--- layout: person title: Andrea Kohlhase fullname: Prof. Dr. Andrea Kohlhase role: postdoc pic: public/images/akohlhase.jpg start_date: 2005-12 end_date: 2014-08 --- ### Description After having been associated with the KWARC research group at Jacobs University Bremen under guidance of Prof.Dr. Michael Kohlhase (I know the name coincidence is amazing ...) for a couple of years, since July 2011 I'm actually a working member of the group. Before I worked at the Safe-and-Secure-Systems department at DFKI (German Research Institue for Artificial Intelligence) in Bremen. Inbetween I have been "lent" to zbMATH (Zentralblatt Mathematik, Berlin) for a design study about search interfaces for mathematicians. I am still very fond of my previous research group [dimeb](http://www.dimeb.de) (Digital Media in Education) at the University of Bremen under guidance of Prof. Dr. Heidi Schelhowe. My research interest lies in the intersection between the fields of "Semantic Web" and "Human-Computer-Interaction", especially Interaction Design for semantic data ("Semantic Interaction Design"), with a focus on educational environments. I have developed the software system [CPoint](http://www.kwarc.info/projects/CPoint/), an invasive, semantic work environment in MS PowerPoint, which allows to enrich PPT documents semantically, which makes use of all this great semantic added-value information, and which provides conversion facilities for transcribing such semantically enhanced PPT documents into [OMDoc](http://www.omdoc.org) files. I developed the SACHS project, in which we built an invasive, semantic help system for the DFKI-internal Controlling System in MS Excel. Some prototypically implemented semantic interactions turned out to be quite nice, for example, "semantic navigation". At the moment I work for the SiSsI project, in which we explore some more human-spreadsheet interactions and decouple our semantic services from specific spreadsheet players like MS Excel. At the end of last year I started to make use of Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique. The example data set for the MathUI'13 paper you can find [here](http://www.kwarc.info/ako/ProcrustesAnalysis). ### Current Affiliation Hochschule Neu-Ulm [Current Home Page](https://www.hs-neu-ulm.de/andrea-kohlhase/)