diff --git a/people/dginev.md b/people/dginev.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ec727190fd0e7d4ac4d9ca648a123702c3e7aaa
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+++ b/people/dginev.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+layout: person
+menu_title: Deyan Ginev
+title: Deyan Ginev 
+menu_order: 101
+fullname: Deyan Ginev
+affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
+account: dginev
+start-date: 2007-02
+pic: public/images/dginev.jpeg
+### Contact
+d D@T ginev A?T jacobs DASH university D0T ДЕ (Д is a cyrillic D in case you're wondering)
+### Description
+I completed my [BSc](https://svn.eecs.jacobs-university.de/svn/eecs/archive/bsc-2009/dginev.pdf) in 2009, my [MSc](http://old.kwarc.info/people/dginev/publications/DeyanGinev_MScThesis.pdf) in 2011 and am currently pursuing a [PhD degree](https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/dginev/public/DeyanGinev_PhD_proposal.pdf).
+My initial work was focused at the arXMLiv effort for converting the Cornell e-Print
+archive from TeX to HTML. It has since expanded to the
+[sTeX](https://github.com/KWARC/sTeX) (a semantically enriched authoring toolkit for
+LaTeX) and [LLaMaPUn](https://github.com/KWARC/LLaMaPUn) projects (NLP and Data Mining on
+STEM scientific publications).
+I am a co-developer of [LaTeXML](https://github.com/brucemiller/LaTeXML), an ambitious TeX to XML converter. LaTeXML aims at being a full reimplementation of the TeX engine, supports the LaTeX/XeTeX/LuaTeX macro languages and exports to XML, (X)HTML5, and ePub. I maintain a semi-official [LaTeXML showcase](http://latexml.mathweb.org/editor), where you can see a variety of example conversions.
+I am also the current developer and maintainer of [NNexus](https://github.com/dginev/nnexus), the auto-linker for mathematical concepts of the PlanetMath.org encyclopedia (and have been elected to serve as one of PlanetMath's executive board members).
+All of my research work is released as Free Libre Open Source Software, so feel invited to [follow me on GitHub](https://github.com/dginev), and to use my [CPAN distributions](https://metacpan.org/author/DGINEV).
+My supervisor is Prof. [Michael Kohlhase](http://kwarc.info/kohlhase), head of the [KWARC](http://kwarc.info/) research group (Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content).
+### Research Focus
+My primary interest lies in Mathematical Knowledge Management and Computational Semantics of Natural Language, with a focus on Underspecification and Ambiguity in the Math domain.
+I am also involved in and excited by the problems of Scalable Software Architectures, Data Mining, Processing in the Large and the Semantic Web.
+My current work is targeting large-scale Semantic Enrichment of informal mathematical documents, based on the [arXiv](https://arxiv.org) corpus. For a more detailed view, feel free to read my [PhD Proposal](https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/dginev/public/DeyanGinev_PhD_proposal.pdf).
+###non-academic professional profile
+please visit my [personal website](http://prodg.org).
diff --git a/people/miancu.md b/people/miancu.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66654e05eaa9cd59c1e5e982f796677718186c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/people/miancu.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+layout: person
+menu_title: Mihnea Iancu
+title: Mihnea Iancu
+menu_order: 101
+fullname: Mihnea Iancu
+affiliation: Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
+account: miancu
+start-date: 2012-04
+Ph.D. Student at KWARC
+ working on various projects within the KWARC group in the direction of iMMT and OMDoc2.