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layout: page
title: GI Meeting Deduction and Logic
The 2020-2022 annual meetings of the GI groups [Deduction Systems]( and [Logic in Computer Science](
(Gemeinsames Jahrestreffen der GI-Fachgruppen Deduktionssysteme und Logik in der Informatik) take place jointly in Erlangen.
They are organized by [Sergey Goncharov]( and [Florian Rabe](
In fact, due to COVID-19 pandemic, online meetings took place.
An in-person meeting of Deduction Systems is planned for 2022 as a part of the KI conference.
The 2021 meeting is [here](2021/index.html).
### Program of the Spring 2022 Meeting
The meeting will take place online on April 8.
The call for contributions is [here](2022/cfp.txt).
The program will consist of multiple sessions of zoom talks in the zoom room
The program is as follows:
* Session 1: 10:00 - 11:00 (chair: Claudia Schon)
* 10:00: Martin Suda, **Invited talk** Integrating Machine Learning into Saturation-based ATPs [slides (if any)](2022/suda.pdf)
* Break 1: 11:00 - 11:30: free discussion in zoom
* Session 2: 11:30 - 13:00 (chair: Florian Rabe)
* 11:30: Florian Wörz, Number of Variables for Graph Differentiation and the Resolution of GI Formulas [slides (if any)](2022/woerz.pdf)
* 12:00: Martin Lange, The Calculus of Influence - Formal Modelling of Biological Experiments [slides (if any)](2022/lange.pdf)
* 12:30: Florian Bruse, Model Checking Timed Recursive CTL, [slides (if any)](2022/bruse.pdf)
* Lunch break: 13:00 - 14:00
* Session 3: 14:00 - 15:30 (chair: Sergey Goncharov)
* 14:00: Colin Rothgang, Theorem Proving in Dependently Typed Higher-Order Logic [slides (if any)](2022/rothgang.pdf)
* 14:30: Jean Christoph Jung and Frank Wolter, Living without Beth and Craig: Definitions and Interpolants in the Guarded and Two-Variable Fragments [slides (if any)](2022/jung.pdf)
* 15:00: Hendrik Leidinger, SCL for First-Order Logic with Equality, [slides (if any)](2022/lange.pdf)
* Break 2: 15:30 - 16:00: free discussion in zoom
* Session 4: 16:00 - 17:00 (chair: Olaf Beyersdorff)
* 16:00: Marijn Heule, **Invited talk** Short Proofs in Strong Proof Systems Fragments [slides (if any)](2022/heule.pdf)
* Session 5: 17:15 - 18:00: Mitgliederversammlung Fachgruppe LogInf
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title: KWARC - Events
The Academic Events we organize
Some smaller academic events we have organized that do not have separate homepages:
* [Tetrapod Workshop at FLOC-2018](/events/Tetrapod-2018)
* [Tetrapod Workshop at FLOC-2018](Tetrapod2018/index.html)
* [GI Jahrestreffen Fachgruppe Deduktionssystem und Logic in der Informatik](GILogicWorkshops/index.html)
......@@ -5,11 +5,34 @@ title: Home
The ability to *represent knowledge about the world* and to *draw logical inferences* is one of the central components of intelligent behavior, as a consequence, reasoning components of some form are at the heart of many artificial intelligence systems.
#### Research
The KWARC research group conducts research in knowledge representation and reasoning techniques with a view towards applications in knowledge management.
We extend techniques from [formal methods]( so that they can be used in settings where formalization is either infeasible or too costly.
We concentrate on developing techniques for marking up the [structural semantics]( in technical documents.
This level of markup allows for offering interesting [knowledge management services]( without forcing the author to formalize the document contents.
##### Approach: Corpus-based Meta-Mathematics
In this title we have three components that warrant explanation:
1. **Mathematics**: we use the mathematical knowledge and mathematical documents as a test
tube for our research as the knowledge and document structures are quite explicit and
overt and the content of mathematics is well-understood. Anything that has the same
properties we consider to be "mathematics" as well.
2. **Meta**: we develop Meta-Artefacts, i.e. we
* design **representation languages** (logics) that allow to talk *about* mathematical objects,
their properties, and relations,
* invent **algorithms** that analyze and transform these representations, and
* implement them in **end-user systems** that utilize both.
3. **Corpus-based**: we do this as a natural science by looking at data (i.e. corpora of
documents and formalizations).
##### KWARC Process
We approach Corpus-Based Meta-Mathematics (iteratively) in three steps:
1. **Analysis**: we analyze the corpora for patterns and structures.
2. **Synthesis**: we design and build meta-artefacts (languages, algorithms, and systems)
and derive data sets from the corpora.
3. **Experimentation**: we evaluate the representation languages and algorithms on the
corpora and the systems on end users (mathematicians).
#### Recent News ([see all](/news/))
......@@ -18,3 +41,6 @@ This level of markup allows for offering interesting [knowledge management servi
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layout: person
title: Abhishek Chugh
fullname: M.Sc. Abhishek Chugh
pic: public/images/abchugh.png
role: Research Engineer
start_date: 2022-05
affiliation: Sophize Foundation
### Description
I am a software engineer and has worked on products such as Adobe Illustrator, Google Maps and Google Pay. I am passionate about organizing knowledge from different perspectives in a way that allows readers to effortlessly see all kinds of justifications for and against any claim. To further this goal, I started Sophize Foundation, a non-profit that is currently working towards building an open state-of-the-art [Mathematics library](
### Research Focus
As a KWARCie, I am very excited to help build systems and interfaces that will generate and present educational material tailored to each learner's specific needs.
......@@ -9,7 +9,13 @@ role: postdoc
start_date: 2005-12
end_date: 2014-08
dblp: k/Kohlhase:Andrea
researchgate: Andrea_Kohlhase2
github: akohlhase
mathhub: akohlhase
zbmath: kohlhase.andrea
publink: auto
orcid: 0000-0001-5384-6702
affiliation: Hochschule Neu-Ulm
......@@ -46,4 +52,4 @@ human-spreadsheet interactions and decouple our semantic services from specific
spreadsheet players like MS Excel.
At the end of last year I started to make use of Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique. The
example data set for the MathUI'13 paper you can find [here](
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example data set for the MathUI'13 paper you can find [here](
layout: person
title: Annika Schmidt
fullname: B.Sc. Annika Schmidt
pic: public/images/aschmidt.png
start_date: 2020-10
end_date: 2021-11
role: master-student
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
NOpublink: auto
### Description
I am a master student at [FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg]( Currently I am working on my master thesis at the [KWARC group]( and got employed there as a Hiwi to help with the AI-1 lecture.
In 2015 I started studying Computer Science at [FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg]( While finishing my bachelor's degree I visited some master courses. My main interests are optimization and artificial intelligence. Also, I am very interested in knowledge management and gaining new knowledge.
### Current Work
My master thesis is about the formalization of set theory in [KWARC's MMT system]( To achieve this goal I use some old formalizations of set theory in Twelf. Since I just started the exact course of my master thesis is still unclarified.
My work as a Hiwi mostly consists of cutting old lecture videos to make online lectures more attractive for students. Also, I give advice and help to come up with good questions for the students.
### Contact
Feel free to contact me at
layout: person
title: Constantin Jucovschi
fullname: M.Sc. Constantin Jucovschi
title: Constantin Jucowski
fullname: M.Sc. Constantin Jucowski
pic: public/images/cjucovschi.jpeg
role: phd-student
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Description
Constantin Jucovschi Ph.D. Student of Computer Science at FAU Erlangen supervised by
Prof. Michael Kohlhase.
Constantin Jucowski, Ph.D. Student of Computer Science at FAU Erlangen supervised
externally by Prof. Michael Kohlhase.
As of 2007 I am participating in various projects within the KWARC group, namely: SIDER:
main developer of the xText based framework for developing semantic IDEs. NWERC 2010:
......@@ -3,16 +3,19 @@ layout: person
title: Chenwei Shi
fullname: Dr. Chenwei Shi
SOONpic: public/images/dmueller.jpg
pic: public/images/cshi.jpg
role: postdoc
start_date: 2018-11
end_date: 2018-04
publink: auto
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Contact
Email: "d." + lastname.replace("ü","ue") + "@" + this.domain
Email: "chenwei." + mylastname + "@" + ""
......@@ -14,31 +14,27 @@ website:
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Contact
d D@T ginev A?T jacobs DASH university D0T ДЕ (Д is a cyrillic D in case you're wondering)
I am currently a consultant for NIST's [DLMF]( project, and a co-developer of [LaTeXML]( alongside Dr. Bruce Miller. My main focus is to enhance the representation of mathematical expressions in DLMF, improving their accessibility, computational semantics, and enabling further reuse in a broader class of applications.
### Description
I completed my [BSc]( in 2009, my [MSc]( in 2011 and am currently pursuing a [PhD degree](
### Contact
My initial work was focused at the arXMLiv effort for converting the Cornell e-Print
archive from TeX to HTML. It has since expanded to the
[sTeX]( (a semantically enriched authoring toolkit for
LaTeX) and [LLaMaPUn]( projects (NLP and Data Mining on
STEM scientific publications).
Twitter: [@dginev](
### Abridged Bio
I am a co-developer of [LaTeXML](, an ambitious TeX to XML converter. LaTeXML aims at being a full reimplementation of the TeX engine, supports the LaTeX/XeTeX/LuaTeX macro languages and exports to XML, (X)HTML5, and ePub. I maintain a semi-official [LaTeXML showcase](, where you can see a variety of example conversions.
Bulgarian 🇧🇬
I am also the current developer and maintainer of [NNexus](, the auto-linker for mathematical concepts of the encyclopedia (and have been elected to serve as one of PlanetMath's executive board members).
I was a student at KWARC between 2007-2011, under Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase. I completed my MSc in 2011, at Jacobs University Bremen. Since then I have been enrolled as a PhD student, now at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
All of my research work is released as Free Libre Open Source Software, so feel invited to [follow me on GitHub](, and to use my [CPAN distributions](
In 2012, I first visited the United States as a guest researcher at NIST's Gaithersburg campus. I had a chance to do three of those visits until 2014.
I spent 2014-2017 as the first hire of [Authorea]( in New York. The three years as a "full stack developer" at a startup were a triple espresso of realism. Authorea has since been acquired by the Wiley publishing company. I learned a great deal!
My supervisor is Prof. [Michael Kohlhase](, head of the [KWARC]( research group (Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content).
In 2018, I returned to my work with LaTeXML, which is what I continue to date. We have made great strides in some regards, notably the recent announcement of [the ar5iv project]( and its subsequent adoption as an [arXiv Lab]( at Cornell. I am happy to now also be a registered volunteer contributor with Cornell University, as the "virtual head" of the ar5iv Lab.
### Research Focus
My primary interest lies in Mathematical Knowledge Management and Computational Semantics of Natural Language, with a focus on Underspecification and Ambiguity in the Math domain.
In 2021, I joined the [W3C Math]( working group, as a NIST-endorsed independent expert.
I am also involved in and excited by the problems of Scalable Software Architectures, Data Mining, Processing in the Large and the Semantic Web.
My PhD journey is now spanning two continents and over a decade. In 2022, I am in the final write-up phase for completing the degree with Michael.
My current work is targeting large-scale Semantic Enrichment of informal mathematical documents, based on the [arXiv]( corpus. For a more detailed view, feel free to read my [PhD Proposal](
At present, I reside in New York City, next to the campus of Rockefeller University. I can see the arXiv office at Cornell Tech from my window, which was a completely unplanned - yet delightful! - accident of life.
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layout: person
title: Dennis Müller
fullname: M.Sc. Dennis Müller
fullname: Dr. Dennis Müller
pic: public/images/dmueller.jpg
role: phd-student
role: postdoc
start_date: 2015-04
publink: auto
github: Jazzpirate
orcid: 0000-0002-4482-4912
mathhub: jazzpirate
researchgate: Dennis-Mueller-9
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Description
PostDoc (Thesis 10/2019:
[Mathematical Knowledge Management Across Formal Libraries](
B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mathematics with focus on model theory and axiomatic set theory from
University Freiburg.
Primarily interested in mathematical knowledge management across systems, libraries,
foundations and degrees of formality (flexiformal mathematics).
Interested in foundations of mathematics and formal languages.
### Contact
Email: "d." + lastname.replace("ü","ue") + "@" + this.domain
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Email: "d." + lastname.replace("ü","ue") + "@" + this.domain
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
layout: person
title: Florian Rabe
fullname: PD Dr. Florian Rabe
fullname: Prof. Dr. Florian Rabe
pic: public/images/frabe.jpg
role: postdoc
role: faculty
start_date: 2005-09
publink: auto
affiliation: Jacobs University Bremen
affiliation: FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
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layout: person
title: Gabriele Schoenberger
fullname: Gabriele Schoenberger
pic: public/images/gschoenberger.jpg
role: support-staff
start_date: 2017-03
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Contact
Office: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.158, gabriele.schoenberger [at] fau. de