diff --git a/courses/swuv.md b/courses/swuv.md
index 4092251f7728bdfac7805e75672fa7867eb829af..36312156f48823239abe5c89153497a6b4a2b171 100644
--- a/courses/swuv.md
+++ b/courses/swuv.md
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ semesters:
     - SS23
     - WS23/24
     - SS24
+    - WS24/25
 ##### Administrative
 The seminar is offered every semester. No formal registration is necessary - just attend the first meeting.
-It takes place <!--- every Thursday 14:15-15:45 -->
-Wednesdays 16:15-17:45 throughout the lecture period in Room 00.131-128, Cauerstraße 11.
+It takes place every Thursday 14:15-15:45 throughout the lecture period in Room 00.131-128, Cauerstraße 11.
 For general discussion of the seminar, use the chat room https://matrix.to/#/#swuv:fau.de.
@@ -37,7 +38,47 @@ If we need to do it via zoom, we will use the following room:
 * meeting ID: 934 2482 0605
 * password: 027214
-##### Schedule SS 2024
+##### Schedule
+| 17. 10. 2023 | Kohlhase, Rabe | Admin, discussion of topics ||
+| 24. 10. 2023 | Kohlhase, Rabe  | TBD ||
+##### Content and Audience
+This seminar discusses selected topics from knowledge representation.
+This is a wide field that pervades all of computer science and many adjacent sciences like mathematics and physics.
+Typical topics involve
+* formal languages (logics, programming languages, data description languages, ontologies, informal scientific languages, ...)
+* tools for working with and applying such languages, both in general and domain-specific ones
+* libraries of formal knowledge and systems for building, maintaining, and managing them
+* knowledge-based services like search or user interfaces
+In particular, the primary application of our research is mathematical knowledge, but we are always interested in other areas on a case-by-case basis.
+The difficulty of topics varies from introductory topics for ambitious Bachelor students to research topics of PhD students.
+We also occasionally have advanced talk from visiting researchers.
+The social center of the seminar is the [KWARC research group](http://kwarc.info), and the talks reflect the current research in the group.
+Therefore, the seminar is well-suited for newcomers, e.g., students interested in a Master thesis or PhD.
+##### Topics
+The seminar consists of weekly talks. Every student chooses one topic on which to give a talk.
+Additionally every student prepares a report about their topic. The grades is based on attendance, the talk, and the report.
+Topics are chosen individually with the instructors, typically at the first seminar slot.
+Students are allowed and encouraged to make suggestions for their topic - anything is allowed that is scientific and broadly related to knowledge representation.
+Some topics can be found at https://gl.kwarc.info/kwarc/thesis-projects/ (Those are thesis topics, but they are representative of the kind of topics that also work in the seminar.)
+In general, all papers from the IJCAR, CADE, ITP, LICS, CSL, FSCD, CICM, ICMS, KR, ISWC conferences and related workshops of the last few years are acceptable.
+##### For the record: Schedule SS 2024
@@ -77,38 +118,6 @@ If we need to do it via zoom, we will use the following room:
 | | Johannes Hoang | GeoGebra Discovery / Automated reasoning tools in GeoGebra Discovery | |
 | | Bhupali Chakraborty | Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks |
-##### Content and Audience
-This seminar discusses selected topics from knowledge representation.
-This is a wide field that pervades all of computer science and many adjacent sciences like mathematics and physics.
-Typical topics involve
-* formal languages (logics, programming languages, data description languages, ontologies, informal scientific languages, ...)
-* tools for working with and applying such languages, both in general and domain-specific ones
-* libraries of formal knowledge and systems for building, maintaining, and managing them
-* knowledge-based services like search or user interfaces
-In particular, the primary application of our research is mathematical knowledge, but we are always interested in other areas on a case-by-case basis.
-The difficulty of topics varies from introductory topics for ambitious Bachelor students to research topics of PhD students.
-We also occasionally have advanced talk from visiting researchers.
-The social center of the seminar is the [KWARC research group](http://kwarc.info), and the talks reflect the current research in the group.
-Therefore, the seminar is well-suited for newcomers, e.g., students interested in a Master thesis or PhD.
-##### Topics
-The seminar consists of weekly talks. Every student chooses one topic on which to give a talk.
-Additionally every student prepares a report about their topic. The grades is based on attendance, the talk, and the report.
-Topics are chosen individually with the instructors, typically at the first seminar slot.
-Students are allowed and encouraged to make suggestions for their topic - anything is allowed that is scientific and broadly related to knowledge representation.
-Some topics can be found at https://gl.kwarc.info/kwarc/thesis-projects/ (Those are thesis topics, but they are representative of the kind of topics that also work in the seminar.)
-In general, all papers from the IJCAR, CADE, ITP, LICS, CSL, FSCD, CICM, ICMS, KR, ISWC conferences and related workshops of the last few years are acceptable.
 ##### For the record WS 2023/2024