The FrameIT project builds a Framework for developing Serious Games by combining Virtual Worlds with Mathematical Knowledge Management.
The UFrameIT framework uses the Unity game engine with the [MMT]( system.
This repository contains the Unity project, which currently includes the framework itself and a demo game.
For more information about the project, please visit <>
## Installation (for end users)
Just download our latest release: <>
## Installation (for developers)
First, you have to set up a development environment:
1. Install [Unity]( 2019.4.x (LTS) via the Unity Hub. We periodically update to the latest LTS version. Currently, any 2019.4 version should work; you can safely ignore any version warnings popping up.
2. Clone this repository: `git clone`
3. Install [IntelliJ IDEA](
4. Follow these [instructions]( to get the necessary MMT archives and install the Server Component
1. Open the Unity Hub and add the folder where you have cloned this repository. Then, you can directly open the project in the hub.
2. Run the Server via IntelliJ (as described in the [FrameIT MMT server's usage guide](