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UIconfig.cs 7.64 KiB
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    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.Events;
    using System;
    public static class UIconfig
        public static int FrameITUIversion = 2; // 1= FrameITUI; 2= FrameITUI_mobil
        public static int InputManagerVersion = 1; // 1= InputManager, 2=InputSystemPackage ; 3=overConfigfile
        public static int EventSystemModule = 2;// 1= InputManager, 2=InputSystemPackage ; 3=overConfigfile
        public static int GameplayMode = 5; //5=First Person, 4=third, 3=third+, 2=Escaperoom, 1=Sidescroller, 0=Sidescroller+
        public static bool InputDisable = false; //deactivate all Objects with access to the input system, so Bindings can be rebinded.
        public static bool autoSettingsAdaption = false;
        public static float cursorMaxRange_fromFirstPersonView = 10f; //used in World cursor
        public static float cursorMaxRange_fromObeserverView = float.MaxValue; //used in World cursor
        public static InteractingRangeMode interactingRangeMode = InteractingRangeMode.fromCharacterView;
        public enum InteractingRangeMode
            fromCharacterView = 1,
            fromObserverView = 2,
        public static int nextDialogPlease = 0; //WorldCursor to CharacterDialog
        public static int MainCameraID = 0; //0=Camera.main; 1=Cam1, 2=Cam2
        public static float[,] DPAD = new float[2, 4] { { 0, 0,0,0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } } ; //Movement, Camera   //Up, Down, Left, Right//
        public static bool localServerWithAdditionalWindow = true;
        //How to handle the waitTime to start ToolModeSelector
        public static int ToolModeSelector_HandlerMode = 1  ; //set 1. At moment no other options available
        public static int GadgetFirstUse = 0;
        public static double cursorSize = 0.03125; //=60/1920;
        public static double cursorSize_SliderMax = 1; //Faktor
        public static double cursorsize_default = 0.03125;
        public static bool checkOperationSystemAlreadyDone = false;
        public static bool checkOperationSystemAlreadyDone_check = false;
        public static int refHeight = -1;
        public static int refWidth = -1;
        public static int screHeight = -1;
        public static int screWidth = -1;
        public static float scaleMatch = -1;
        public static int Andr_Start_menue_counter = 1;
        //public static int Andr_Start_menue_counter = 1;
        public static ControlMode controlMode = ControlMode.Keyboard; //1=keyboard 2=mobile
        public enum ControlMode
            Keyboard = 1,
            Mobile = 2,
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        public static int touchControlMode = 1; //1=buttons, 2, 3
        public static float TAvisibility = 1;
        //public static List<Tuple<int, Texture2D>> CursorTexture_List_01 = new List<Tuple<int, Texture2D>>();
        public static List<(int, Texture2D)> CursorTexture_List_01 = new List<(int, Texture2D)>{ };
        public static Color colOnline = new Color(148f / 255f, 229f / 255f, 156f / 255f, 1f);
        public static Color colOffline = new Color(255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 1f);
        public static Color colPressed = new Color(133f / 255f, 140f / 255f, 107f / 255f, 1f);
        public static Color colSelect = new Color(133f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 107f / 255f, 1f);
        public static Color colClear = new Color(133f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 107f / 255f, 0f);
        public static double colliderScale_all =1;
        public static double colliderScale_all_SliderMax = 5; //Faktor
        public static double colliderScale_all_default = 1;
        public static double colliderScale_PC_default = 1;
        public static double colliderScale_Mobile_default = 4;
        public static double[] colliderScale_Obj_array = new double[10] { 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //id 1=tree,
        public static float camRotatingSensitivity = 2f;//Sensitivity to inputs.
        public static float camRotatingSensitivity_default = 1f; //slider 100% which value?
        public static float camRotatingSensitivity_sliderMax = 10f; //max value for slider 
        public class NetworkJSON
            public string lastIP;
            public string newIP;
            public string IPslot1;
            public string IPslot2;
            public string IPslot3;
            public string selecIP;
            public string ControlMode;
            public int TouchMode;
            public float TAvisibility;
            public bool autoOSrecognition;
            public bool autoSettingsAdaption;
            public string Opsys;     
            public int FrameITUIversion;
            public int InputManagerVersion;
            public double colliderScale_all;
            public double cursorSize;
            public float camRotatingSensitivity; //Sensitivity to inputs.
        public class NetworkJSONonlyString
            public string lastIP;
            public string newIP;
            public string IPslot1;
            public string IPslot2;
            public string IPslot3;
            public string selecIP;
            public string ControlMode;
            public string TouchMode;
            public string TAvisibility;
            public string autoOSrecognition;
            public string autoSettingsAdaption;
            public string Opsys;
            public string FrameITUIversion;
            public string InputManagerVersion;
            public string colliderScale_all;
            public string cursorSize;
            public string camRotatingSensitivity; //Sensitivity to inputs.
        //INPUTMANAGER KEY BINDINGS LIST for display Purpose
        public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Horizontal_01 = "left";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Horizontal_1 = "right";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Horizontal_02 = "a";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Horizontal_2= "d";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Vertical_01 = "down";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Vertical_1 = "up";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Vertical_02 = "s";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Vertical_2 = "w";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Running_1 = "left shift";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_ToolmMenue_1 = "e";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_MathMenue_1 = "tab";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Jump_1 = "space";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Cancel_1 = "escape";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_modifier = "m";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_mod_load_1 = "l";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_mod_save_1 = "s";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_mod_reset_1 = "backspace";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_mod_redo_1 = "r";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_mod_undo_1 = "u";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Fire1_1 = "Mouse 0";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_Fire2_1 = "Mouse 1";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_talk_1 = "c";
            public static string InputManager_KeyBinding_MouseScrollWheel_1 = "MouseScrollWheel";
        // 11=TouchUI_onoff // TODO: setter/getter event?
        public static int[] CanvasOnOff_Array = new int[30]; //1= ON 0=off, 2=on_withoutStartdefault , 3=off_withoutStartdefault
        //Which UI to activate after "ContinueGame" from "PauseMenue" 
        public static int[] CanvasOn_afterPM = new int[10] { 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        public static Boolean GamePaused = false;
        //Time.timeScale for resuming
        public static float Game_TimeScale = 1f;