identify your research challenge and explain how tackling it could lead to breakthroughs.
+* Demonstrate how networking helps tackle the challenge.
+* Present a detailed plan to reach your objectives in 4 years.
+* Show you are able to engage the right stakeholders, having a balanced European participation, 
+gender representation and various career stages.
+* Explain how you will maximise the impact of your idea.
+The decision is communicated approximately at the end of 2020.
+# Scope
+Mainly research data in mathematics.
+* Expand towards mathematical research data in other disciplines?
+* Expand to include other digital tools for doing mathematics, such as software?
+# Consortium
+Format: **COST member**: list of participants
+* **Finland**: EMS?, Aalto (via [Jukka](https://people.aalto.fi/jukka.kohonen))
+* **France**: PSud?
+* **Germany**: FAU, zbMATH?
+* **Slovenia**: UL, UP?
+[Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC)](https://www.cost.eu/who-we-are/cost-strategy/excellence-and-inclusiveness/):
+Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, 
+Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, 
+Romania, **Slovenia**, Slovakia, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.
+The minimum number of countries included at the proposal stage is seven COST Members.
+The required minimum number of ITC per number of COST full or cooperating members
+represented in a proposal is determined on page 16 of the
+[rules for participation and implementation](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/COST-132-14-REV-6-Rules-for-Participation-in-and-Implementation-of-COST-Activities.pdf).
+It needs to be strictly more than 50% (and so 4, if there are 7 cooperating members).
+## Brainstorming
+* [Logilab](https://www.logilab.fr/) was a [partner in OpenDreamKit](https://opendreamkit.org/people/partners/)
+* [LMFDB](http://www.lmfdb.org/), John Cremona, University of Warwick, others?
+### Places to look, etc
+* Contact dataset authors/maintainers from the [list of math datasets](https://mathdb.mathhub.info)
+The proposal is submitted by a network of proposers, represented by a Main Proposer.
+The network needs to be composed of proposers from at least 7 COST Full or Cooperating Members,
+satisfying the ICT criterion (below).
+The proposal is submitted at any time through the on-line tool which allows the
+Main Proposer to access and edit until the chosen Collection date: **April 29th, 2020**.
+Only the last submitted version of a proposal will be considered for evaluation.
+Proposals should be written in English.
+The proposal is anonymous, and 
+> contains no reference to the proposers’ 
+> and/or institutions’ names participating in the network of proposers, 
+> meaning that proposers and/or institutions’ names should neither be
+> explicitly mentioned nor be potentially identifiable".
+> Independent External Experts carry out the remote peer-review evaluation.
+> They shall be identified, selected and assigned to proposals on the basis of 
+> their scientific and technological expertise necessary for the evaluation of proposals. 
+> This shall be notably based on keywords chosen by the network of proposers themselves.
+* S&T excellence: **15 points**,
+* Networking excellence: **15 points**,
+* Impact: **15 points**,
+* Implementation: **5 points**.
+Total points: **50**, overall treshold: **34**. 
+(Proposals failing to achieve the overall threshold shall not be funded.)
+More details on selection are in the rules for
+[submission, evaluation, selection, and approval](https://www.cost.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/COST_133-14_COST_Action_Proposal_Submission_Evaluation_Selection_and_Approval-REV-4.pdf)
-Proposal (draft) for a COST action dedicated to mathematical data
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