Week 17 (20.04.-26.04.) ======================= [x] set up dev enviroment [x] set up backups of git@snufkin [x] create VM [-] try setting it up in ciptmp [x] set it up on nuc [x] think of a backup strategy -> for now I'm just experimenting -> put important things into Git -> consideer the vm to be volatile [x] look up related lectures [x] WuV -> no sign up required; first lecture on 23rd [x] Logic Based Knowledge Representation -> zoom only; starting on 23rd [~] familiarize yourself w/ some tooling [~] play around w/ Virtuso -> binary packages [1] are available but don't seem to conform to the directory structure described in the docs -> for building it yourself, you need libssl1.0 [2]; ugh; a very nice individual provides a script for building everything yourself [3] -> importing rdf works [4, 5]; only tried the coq dataset so far -> importing isabelle libraries also works; funnly enough the import randomly fails however, breaking my import script of the many small files; I'll have to build in some kind of retry -> retrying failed imports seems to work, but importing everything creates some worrying logs 17:09:31 *** read-ahead of a free or out of range page dp L=154972, database not necessarily corrupted. dunno if that's related to my small disk space on my current setup; I'll try again with my new disk which should arrive next week [~] play around w/ GraphDB -> default install wants x for a simple gui; a "server" install is probably what we want; I'll play with the regular install for now -> tried importing https://gl.mathhub.info/Coqxml/coq.8.9.0; fails as the rdf has a "tmpuri"; I imagine that is either (1) not desired in the export or (2) s.t. not supported by GraphDB [x] download source data [x] coq library -> https://gl.mathhub.info/Coqxml/coq.8.9.0 [x] isabell library -> https://gl.mathhub.info/Isabelle [x] ulo ontology -> https://gl.mathhub.info/ulo/ulo/blob/master/ulo.owl [-] destination data?! -> I only downloaded the already transfered triplets; for the topic of this work the conversation isn't really relevant; what I care about is querying RDF that uses ULO [~] reproduce ULO paper [x] download source ontologies References ========== [1] http://vos.openlinksw.com/owiki/wiki/VOS/VOSDownload#Pre-built%20binaries [2] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+package/libssl1.0-dev [3] https://gist.github.com/sven-h/b53aa87b78030fd97444d61580c67e1f#file-build_virtuoso-sh [4] http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/fn_rdf_load_rdfxml_mt/ [5] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41273536/virtuoso-isql-data-import-cant-stat-file