diff --git a/timeline/week18.txt b/timeline/week18.txt
index 9339b7adae152920434f31cdaed482e267178710..3609398f810a1886411a2aa087d70f0f89c98dbd 100644
--- a/timeline/week18.txt
+++ b/timeline/week18.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,16 @@ Week 17 (20.04.-26.04.)
 	[x] run all queries from ulo paper in virtuoso
-	[ ] import all data into graphdb
+	[~] import all data into graphdb
+		[x]  import coq data into graphdb
+		     -> had to use a little scritping to remove some
+		        invalid(?!) parts from the rdf files
+		     -> used script /ulo/coq-cut.sh
+		[ ] import isabelle data into graphdb
 	[ ] run all quries from ulo paper in graphdb