diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5dc2adb570e581879586accc76e14f14c72383c8..5dc36b206b5cc138534e06cd0636dab7238a9e3d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ It used to take around 5 minutes to build, with a few optimizations it now only
 The biggest slowdowns were:
 * unneeded iterations
-        * iterations within iterations (usually not required, if one thinks carefully)
-        * `if` conditions within a loop, instead of a `where` clause
-        * full iteration to extract a single item (use `first` instead)
-    * repeated sorting of `site.pages` by the same `menu_order` key (instead sort this once and use a global variable)
-    * multiple chained `if`s instead of a single `and`
-    * unneeded variable assignments (these seem to take a lot of time in liquid)
+   * iterations within iterations (usually not required, if one thinks carefully)
+   * `if` conditions within a loop, instead of a `where` clause
+   * full iteration to extract a single item (use `first` instead)
+* repeated sorting of `site.pages` by the same `menu_order` key (instead sort this once and use a global variable)
+* multiple chained `if`s instead of a single `and`
+* unneeded variable assignments (these seem to take a lot of time in liquid)
 ## How to use Jekyll to test/build this website