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    namespace REST_JSON_API
        /// <summary>
        /// Collection of MMT URIs and mappings to C\# types (if applicable)
        /// </summary>
        public static class MMTConstants
            public static readonly string Point = "";
            public static readonly string ScalarProduct = "";
            public static readonly string PointSubtractI = "";
            public static readonly string PointAddI = "";
            public static readonly string VecMultI = "";
            public static readonly string VecCross = "";
            public static readonly string LineType = "";
            public static readonly string LineOf = "";
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            public static readonly string Wall = "";
            public static readonly string CreateWall = "";
            public static readonly string Triangle = "";
            public static readonly string CreateTriangle = "";
            public static readonly string OnLine = "";
            public static readonly string Ded = "";
            public static readonly string Eq = "";
            public static readonly string Metric = "";
            public static readonly string Angle = "";
            public static readonly string Sketch = "";
            public static readonly string RealLit = "";
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            public static readonly string Bool = "";
            public static readonly string Proposition = "";
            public static readonly string ParallelLine = "";
            //public static readonly string RectangleFact = "";
            //public static readonly string RectangleFactmk = "";
            public static readonly string CircleType3d = "";
            public static readonly string MkCircle3d = "";
            public static readonly string TriangleMiddlePoint = "";
            public static readonly string RadiusCircleMetric = "";
            public static readonly string AreaCircle = "";
            public static readonly string VolumeCone = "";
            public static readonly string ConeOfCircleApex = "";
            public static readonly string ParametrizedPlane = "";
            public static readonly string pointNormalPlane = "";
            public static readonly string OnCircle = "";
            public static readonly string AnglePlaneLine = "";
            public static readonly string OrthoCircleLine = "";
            public static readonly string TruncatedVolumeCone = "";
            public static readonly string CylinderVolume = "";
            public static readonly string EqualityCircles = "";
            public static readonly string UnEqualityCircles = "";
            public static readonly string ParallelCircles = "";
            public static readonly string RightAngle = "";
            public static readonly string AttachedPositionFunction = "0SET_IN_MMTConstants!";
            public static readonly string FunctionCallFact = "1SET_IN_MMTConstants!";
            public static readonly string FunctionFact = "2SET_IN_MMTConstants!";
            public static readonly string TestType = "";
            public static readonly string Product = "";
            public static readonly string Tuple = "";
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            public static readonly string MakeType = "";
            public static readonly string MakeTypeType = "";
            public static readonly string TypeType = "";
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            public static readonly string GetField = "";
            public static readonly string ListType = "";
            public static readonly string ListApplicant = "";
            public static readonly string ListLiteral = "";
            public static readonly string ListEnd = "";
            public static readonly string AddRealLit = "";
            public static readonly string AddArith = "";
            public static readonly string MinusRealLit = "";
            public static readonly string InvertRealLit = "";
            public static readonly string TimesRealLit = "";
            public static readonly string RealMultiplication = "";
            public static readonly string LEQRealLit = "";
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            public static readonly string IfThenElse = "";
            public static readonly string ProjL = "";
            public static readonly string ProjR = "";
            public static readonly string Map = "";
            public static readonly string PartialAggregate = "?Step";
            public static readonly string FeedForwardWhile = "";
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            public static readonly string FeedForwardWhile2 = "";
            public static readonly string FeedForwardWhileT2 = "";
            public static readonly string Filter = "";
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            public static readonly string Filter2 = "";
            public static readonly string FilterT2 = "";
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            public static readonly string Fold = "";
            public static readonly string IndexList = "";
            public static readonly string ToArray = "?ToArray";
            public static readonly string Invoke = "?lambda";
            public static readonly string Sin = "";
            public static readonly string Cos = "";
            public static readonly string Divide = "Divide";
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            public static readonly string SquareRoot = "";
            public static readonly string LessThan = "LessThan";
            //public static readonly string MakeUnityEngineVector3 = "UnityEngine.Vector3";
            public static readonly string MakeObjectArray = "MakeObjectArray";
            public static readonly string PropertyX = "";
            public static readonly string PropertyY = "";
            public static readonly string PropertyZ = "";
            public const string ScrollOppositeLen = "";
            public const string ScrollSupplementaryAngles = "";
            public const string ScrollAngleSum = "";
            public const string ScrollPythagoras = "";
            public const string ScrollCylinderVolumeScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollCircleLineAngleToAngleScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollMidpoint = "";
            public const string ScrollCircleScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollCircleLineAngleScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollCircleAreaScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollConeVolumeScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollTruncatedConeVolumeScroll = "";
            public const string ScrollCannonBall2D = "";
            public const string ScrollCannonBall3D = "";
            public const string ScrollCannonBallT3D = "";
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            public const string ScrollRiver = "";
            public const string ScrollRiverSimple = "";
            /// <summary>
            /// <remark>Needs to map to primitives where possible!</remark>
            /// </summary>
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Type> OMS_TO_TYPE = new Dictionary<string, Type>()
                { Metric,
                    typeof(LineFact) },
                { Triangle,
                    typeof(TriangleFact) },
                { Angle,
                    typeof(AngleFact) },
                { Eq,
                    typeof(RightAngleFact) },
                { RightAngle,
                    typeof(RightAngleFact) },
                { LineType,
                    typeof(RayFact) },
                { LineOf,
                    typeof(RayFact) },
                { OnLine,
                    typeof(OnLineFact) },
                { ParallelLine,
                    typeof(ParallelLineFact) },
                { CircleType3d,
                    typeof(CircleFact) },
                { OnCircle,
                    typeof(OnCircleFact) },
                { AnglePlaneLine,
                    typeof(AngleCircleLineFact) },
                { RadiusCircleMetric,
                    typeof(RadiusFact) },
                { AreaCircle,
                    typeof(AreaCircleFact) },
                { OrthoCircleLine,
                    typeof(OrthogonalCircleLineFact) },
                { VolumeCone,
                    typeof(ConeVolumeFact) },
                { TruncatedVolumeCone,
                    typeof(TruncatedConeVolumeFact) },
                { CylinderVolume,
                    typeof(CylinderVolumeFact) },
                { TestType,
                    typeof(TestFact) },
                { EqualityCircles,
                    typeof(EqualCirclesFact) },
                { UnEqualityCircles,
                    typeof(UnEqualCirclesFact) },
                { FunctionFact,
                    typeof(FunctionFact) },
                { FunctionCallFact,
                    typeof(FunctionCallFact) },
                { RealLit,
                    typeof(float) },
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                { Bool,
                    typeof(bool) },
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                    typeof(TupleFact) },
                { Product,
                    typeof(Tuple) },
                { ListType,
                    typeof(List<>) },
                { AddRealLit,
                    typeof(Func<,,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(float), typeof(float), typeof(float)) },
                { MinusRealLit,
                    typeof(Func<,,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(float), typeof(float), typeof(float)) },
                { Proposition,
                    typeof(bool) }, //typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(Type.MakeGenericMethodParameter(0), typeof(bool)) },
                { ProjL, // how?
                    typeof(Func<,>) }, //.MakeGenericType(typeof(Tuple))
                { MkCircle3d, typeof(CircleFact) },
                { ConeOfCircleApex, typeof(ConeVolumeFact) },
                { Ded, null },
                { Sketch, null },
                { TriangleMiddlePoint, null },
                { ParametrizedPlane, null },
                { pointNormalPlane, null },
                { ParallelCircles, null },
                { typeof(float).ToString(),
                    typeof(float) },
                { typeof(double).ToString(),
                    typeof(double) },
                { typeof(string).ToString(),
                    typeof(string) },
                { typeof(Vector3).ToString(),
                    typeof(Vector3) }
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, string> TYPE_TO_OMS = OMS_TO_TYPE.ReverseKeyValInto(new()
            { // **Overrides**
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              { typeof(uint),
                  "NaN" },
              { typeof(int),
                  "NaN" },
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> URI_TO_TypeOF = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                { MkCircle3d,
                    CircleType3d },
                { LineOf,
                    LineType },
                { CreateTriangle,
                    Triangle },
                { CreateWall,
                    Wall },
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> TypeOF_TO_URI = URI_TO_TypeOF.ReverseKeyVal();
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> HeterogenApplication_TO_TypeOF = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                { Tuple,
                    Product },
                { Product,
                    Product },
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                { MakeType,
                    MakeTypeType },
                { MakeTypeType,
                    MakeTypeType },
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> TypeOF_TO_HeterogenApplication = HeterogenApplication_TO_TypeOF.ReverseKeyVal();
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> HomogenApplication_TO_TypeOF = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                { ListApplicant,
                    ListType },
            public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> TypeOF_TO_HomogenApplication = HomogenApplication_TO_TypeOF.ReverseKeyVal();
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            //TODO: Make this dynamic
            //public static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> ApplicationSelector_TO_Index = new Dictionary<string, int> {
            //    { GetField,
            //        1 },