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layout: tagpage
tag: recruiting
title: Recruiting
layout: tagpage
tag: release
title: Release
layout: tagpage
tag: talk
class: event
title: Talk
layout: tagpage
tag: workshop
title: Workshop
class: event
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layout: default
title: KWARC Contact
For general questions, contact the head of the group:
For general questions, contact the head of the group:
[Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase](/people/mkohlhase/)
*Professur für Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung*; Informatik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
**Office**: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.139, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, <>
**Office**: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.139, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, michael.kohlhase [at]
**Secretary**: Gabriele Schönberger, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, <>
**Secretary**: Gabriele Schönberger, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, gabriele.schoenberger [at]
For specific questions, please contact the members of the KWARC group directly or use the mailing lists:
* <> (the core group, i.e. PIs, postdocs, and Ph.D. students)
* <> (all KWARCies, i.e. including students)
* <> (for systems, ...)
* core [at] (the core group, i.e. PIs, postdocs, and Ph.D. students)
* group [at] (all KWARCies, i.e. including students)
* admin [at] (for systems, ...)
layout: course
title: AI Research Project
- mkohlhase
- frabe
- SS16
- WS16/17
- SS17
- WS17/18
- SS18
- WS18/19
- SS19
- WS19/20
- SS20
- WS20/21
- SS21
- WS21/22
- SS22
The KWARC group offers guided research projects in Artificial Intelligence either at the Bachelor's level or the Master's level.
The topics of these projects are individually tailored to the student's interest and the
projects themselves will be supervised closely by senior KWARC members.
Projects will consist of a research/development project commensurable in size with the
ECTS points awarded, and end in a research report that documents it.
Even though administratively, AI Projects are tied to particular semesters, the research
itself can be conducted at any time, and we are quite flexible in scheduling.
See the [KWARC research page](/research/) for a general introduction to the research
conducted in the KWARC group and
[the KWARC research topics list]( for
exemplary topics.
layout: course
title: General Information and Communication Technology I
- mkohlhase
- Prof. Jürgen Schönwälder
- Prof. Peter Baumann
- Prof. Herbert Jaeger
organization: Jacobs University
- Fall14
- Fall15
An Introduction to Computer Science for students of all subjects.
layout: course
title: General Information and Communication Technology II
- mkohlhase
- Prof. Jürgen Schönwälder
- Prof. Peter Baumann
- Prof. Herbert Jaeger
organization: Jacobs University
- Spring15
An Introduction to Computer Science for students of all subjects.
layout: course
title: Logic-Based Representation of Mathematical/Technical Knowledge
- mkohlhase
- frabe
- SS17
- SS18
- SS19
- SS20
- SS21
- SS22
- SS23
- SS25
This course covers the foundations of mathematics, modular formalizations in theory graphs,
narrative structures in informal mathematical/technical documents, and the formalization
of logical languages in meta-logical frameworks.
This is (tradictionally) a small course, so we can make it very interactive and
project-like. The contents are split between
* lectures, where we discuss the concepts and
* labs, where we jointly formalize mathematical knowledge and representation languages in
* [KRMT on StudOn](
* [Course on zoom](Https://
* [Videos on](Https://
* [Course Notes, Resources](
* [Formalization Tutorialz](
* [Formalizations of the last years](
layout: course
title: Artificial Intelligence
- mkohlhase
organization: Jacobs University
- Spring05
An intro course on AI following Russell/Norvig
layout: course
title: Artificial Intelligence I
- mkohlhase
- WS16/17
- WS17/18
- WS18/19
- WS19/20
- WS20/21
- WS21/22
- WS22/23
- WS23/24
- WS24/25
This course is the first part of a two-semester introduction into the field of Artificial
Intelligence (AI). It introduces the foundations of symbolic AI, in particular:
* Agent Models as foundation of AI
* Logic Programming in Prolog
* Heuristic Search as a methdod for problem solving
* Adversarial Search (automating board games) via heuristic search
* Constraint Propagation
* Logical Languages for knowledge representation
* Inference and automated theorem proving
* Classical Planning
* Planning and Acting in the real world.
The course follows the book
[Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach](
by Stuart Russell und Peter Norvig. We use the third edition.
The course materials (e.g. [Course Notes]( or
[Assignments](, but also old exams and
(some) solutions) are [here](
The course forum on [StudOn]( is an important source for advice and
discussions. The instrutor and tutors try to be present to help.
### German Version (possibly out of date)
Diese Vorlesung ist der erste Teil einer zwei-semestrigen Einführung in die Künstlichen
Intelligenz (KI). Sie beschäftigt sich mit den Grundlagen der symbolischen KI,
* Agentenmodelle als Grundlagen der KI
* Logisches Programmieren in Prolog
* Heuristische Suche als Methode zum Problemlösen
* Adversarielle Suche (Strategiespiele)
* Probleme unter Rand- oder Nebenbedingungen (Constraint Propagation)
* Logische Sprachen zur Wissensrepräsentation,
* Inferenz und Logisches Programmieren
* Klassisches Planen
* Planen und Agieren in der realen Welt
Die Vorlesung folgt dem Buch
[Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach](
von Stuart Russell und Peter Norvig. Wir verwenden die dritte Ausgabe.
Die Kursmaterialien (z.B. [Course Notes]( oder
[Aufgaben](, aber auch alte Klausuren)
finden sich in [hier](
Diskussionen finden auf dem
[StudOn]( statt. Dies ist
eine wichtige Quelle von Rat und Tat. Wir bemühen uns, auf dem Forum präsent zu sein, und
schnell auf Fragen zu antworten. Also das Forum abonnieren!
layout: course
title: Artificial Intelligence II
- mkohlhase
- SS17
- SS18
- SS19
- SS20
- SS21
- SS22
- SS23
- SS24
This course is the second part of a two-semester introduction into the field of Artificial
Intelligence (AI). It introducers the foundations of inference under uncertainty, machine
learning and language understanding. The course builds on and continues the course
[Artificial Intelligence I](/courses/ai1/) from the winter semester. In particular, the course
* Inference under Uncertainty
* Bayesian Networks
* Rational Decision Theory (MDPs and POMDPs)
* Machine Learning and Neural Networks
* Natural Language Processing
The course follows the book
[Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach](
by Stuart Russell und Peter Norvig. We use the third edition.
The course materials (e.g. [Course Notes]( or
[Assignments](, but also old exams and
(some) solutions) are [here](
The course forum on [StudOn]( is an important source for advice and
discussions. The instrutor and tutors try to be present to help.
### German Version (possibly out of date)
Diese Vorlesung ist der zweite Teil einer zwei-semestrigen Einführung in die Künstlichen
Intelligenz (KI). Sie beschäftigt sich mit den Grundlagen des Schliessens unter
Unsicherheit, des maschinellen Lernens und des Sprachverstehens. Der Kurs baut auf der
[Vorlesung Künstliche Intelligenz I](/courses/ai1/) vom Wintersemester auf und führt diese
weiter. Wir behandeln insbesondere
* Schliessen unter Unsicherheit
* Bayessche Netzwerke
* Theorie der Rationalen Entscheidungen
* Maschinelles Lernen
* Sprachverstehen (wenn die Zeit reicht)
Die Vorlesung folgt dem Buch
[Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach](
von Stuart Russell und Peter Norvig. Wir verwenden die dritte Ausgabe.
Die Kursmaterialien (z.B. [Course Notes]( oder
[Aufgaben](, aber auch alte Klausuren)
finden sich in [hier](
Diskussionen finden auf dem
[FSI Forum KI-I]( statt. Dies ist
eine wichtige Quelle von Rat und Tat. Wir bemühen uns, auf dem Forum präsent zu sein, und
schnell auf Fragen zu antworten. Also das Forum abonnieren!
layout: course
title: AI 1/2 Systems Project
- mkohlhase
- jfschaefer
- WS21/22
- WS22/23
- WS23/24
- WS24/25
- SS22
- SS23
- SS24
- SS25
- SS26
##### AI-1 and AI-2 systems project
The AI systems projects are designed to provide hands-on experience for the topics covered in the AI lectures.
The AI-1 Systems Project focuses on the symbolic methods discussed in the [AI-1 lecture]( (search, SAT solving, semantic web, planning, ...)
and the AI-2 Systems Project focuses on the subsymbolic methods covered by the [AI-2 lecture]( (Bayesian networks, (hidden) markov problems, machine learning, ...).
Each AI systems project is worth 10 ECTS.
Generally, you can pick whichever project sounds more interesting to you/is more relevant for your studies.
If you need two projects, you can also take both, but you cannot start both at the same time.
**Requirements:** There are no formal requirements, but we strongly recommend
that you either have taken the AI lecture or will take it in parallel.
Furthermore, you should have substantial programming experience (the programming language is not important) because you will have to program a lot.
In particular, the AI systems project is not a programming course, i.e. we expect that you are already proficient.
##### What happens in the project?
The project will consist of several large problems (≈6), which you will work on individually or in small teams.
Each problem will require a substantial amount of programming work - after all the project is worth 10 ECTS.
You can take a look at the [problems from the previous iterations]( to get a first impression.
The first problem is a warm-up problem, which you have to solve alone, so that you can judge whether the project works for you.
The remaining problems are intended to be solved in teams of size 2.
Furthermore, you will have to write a report on one of the problems and have a small presentation (or rather, a section of a presentation together with other people).
The details will be discussed in the admin meeting.
##### Sign-up
You can sign up for the AI systems project via [StudOn](
(sign-up is independent of whether you are interested in the AI-1 or AI-2 systems project).
You will probably be placed on a waiting list (this is normal; demand is high). We first accept people from the waiting list of the previous semester, so the course may already be fuller than indicated.
However, we will regularly accept new people throughtout the semester,
whenever students have finished or dropped out.
The project is designed in a way that you can join at any point, including in the middle of the semester.
In that case your project would simply continue for a while after the semester ends.
**Important: Make sure to regularly check if you have been admitted (you should also get an email notification).
If you miss some of the early deadlines, we assume that you are not interested in the project and will remove you to give other students a chance.**
##### Timeline
The project timeline is quite flexible:
* You can request to join the project at any time, and at regular intervals we will admit new people (the capacity is limited, so you might have to wait).
* Once we have admitted you, we will have an admin meeting, in which we will discuss more details about the project.
Check the StudOn forum for information on the time of the next admin meeting.
Afterwards, you should follow the onboarding guide (posted on StudOn).
You can still drop the project later on.
* Then you can get started with the warm-up problem.
The warm-up problem has to be solved individually and is a requirement to take the project.
It is also an opportunity for you to see if the project works for you. You can still decide to drop the project after starting the warm-up problem.
* Once you have solved the warm-up problem, you can sign up to solve the other ≈5 problems. These are intended to be solved in teams of size two,
but currently we also allow teams of size one (that might change at any point though).
Each problem is offered once a semester. It's up to you if you want to do all of them in one semester or e.g. spread it over two semesters.
* You will have to give a presentation on one of the problems. We will use some sort of sign-up process for that as well.
* You will have to write a report on one of the problems (can be the one you present). Furthermore, we will simulate double-blind peer review,
which means that you will have to write 3 anonymous reviews for other students' reports.
You will have to take initiative to finish the project.
That means actively following the announcements (e.g. about new problems or available presentation slots), making sure that you sign up for problems and reach out if you need anything.
Simply joining the StudOn course is not enough.
**As the number of spaces in the project is limited, we will remove students from the project who do not finish the on-boarding procedure in time or who do not submit a preliminary solution to the warm-up problem on time.**
If you have been removed, you can join the waiting list again.
##### It's different from "Projekt zur Künstlichen Intelligenz"
You might also find references to "Projekt zur Künstlichen Intelligenz (P KI)".
Despite the similar names, they are very different:
The systems project (as described on this page) is organized more like a course, parallel to the AI lecture,
and every student will work on the same set of problems.
"P KI", on the other hand, is an individual research project with the kwarc group.
In the AI Master you need two projects, so you could even take both (then taking the systems project first is probably a good idea).
##### Contact
If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to `"jan frederik schaefer".replace(' ', '.') + ""`.
Note that sending an email will not get you accepted into the project faster.
You can also join [our public AISysProj matrix room](
Matrix is a communications platform that is supported by FAU. We will use it to communicate during the AI systems project.
You can find instructions for joining Matrix at FAU [here]( (only in German, unfortunately).
layout: course
title: Computational Logic
- mkohlhase
- frabe
- dmueller
organization: Jacobs University
- Fall05
- Fall07
- Fall09
- Fall11
- Fall13
- Fall15
Theory and machine-oriented inference for propositional, first-order, higher-order, modal,
and description logics.
The course resources (course notes, literature, assignments) can be found [here](
layout: course
title: Computational Natural Language Semantics
- mkohlhase
organization: Jacobs University
- Fall06
- Fall08
- Fall10
- Fall12
- Spring14
- Spring15
This course introduces logic-based methods for computing and representing for the semantics of natural language. We use Montague's "method of fragments" to create a series of language models of increasing coverage (of English).
A **language model** is a triple of
* a grammar *G* that defines a language fragment that can be translated,
* a logical system *L* that acts as the meaning representation, and
* a translation from syntax trees induced by *G* to formulae in *L*.
The course resources (course notes, literature, assignments) can be found [here](
Having heard the course ["Computational Logic](" is very helpful, but not a prerequisite.
layout: course
title: Data Bases and Web Applications
- mkohlhase
organization: Jacobs University
- Spring05
An intro course on data bases and web applications.
layout: course
title: Representing Dynamics and Dynamic Representation
- mkohlhase
- Herber Jaeger, Jacobs University
organization: Jacobs University
- Spring05
An intro course on AI following Russell/Norvig
layout: course
title: General Computer Science
- mkohlhase
organization: Jacobs University
- Fall15
- Fall16
General Computer Science I is the first semester, introductory course taught at Jacobs University. Starting the Fall Semester 2015 (when GenCS II was dropped). It is really still the same as GenCS I.
layout: course
title: General Computer Science I
- mkohlhase
organization: Jacobs University
- Fall03
- Fall04
- Fall05
- Fall06
- Fall07
- Fall08
- Fall09
- Fall10
- Fall11
- Fall12
- Fall13
- Fall14
General Computer Science I is the first semester, introductory course taught at Jacobs University. It focuses on representation issues for objects, and uses SML as an programming language to equalize over a diverse student body.
layout: course
title: General Computer Science II
- mkohlhase
organization: Jacobs University
- Spring04
- Spring05
- Spring06
- Spring07
- Spring08
- Spring09
- Spring010
- Spring011
- Spring012
- Spring013
- Spring014
General Computer Science II is the second semester, introductory course taught at Jacobs University. It focuses on abstract computation (machine models), search, and declarative programming. It still uses SML as a programming language.