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......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ title: Jonas Betzendahl
fullname: M.Sc. Jonas Betzendahl
pic: public/images/jbetzendahl.jpg
orcid: 0000-0001-6659-5308
github: lambdatotoro
researchgate: Jonas_Betzendahl
dblp: b/Betzendahl:Jonas
publink: auto
role: phd-student
......@@ -12,12 +16,12 @@ start_date: 2016-08
### Description
Hi, my name is Jonas Betzendahl and I'm a PhD Student at KWARC.
Hi, my name is Jonas Betzendahl, I use all pronouns, and I'm a PhD Student at KWARC.
I finished my Master's degree at Bielefeld University with a thesis at KWARC about the transportation of the standard mathematics library of the IMPS theorem prover into OMDOC format and everything associated. You can find it [here](
My Bachelor Thesis at Bielefeld University had the topic of implementing Inverse Coupled Rewrite Systems (ICORES) in Haskell. It's available [here](
I'm interested in logic, theorem proving, category theory, type theory and (formal) mathematics.
I'm interested in teaching, logic, theorem proving, type theory and (formal) mathematics. My PhD research is concerned with the learner management side of the [ALeA]( system.
If you want to contact me, my email address is (my pgp-key is [here](../keys/0xC64D686FC97D4B2D.asc))
If you want to contact me, my email address is:
layout: person
fullname: Jan Frederik Schaefer
role: master-student
title: Jan Frederik Schaefer
fullname: M.Sc. Jan Frederik Schaefer
role: phd-student
pic: public/images/jfschaefer.jpg
github: jfschaefer
researchgate: Jan_Frederik_Schaefer2
orcid: 0000-0003-2545-4626
publink: auto
start_date: 2014-03
My undergraduate studies I completed at [Jacobs University](
The topic of my bachelor thesis was *"Declaration Spotting in Mathematical Documents"*.
You can find it [here](
I completed my undergraduate studies at [Jacobs University](
After working as a backend software engineer for Skype in Prague, Czech Republic,
I returned to university and am now a master student at [FAU](,
I returned to university to pursue a master's degree and now a PhD at [FAU](,
following the KWARC research group's relocation to South Germany.
My research interest is still in the realm of math linguistics, i.e. processing and understanding the language of mathematical/technical documents.
Mathematical language is very different from natural language in several ways (formulas, introducing new words on the go, etc.), making it a very fascinating topic.
My research interest is in the area of math linguistics, i.e. processing and understanding the language of mathematical/technical documents.
Mathematical language differs from natural language in several ways (formulas, introducing new words on the go, high precision, etc.), making it a very fascinating topic.
Email: `fullname.replace(" ", ".") + "@" + ""`
layout: person
title: John Schihada
fullname: B.Sc. John Schihada
pic: public/images/jschihada.png
start_date: 2019-10
start_date: 2021-11
role: master-student
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
NOpublink: auto
### Description
I am a master student at [FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg]( Currently I am working on my master's thesis at the [KWARC group]( Additionally I'm a working student at codemanufaktur GmbH with focus on backend development.
In 2018 I completed my undergraduate studies at [OTH Regensburg]( I wrote my bachelor thesis with the topic "Prototypical implementation of diagnostic functionalities on a communication module" at BSH Hausgeräte GmbH. In 2019 I started my project module on the [FrameIT]( topic, which ignited my passion for game development and knowledge management.
### Current Work
In the last month the UFrameIT-Team made great improvements in generalizing the Framework and exploiting potentials of the underlying method. In my master's thesis I want to continue at that point.
### Contact
Feel free to contact me at
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ pic: public/images/jsee.jpg
role: bachelor-student
start_date: 2018-02
end_date: 2019-09
publink: auto
......@@ -19,4 +20,4 @@ Hi, my name is Johannes-Sebastian See and I am a Computer Science student at the
I am currently working on my Bachelor Thesis. That means I try to rebuild MathHub using React.
### Contact
\ No newline at end of file
layout: person
title: Johanna Vittinghoff
fullname: Johanna Vittinghoff
picwidth: 218
role: support-staff
start_date: 2017-03
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Description
Johanna Vittinghoff works as IT system administrator for the chair of Knowledge Representation/Processing and for the Chair of Theoretical Computer Science at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg since 03/2017.
Responsible for: Organisation, planning, purchasing, coordination, IT security and alignment of the IT infrastructure based on VMWARE; projects and services provision on different server systems;
### Contact:
Office: Martensstraße 3. 91058 Erlangen, room 11.154, johanna.vittinghoff [at] fau . de
IT Security Officer / IT Manager / Administrator / Postmaster
......@@ -2,17 +2,23 @@
layout: person
title: Kai Amann
fullname: Kai Amann
SOONpic: public/images/dmueller.jpg
fullname: B.Sc. Kai Amann
pic: public/images/kamann.jpg
role: bachelor-student
role: master-student
start_date: 2018-02
publink: auto
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Description
Hi, my name is Kai Amann and I'm a Computer Science student at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
My Bachelor Thesis was focused on the field of active documents, more specifically on integrating [MMT]( into interactive [Jupyter]( Notebooks.
Currently I'm working on the scientific communication infrastucture [WissKi]( As of now WissKIs are fairly isolated *islands* of knowledge, which leads to fragmentation of the research community and to duplication of work. To alleviate these problems I'm currently working on a infrastructure to allow WissKIs to share their data with each other and bring us a step closer towards a *WissKI Commons*.
### Contact
Email: "d." + lastname.replace("ü","ue") + "@" + this.domain
Email: firstname + "." + lastname + "@" + ""
......@@ -3,16 +3,37 @@ layout: person
title: Katja Berčič
fullname: Dr. Katja Berčič
SOONpic: public/images/dmueller.jpg
pic: public/images/kbercic.jpg
role: postdoc
start_date: 2018-11
end_date: 2020-10
publink: auto
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
orcid: 0000-0002-6678-8975
github: katjabercic
gitlab: katjabercic
dblp: b/Bercic:Katja
zbmath: bercic.katja
researchgate: Katja_Bercic
affiliation: University of Ljubljana
### Contact
Email: "d." + lastname.replace("ü","ue") + "@" + this.domain
Email: firstname + "." + lastname.replace(“č”,”c”) + “@” +
I obtained my PhD in mathematics (combinatorics) at the University of Ljubljana.
I worked at the Josef Stefan Institute, spent one year working in the industry and
a year on a postdoc in Mexico (back to combinatorics).
Math research data has interested me for several years, but I only got a chance
to work on it full-time at KWARC.
I started a [database]( of (a subset of) datasets
in mathematics and am implementing MathDataHub with Tom Wiesing.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Each file needs some specific parameters:
* **title** Name of the person, doubles as the page title
* **fullname** Full name of the person, to be used in references
* **pic** Relative link to a picture of the person
* **picwidth** If provided, overrides the default picture width of `300`
* **role** one of *master-student*, *bachelor-student*, *phd-student*, *postdoc*, *faculty* or *guest*
* **start_date** (optional) a start date (YYYY-MM)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ permalink: /people/
{% assign people = site.pages | where: "layout", "person" | where_exp: "person",
"person.end_date == null" | sort: "start_date" %}
<p>This page lists the current members of the KWARC group (<a href="former.html">former
<p>This page lists the current members of the KWARC group (<a href="/people/former/">former
{% include people_list.html people=people %}
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ permalink: /people/former/
{% assign people = site.pages | where: "layout", "person" | where_exp: "person",
"person.end_date != null" | sort: "start_date" %}
<p>This page lists the former members of the KWARC group (<a href="current.html">current
<p>This page lists the former members of the KWARC group (<a href="/people/">current
members</a>). We are very proud of our alumni; if you are one, please keep in touch. </p>
layout: person
title: Marie-Helen Kamaris
fullname: Marie-Helen Kamaris
role: support-staff
start_date: 2025-03
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
......@@ -4,24 +4,38 @@ layout: person
title: Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
fullname: Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
start_date: 2003-09
role: faculty
pic: public/images/mkohlhase.jpg
start_date: 2003-09
orcid: 0000-0002-9859-6337
github: kohlhase
gitlab: mkohlhase
mathhub: mkohlhase
dblp: k/Kohlhase:Michael
zbmath: kohlhase.michael
researchgate: Michael_Kohlhase
publink: auto
affiliation: "Informatik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg & Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University"
### Description
Dr. Michael Kohlhase is professor for Knowledge Representation/Processing (Computer
Science) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and adjunct associate professor for Computer Science at
Carnegie Mellon University.
His research interests include knowledge representation for STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics), inference-based techniques for natural language processing,
computer-supported education and user assitance. He pursues these (interrelated) topics
focusing on the aspects of modular foundations (usually logical methods) and large-scale
structures in document corpora. The research is conducted in the context of the
[KWARC group]( (Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content) and in
extended visits to Carnegie Mellon University, SRI International, and the Universities of
Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and Auckland. Details in my [CV](/public/cv-kohlhase.pdf) or on [Wikipedia](
### Contact
**Office**: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.139, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, <>
**Secretary**: Gabriele Schönberger, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64057/55, <>
### Description
I am also an adjunct associate professor at the School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon
University. My research is conducted in the context of the KWARC group (Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content)
[go there for an overview](
**Secretary**: [Gabriele Schönberger](, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64057/55, <>
**ORCID**: [0000-0002-9859-6337](, **zbMATH ID**: [kohlhase.michael](
......@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ start_date: 2018-09
publink: auto
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
### Description
I am a PhD student at KWARC working on the [ALMANAC](
I am a scientific research assistant at KWARC working on the [ALMANAC](
In the broadest sense, I try to do practical philosophy by finding "good enough" answers to the
foundational theoretical questions of a field to allow practical application.
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ SOONpic: public/images/dmueller.jpg
role: master-student
start_date: 2016-04
end_date: 2019-08
publink: auto
layout: person
title: Marcel Schütz
fullname: M.Sc. Marcel Schütz
role: phd-student
pic: public/images/mschuetz.jpg
github: McEarl
orcid: 0000-0002-5386-5134
publink: auto
start_date: 2023-03
I am a PhD student at [FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg](,
currently involved in the [VoLL-KI](
I studied mathematics with a focus on mathematical logic and with
philosophy as a minor subject.
In 2020 I completed my *Bachelor of Science* at the
[University of Bonn](
with a thesis on the natural language proof assistant
and in 2022 I achieved my *Master of Science* at
[TU Darmstadt](
with a thesis on forcing in the context of topos theory.
I am interested in set theory, type theory and category theory, especially regarding
their role in the foundations of mathematics and the development of proof assistants.
Email: `firstname + “.” + lastname.replace(“ü”,“ue”) + “@” + “”`
layout: person
title: Michael Wagner
fullname: M.Sc. Michael Wagner
pic: public/images/mwagner.jpg
role: phd-student
start_date: 2020-09
publink: auto
### Description
I studied computer science at [FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg]( I wrote my master thesis ["Tetrapodal Harvesting of the OEIS - FAIR, Semantic Extraction and Organization"]( at the [KWARC group](
Afterwards I started working at the CDI as a developer.
### Current Work
Some of the things I'm working on/with at the moment include JupyterHub, Kubernetes, VUE, Filesender, OpenBIS, DataCite and the FAUDataCloud.
### Contact
layout: person
title: Navid Roux
fullname: M.Sc. Navid Roux
pic: public/images/nroux.png
start_date: 2018-11
role: master-student
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
github: ComFreek
orcid: 0000-0002-8348-2441
publink: auto
mathhub: NavidRoux
researchgate: Navid_Roux
### Description
I am Navid ([they/he]( and a research assistant at kwarc
currently funded on the [VollKI]( and [FrameIT project](
My research interest is *knowledge representation and processing* of formal declarative languages including
foundations, logics, type and set theories, and math.
My work is heavily inspired and closely tied to the [MMT project](,
where I develop theory in the framework given by the [MMT language](
and apply it in practice in the [MMT system]( (a reference implementation and associated ecosystem of software).
I am advised by [Michael Kohlhase]( and [Florian Rabe](
### Current Work
- **[FrameIT](** (see link for collaborators): developing a prototype of a serious educational game that exploits knowledge management and logic features of the [MMT system](
That way, we separate developing the 3D game mechanics from encoding and management of the serious game contents.
We formalize the latter in the MMT system and thus enable all the features that it already provides.
Checking whether a player-entered solution is correct? Amounts to typechecking.
Composing multiple serious game contents? Amounts to combination of formalizations.
Translating serious game contents from one world to another? Amounts to a pushout in the formalization.
See our paper [*FrameIT: Detangling Knowledge Management from Game Design in Serious Games*](
- **Partial and higher-order logical relations for a logical framework** and representation therein (joint work with Florian Rabe): we used partial logical relations to translate Church-style formalizations of type theories to Curry-style ones, see ["Systematic Translation of Formalizations of Type Theory
from Intrinsic to Extrinsic Style"](
### Previous Work
- **Publications (selection):** click on the bibliography icon on the right.
- [*Systematic Translation of Formalizations of Type Theory
from Intrinsic to Extrinsic Style*]( (joint work with Florian Rabe)
- [*FrameIT: Detangling Knowledge Management from Game Design in Serious Games*]( (joint work with Michael Kohlhase and many more authors, see link)
- **Master's Thesis:** [A Framework for Defining Structure-Preserving Diagram Operators]( (todo: links to corrupted pdf) ([slides](
- **Master's Seminar:** [*A Beginner's Guide to Logical Relations for a Logical Framework*]( ([slides](
- **Master's Project:** [*Structure-Preserving Diagram Operators*](
- **Bachelor's Thesis:** [*Refactoring of Theory Graphs in Knowledge Representation Systems*]( ([slides](
- **MMT ecosystem:** developing [tools]( and [multiple syntax highlighters]( making one's life even more enjoyable with the MMT system.
See [my personal website]( for Master's courses I have taken.
### Contact
Feel free to contact me at ``.
layout: person
title: Pascal Zoleko
fullname: B.Sc. Pascal Zoleko
pic: public/images/pzoleko.png
start_date: 2018-11
end_date: 2020-03
role: master-student
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
github: zolekode
### Description
I study Computer Science at the [University of Erlangen-Nürnberg]( where I focus on pattern recognition and knowledge representation. I previously studied Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. here in Erlangen-Nürnberg and my thesis was about developing a calculus to extend Fuzzy Description Logics with Nominals.
I am a big fan of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in real life. I love mixing up or morphing unrelated algorithms and combining different approaches to create new ones. My main interest lies in the unification of symbolic and sub-symbolic techniques that can make an impact in society and bring us one step closer to solving the one-brain barrier.
### Current Work
- My Master's studies and my Master's Project. In a nutshell the goal of the project is to find a way to translate mathematical text written in English to a controlled fragment of English. Achieving this goal would facilitate the formalisation of knowledge represented currently written in natural language.
- I am also a full time Researcher at [Flexudy]( Flexudy is a startup I co-founded that uses AI to help people learn easier and faster. The [FAU]( has always supported us from day one and thanks to the support of some Professors like Prof. Kohlhase, Flexudy recently obtained state funding.
My research at Flexudy focuses on Question Asking, Neuro-Symbolic Text embeddings and Text Summarisation.
### Contact
Feel free to contact me at
......@@ -2,17 +2,36 @@
layout: person
title: Richard Marcus
fullname: Richard Marcus
SOONpic: public/images/dmueller.jpg
fullname: M.Sc. Richard Marcus
pic: public/images/rmarcus.jpg
role: master-student
role: phd-student
start_date: 2018-04
publink: auto
affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
I am a PhD Student at [FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg]( and currently working on multiple project cooperations of the [KWARC group]( and the [Chair of Visual Computing](
I completed my bachelor's degree also at FAU and started to focus on computer graphics.
My thesis was about acceleration structures for ray tracing.
With the rapid development of new hardware, I became fascinated with the possibilities of virtual and augmented reality.
However, I also began to branch out to different fields, especially machine learning and artificial intelligence in general.
This also becomes apparent in my research interests. While I consider each of the mentioned fields as very exciting in its own right,
I am most interested in cases where they intersect with each other, e.g. rendering images with help of machine learning or intelligent agents in virtual environments.
My master's thesis focused on the 3D visualization of theory graphs and led to the development of the [TGView3D]( graph viewer.
Because of the complexity and size of those graphs traditional 2D-visualizations are often not sufficient.
Virtual Reality can then add intuitive and immersive interactions.
Currently, I am involved in the [UFrameIT Project](
UFrameIT brings knowledge management techniques into game development. It introduces a new workflow for integrating domain knowledge and solves different challenges of implementing game interactions.
### Contact
Email: "d." + lastname.replace("ü","ue") + "@" + this.domain