Technical directions on adding a project ------------------------------------------ To add a new system, create a file in this directory, taking the existing files as examples. Each post needs some specific parameters: * **layout** use `project` * **title** the title of the project * **teaser** (optional) a one-line description for the overview * **active** boolean indicating if the project is active * **start_date** the system start date (YYYY[-MM]) * **end_date** (optional) the system end date (YYYY[-MM]) * **people** (optional) a list of KWARC people involved in this * **collaborators** (optional) a list of non-KWARC people involved in this * **funding** (optional): the funding body, *DFG*, *Leibniz Foundation*, *EU*, *Industry* * **program** (optional): the funding program * **grantid** (optional): the project identifier of the funder, e.g. `KO 2428/13-1` * **website** (optional): the project home page