layout: person

title: Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
fullname: Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase

role: faculty
pic: public/images/mkohlhase.jpg

start_date: 2003-09
orcid: 0000-0002-9859-6337
publink: auto
affiliation: "Informatik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg &  Computer  Science, Carnegie Mellon University"

### Contact
**Office**: Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen, Room11.139, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55, <michael.kohlhase@fau.de>

**Secretary**: Gabriele Schönberger, Room 11.158, tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64057/55, <gabriele.schoenberger@fau.de>

### Description
I am also an adjunct associate professor at the School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon
University. My research is conducted in the context of the KWARC group (Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content)
[go there for an overview](http://kwarc.info).

**ORCID**: [0000-0002-9859-6337](http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9859-6337), **zbMATH ID**: [kohlhase.michael](https://zbmath.org/authors/?q=ai:kohlhase.michael)