layout: project

title: Thematic Netork "OpenMath"

active: false
start_date: '2001'
end_date: '2004'

    - mkohlhase

funding: EU
program: IST Thematic Netork
grantid:  IST-2000-29719

website: http://www.openmath.org/projects/thematic/

The OpenMath Thematic Network, was a European Union sponsored project with the following
main activities:

 * to organise workshops bringing together people working on OpenMath from around the world;
 * to provide a continued focus-point for the development of the OpenMath Standard and Content Dictionaries;
 * to facilitate European participation in the W3C Math Working group by sponsoring the representatives from NAG, Stilo Technology and INRIA.
 * to coordinate the development of OpenMath and MathML tools, in particular stylesheets;
 * to coordinate the development of OpenMath and MathML applications;
 * to disseminate information about OpenMath and MathML.