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with 219 additions and 5 deletions
layout: post
author: dmueller
title: "New MMT Version (15.0.0) Released"
- Announcements
A new [MMT Version (15.0.0)]( has been released.
layout: post
author: kbercic
title: "DiscreteZOO back online"
- Announcements
DiscreteZOO illustrates some of the possibilities for computer-supported management
of collections of finite combinatorial (discrete) objects, particularly graphs.
For technical reasons, the website has been offline for several months,
but is now back online ([](,
hosted on KWARC's servers.
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layout: post
author: dmueller
title: "New MMT-Plugin for IntelliJ"
- Announcements
A new [MMT-Plugin]( for the [IntelliJ IDE]( has been released, adding usual IDE-functionality (syntax highlighting, cross referencing, project management etc.) for MMT to the IDE.
Documentation and sources available [here](
layout: post
author: kbercic
title: "Kicking off a survey of mathematical data collections"
- Announcements
While there appears to be a lot of mathematical data collections
(in particular collections of concrete mathematical objects) out there,
it can be hard to track them down.
One of the end goals of the survey is a [website](
with information on mathematical data resources,
the first version of which is already online.
If you know of some such data, we welcome you to leave an issue on the
[survey wiki](
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layout: post
author: dmueller
title: "New MMT Version (16.0.0) Released"
- Announcements
A new [MMT Version (16.0.0)]( has been released.
layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: "Frederik Schaefer third best teaching assistant of the Technical Faculty at FAU"
- Announcements
KWARC's own Frederik Schaefer has been evaluated the third-best teaching assistant of the
Technical Faculy ([Wahlfach 5-19 evaluations]( for his work TAing [Artificial Intelligence II]( We are very proud of him.
layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: "KWARC wins bilateral DAAD travel grant with Slovenia"
- Announcements
[DAAD]( has awarded a two-year travel grant "MathDataHub" to KWARC and a research group around Primoz Potoci at the University of Ljubliana in Slovenia. We will use the money for collaboration on [DataMathHub]( and establishing Math Data Workshops.
layout: post
author: rmarcus
title: "Logic and Video Games: a Rework of FrameIT"
- Announcements
We have released the Unity based framework [UFrameIT]( as a major rework of the original FrameIT.
A paper that describes this effort has been accepted to [CICM 2020](
The FrameIT project builds a Framework for Serious Games by combining Virtual Worlds with Mathematical Knowledge Management.
There are many starting points for further research and we would be happy to have more students join this project.
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layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: KWARC leads BMBF project VoLL-KI (2021-2015)
- Announcements
- Voll-KI
Today, the KWARC group starts a new project: [VoLL-KI]( (Von Lernenden
Lernen: AI Methods for Tertiary education). This project is funded by BMBF with 5M€
- overall joint project with Uni Bamberg and Hochschule Coburg - 2M€ for FAU, split
between the KWARC group and the [DDI group (Didactics of Computer Science](
[Prof. Kohlhase]( coordinates the [overall project](
layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: Welcome Timur Fayzrakhmanov (Proect VoLL-KI)
- Announcements
The [VoLL-KI]( project welcomes a new member: Timur Fayzrakhmanov who
joins us from Kazan.
layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: "Special Trimester on \"Prospects of Formalized Mathematics\" at the Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics in Bonn"
- Announcements
The [Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics]( will offer a
Special [Trimester on "Prospects of Formalized Mathematics"]( May-August 2024.
[Prof. Kohlhase]( coordinates the organization.
layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: "sTeX3 Release on CTAN"
- Announcements
[sTeX3]( is a complete rewrite of sTeX - An infrastructure
for semantic preloading of LaTeX documents - in the LaTeX3 framework. It has just been
released to [CTAN]( the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network, and will be
part of [TeXLive 2022]( due out in April.
After almost 15 years, sTeX needed a complete makeover to regularize syntax, weed out
unused and deprecated features, and synchronize it better with the
[MMT]( system and functionality.
Compared to sTeX1, the new implementation does away with the need for external systems in
the PDF workflow, allows to add sTeX functionality to arbitrary document classes, and
completely reworks the XML-based content generation. Instead of using a
[LaTeXML]( fork we use
[RusTeX]( a new TeX engine that directly interprets the
sTeX3 packages and generates semantically annotated XHTML5 which can then be harvested by
[MMT]( for further knowledge management services.
Further development of the sTeX ecosystem (the packages, an IDE, RusTeX, ...) will
continue on [sLaTeX group on GitHub](
layout: post
author: mkohlhase
title: "MMT Release 22"
- Announcements
After almost 18 months of development, [MMT]( - the flagship
system of the KWARC group - has been released in [version
The long development time of this release has been a consequence of the growing
inter-dependency of the system-near library and the system code, which led to serious
maintenance problems in the past. Another problem was that a lot of dead code had
accumulated over the last decade.
These problems have been addressed in version 22 (see the [release
notes]( for details) and we hope
that MMT can now serve as a much more stable basis for mathematical knowledge management
and we can return to a faster release cycle for the future.
layout: post
author: dmueller
title: "Presenting sTeX3"
- Announcements
[Dennis Müller](/people/dmueller)'s recent presentation on and demonstration of the [sTeX3]( system at the [TeX Users Group Conference 2022]( is now available on [YouTube](
layout: post
author: frabe
title: "Representing Scientific Knowledge"
- Announcements
[Florian Rabe]( gives [invited talk]( at the [annual meeting]( of the [TiPES project]( on Tipping Points in the Earth System.
layout: post
author: frabe
title: "Exporting Proof Assistant Libraries"
- Announcements
[Florian Rabe]( gives [invited talk]( at [EuroProofNet workshop]( on the development, maintenance, refactoring and search of large libraries of proofs.
layout: post
author: frabe
title: "Automated mathematics: integrating proofs, algorithms and data"
- Announcements
[Florian Rabe]( will co-organize a [Dagstuhl Seminar]( on automated mathematics in October 2023.
layout: post
author: frabe
title: "Lean Export in MMT"
- Announcements
Starting with [the most recent devel commit]( MMT includes an export of the Lean prover libraries (via the low-level export files as parsed by the [treppline]( library.
layout: post
author: frabe
title: "The Future of Formalized Mathematics"
- Announcements
[Florian Rabe]( gives [colloquium talk]( at the [Hausdorff Center of Mathematics]( in Bonn.
......@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ For general questions, contact the head of the group:
*Professur für Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung*; Informatik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
**Office**: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.139, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, <>
**Office**: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.139, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, michael.kohlhase [at]
**Secretary**: Gabriele Schönberger, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, <>
**Secretary**: Gabriele Schönberger, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, gabriele.schoenberger [at]
For specific questions, please contact the members of the KWARC group directly or use the mailing lists:
* <> (the core group, i.e. PIs, postdocs, and Ph.D. students)
* <> (all KWARCies, i.e. including students)
* <> (for systems, ...)
* core [at] (the core group, i.e. PIs, postdocs, and Ph.D. students)
* group [at] (all KWARCies, i.e. including students)
* admin [at] (for systems, ...)