diff --git a/_layouts/project.html b/_layouts/project.html
index 187a1eff13ab18425a7140a65493e8ca5c189347..7ef5b9918324e656f7e4334fd44a248ec9b78f97 100644
--- a/_layouts/project.html
+++ b/_layouts/project.html
@@ -79,13 +79,18 @@ layout: default
                 {% endfor %}
-            {% if page.website or page.publink %}
+            {% if page.website or page.publink or page.proposal%}
                 <div class="card-action">
                   {% if page.website %}
                     <a target="_blank" href="{{page.website}}">Website</a>
-                  {% endif %}
+                    {% endif %}
+                  {% if page.proposal %}
+                    <a target="_blank" href="{{page.proposal}}">Proposal</a>
+                    &nbsp;
+                  {% endif %} 
                 {% if page.publink == "auto" %}
                   <a href="http://kwarc.github.io/bibs/{{ page.url | replace: '/projects/', '' | replace: '/', '' }}/">Publications</a>
                 {% elsif page.publink %}
diff --git a/projects/almanac.md b/projects/almanac.md
index 8a8a898a381c9f61ae5ef1f9d2e85fc1a61c301d..43c52a5cb8a84e019c4e836316b0a2880ad70d1d 100644
--- a/projects/almanac.md
+++ b/projects/almanac.md
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ title: "ALMANAC: Argumentation Logics Manager & Argument Context Graph"
 teaser: Decision situations require individuals and organizations to choose between a multitude of options based on facts, opinions, and arguments about the situation at hand or similar ones. There is already a large set of prior work on the representation of knowledge, inference, and argumentations; the ALMANAC aims to a) bring order into the zoo of proposed formalisms, b) categorize their inter-relations, and c) benchmark them on real-world corpora.
 active: true
-start_date: '2018'
-end_date: '2021'
+start_date: 'January 2018'
+end_date: 'December 2020'
 publink: auto
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ people:
 funding: DFG
 program: Normalverfahren
 grantid: KO 2428/18
+proposal: http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/projects/almanac.pdf
 Decision situations require individuals and organizations to choose between a multitude of options based on facts, opinions, and arguments about the situation at hand or similar ones. Current support systems are mostly fact-based and fail to take into account arguments found on the web or in the literature.
diff --git a/projects/oaf.md b/projects/oaf.md
index e749d3a887ae32821b8889f7cc49b81b4a696c33..ccbee7d2b30704d48b8ed336822219b9a01a097d 100644
--- a/projects/oaf.md
+++ b/projects/oaf.md
@@ -6,17 +6,19 @@ teaser: The OAF Project builds a theoretical framework for interoperability of t
 active: true
 start_date: '2014'
-end_date: '2018'
+end_date: 'June 2018'
 publink: auto
     - mkohlhase
     - frabe
     - dmueller
+    - jbetzendahl
 funding: DFG
 program: Normalverfahren
 grantid: KO 2428/13-1
+proposal: http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/projects/oaf.pdf
 OAF is a DFG-funded research project running from 2014-2017 and headed by Michael Kohlhase
diff --git a/projects/odk.md b/projects/odk.md
index 0245526eec5a3872e305147a1517ea897b924e89..05d6356483b5be1995b0e3c3c8914569b0fcdee6 100644
--- a/projects/odk.md
+++ b/projects/odk.md
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ people:
 funding: EU
 program: Research Infrastructure
 grantid: 676541
+proposal: https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/blob/master/Proposal/proposal-www.pdf
 website: http://opendreamkit.org