permalink: /news/:year/:month/:day/:title/ # Setup title: KWARC tagline: 'Knowledge Adaptation and Reasoning for Content ' description: 'The Research Group of the Professorship for Knowledge Representation and Processing at <a href="" class="black-text">FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg</a> - <a href="" class="black-text">Computer Science</a> (previously <a href="" class="black-text">Jacobs University</a>). ' url: baseurl: '' paginate: 10 paginate_path: "/news/page:num/" blog_path: "/news/" future: True gems: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-github-metadata - jekyll-redirect-from exclude: - 'public/materialize/materialize-src/*' - 'public/*.md' - 'public/*.html' - '*/' # About/contact author: name: 'The KWARC Group' url: email: semester: SS17 # Custom vars version: 0.3.0 repository: tagfolder: tag materialize: materialize jquery: jquery-3.2.1 fontawesome: font-awesome-4.7.0 # Menu config menu: - title: 'News' url: '/news/' active: '/news/' - title: 'People' active: '/people/' items: - title: 'Current Members' url: '/people/' - title: 'Former Members' url: '/people/former/' - title: 'Bibliography' external: true url: '' - title: 'Research' folder: 'research' - title: 'Systems' active: '/systems/' items: - title: 'Current Systems' url: '/systems/' - title: 'Historic Systems' url: '/systems/historic/' - title: 'Projects' active: '/projects/' items: - title: 'Current Projects' url: '/projects/' - title: 'Completed Projects' url: '/projects/completed/' - title: '4Students' url: '/students/' active: '/students/' - title: 'Courses' active: '/courses/' items: - title: 'Current Courses' url: '/courses/' - title: 'Former Courses' url: '/courses/former/' - title: 'Contact' url: '/contact/' # Settings for compressing everything compress_html: clippings: [] comments: ["<!-- ", " -->"] # roles for people and their name roles: - id: faculty name: Faculty - id: postdoc name: Postdoc - id: phd-student name: "Phd Student" - id: master-student name: "Master Student" - id: bachelor-student name: "Bachelor Student" # default values -- the one for all **must** be first defaults: - scope: path: "" values: menu_hidden: false menu_order: 100 external: false