#! /bin/sh set -eu # Prepare DIRECTORY for import w/ the GraphDB web interface. # # That is, it searches for *.rdf.xz files in DIRECTORY and passes # each file to the isabelle-prepare-file.sh script. # # If you want to prepare Isabelle exported files for GraphDB, you # probably should use this script. if [ ! $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "usage: $0 DIRECTORY" 1>&2 exit 1 fi directory="$(realpath "$1")" threads=8 script_dir=$(dirname "$0") cd "$script_dir" # Recurse in $directory and pass each found item to # isabelle-prepare-file.sh. We use xargs(1) to seep this up by # exploiting parallelism. # # We also run it with niceness 15 as to not annoy other CIP users. find "$directory" -name "*.rdf.xz" -print0 | nice -n 15 xargs -0 -P $threads -I {} ./isabelle-prepare-file.sh {}