diff --git a/research/semantization.md b/research/semantization.md
index e3d4aaf76a9ad69441eda776aead633c86372181..1be74228532a2e739d403f09aa4604ed7db2652a 100644
--- a/research/semantization.md
+++ b/research/semantization.md
@@ -4,4 +4,22 @@ title: Semi-Automated Semantization
 menu_title: Semantization
 menu_order: 105
-...more to be written ...
+is the process of making the knowledge and structure in informal representations explicit,
+so that they can be acted upon by machines.
+Currently, 99% of the available mathematical kwnoledge is encoded in informal mathematical
+documents: journal articles, books, preprints, handwritten course notes or recordings of
+lectures. To make these accessible to
+[semantic services and knowledge managment systems](kminteract), we must semanticize them.
+The KWARC group engages in multiple projects to help along semantization. In the
+[sTeX](/systems/sTeX/) format, we enable authors to semantically prelaop LaTeX documents
+so that we can generate [OMDoc](/systems/OMDoc) representation from them (again via
+In the [arXMLiv project](/systems/arXMLiv) we transform the
+[Cornell ePrint arXiv](http://arxiv.org) into XML with MathML and explicit document
+structure via [LaTeXML](http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML). In the [LLaMaPuN](/systems/lamapun)
+project we develop libraries for automatically identifying meaning structures in arXMLiv
+documents so that we will eventually be able to harvest OMDoc from the results.