\section{Components}\label{sec:components} With ULO/RDF files in place and available for download on MathHub~\cite{uloisabelle, ulocoq} as Git repositories, we have the aim of making the underlying data available for use in applications. It makes sense to first identify the various components that might be involved in such a system. They are illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:components}. \begin{figure}[]\begin{center} \includegraphics{figs/components} \caption{Components involved in the \emph{ulo-storage} system.}\label{fig:components} \end{center}\end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item ULO data is present on various locations, be it Git repositories, available on web servers or on the local disk. Regardless where this ULO data is stored, it is the job of a \emph{Collecter} to assemble these {RDF}~files and forward them for further processing. This may involve cloning a Git repository or crawling a file system. \item With streams of ULO files assembled by the Collecter, this data then gets passed to an \emph{Importer}. An Importer uploads received RDF~streams into some kind of permanent storage. For use in this project, the GraphDB~\cite{graphdb} triplet store was natural fit. In this project, both Collecter and Importer ended up being one piece of software, but this does not have to be the case. \item Finally, with all triplets stored in a database, an \emph{Endpoint} is where applications access the underlying knowledge base. This does not necessarily need to be any specific software, rather the programming interface of the underlying database itself could be understood as an endpoint of its own. Regardless, some thought can be put into designing an Endpoint as a layer that lives between application and database that is more convenient to use than the one provided by the database. \end{itemize} These are the components realized for \emph{ulo-storage}. Additionally to these components, one could think of a \emph{Harvester} component. We assumed that the ULO triplets are already available in RDF~format. Indeed for this project this was the case as we work with already exported triplets from the Isabelle and Coq libraries. However, this is not necessarily true. It might be desirable to automate the export from third party formats to ULO and we think this is what a Harvester should do. It fetches mathematical knowledge from some remote source and then provides a volatile stream of ULO data to the Collecter, which then passes it to the Importer and so on. The big advantage of such an approach would be that exports from third party libraries can always be up to date and do not have to be initiated manually. We did not implement a Harvester for \emph{ulo-storage} but we suggest that it is an idea to keep in mind. Each component we did implement (Collecter, Importer, Endpoint) will now be discussed in a separate section. Here we only wanted to give the reader a general understanding in the infrastructure that makes up \emph{ulo-storage}.