MaZiFAU authored
TriangleFact; + first draft for topology/mesh + first draft for extracting colliders to tri-facts (StageBehaviour) +> including visual debug support + had to change some asset-import-setting to IsReadable FactRecorder; + tried to reduce number of Facts beiing send to MMT +-> delayed Twin creation +-> Ids may change during runtime + tradeof: compute(EquivalenceChecks) / Waiting for Server to answer + IDEAS: +-> switch to Fact as primary key and Id as secondary +-->see FunctionCallFact +-> bulk add
MaZiFAU authoredTriangleFact; + first draft for topology/mesh + first draft for extracting colliders to tri-facts (StageBehaviour) +> including visual debug support + had to change some asset-import-setting to IsReadable FactRecorder; + tried to reduce number of Facts beiing send to MMT +-> delayed Twin creation +-> Ids may change during runtime + tradeof: compute(EquivalenceChecks) / Waiting for Server to answer + IDEAS: +-> switch to Fact as primary key and Id as secondary +-->see FunctionCallFact +-> bulk add
Fact.cs 42.78 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using JsonSubTypes;
using System.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
public static class ParsingDictionary
//TODO? get rid of this, use reflection? instead, if possible
//TODO: docu
public static Dictionary<string, Func<List<Fact>, MMTFact, IEnumerator>> parseFactDictionary = new() {
{ MMTConstants.Point,
PointFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.Metric,
LineFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.Angle,
AngleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.Eq,
RightAngleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.RightAngle,
RightAngleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.LineType,
RayFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.LineOf,
RayFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.OnLine,
OnLineFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.ParallelLine,
ParallelLineFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.CircleType3d,
CircleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.OnCircle,
OnCircleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.AnglePlaneLine,
AngleCircleLineFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.RadiusCircleMetric,
RadiusFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.AreaCircle,
AreaCircleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.OrthoCircleLine,
OrthogonalCircleLineFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.VolumeCone,
ConeVolumeFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.TruncatedVolumeCone,
TruncatedConeVolumeFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.CylinderVolume,
CylinderVolumeFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.TestType,
TestFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.EqualityCircles,
EqualCirclesFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.UnEqualityCircles,
UnEqualCirclesFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.CreateWall,
QuadFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.CreateTriangle,
TriangleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.ListType,
DynamicListFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.Product,
DynamicTupleFact.parseFact },
{ MMTConstants.FunctionFact,
FunctionFact.parseFact },
// TODO: get rid of this
public static Dictionary<string, string> parseTermsToId = new();
/// <summary>
/// %Fact representation of Unity; mostly mirrors Facts of MMT.
/// </summary>
[JsonConverter(typeof(JsonSubtypes), "s_type")]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(PointFact), nameof(PointFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(LineFact), nameof(LineFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(RayFact), nameof(RayFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(OnLineFact), nameof(OnLineFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(AngleFact), nameof(AngleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(CircleFact), nameof(CircleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(ParallelLineFact), nameof(ParallelLineFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(OnCircleFact), nameof(OnCircleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(AngleCircleLineFact), nameof(AngleCircleLineFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(OrthogonalCircleLineFact), nameof(OrthogonalCircleLineFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(AreaCircleFact), nameof(AreaCircleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(RadiusFact), nameof(RadiusFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(ConeVolumeFact), nameof(ConeVolumeFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(TruncatedConeVolumeFact), nameof(TruncatedConeVolumeFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(RightAngleFact), nameof(RightAngleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(CylinderVolumeFact), nameof(CylinderVolumeFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(TestFact), nameof(TestFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(EqualCirclesFact), nameof(EqualCirclesFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(UnEqualCirclesFact), nameof(UnEqualCirclesFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(FunctionFact), nameof(FunctionFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(FunctionCallFact), nameof(FunctionCallFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(ListFact), nameof(ListFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(TupleFact), nameof(TupleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(DynamicListFact), nameof(DynamicListFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(DynamicTupleFact), nameof(DynamicTupleFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(QuadFact), nameof(QuadFact))]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(RealLitFact), nameof(RealLitFact))]
public abstract class Fact
/// <summary>
/// Reference to <c>GameObject</c> that represents this Fact in the GameWorld.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="FactObject3D"/>
public FactWrapper WorldRepresentation;
/// <summary>
/// Collection of <c>Type</c>s of *all* available <see cref="Fact"/>s to choose from.
/// </summary>
public static readonly Type[] Types = TypeExtensions<Fact>.UAssemblyInheritenceTypes;
/// <value>
/// [ClassName] for JSON de-/serialization.
/// Automatically set in <see cref="Fact()"/> for <b>NON-Generiy-Types</b>!
/// Also add JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType decorator for deserialization to Fact!
/// </value>
protected string s_type;
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if Fact depends on other \ref Fact "Facts"; equivalent to <see cref="getDependentFactIds"/> returns non empty array</returns>
public virtual bool HasDependentFacts => DependentFactIds.Length > 0;
/// <returns> array of Fact <see cref="Id"> Ids </see> on which this Fact depends.</returns>
/// <example><see cref="AngleFact"/> needs 3 <see cref="PointFact"/>s to be defined.</example>
public string[] DependentFactIds => _DependentFactIds ??= GetDependentFactIds();
private string[] _DependentFactIds;
/// <returns> array of Fact <see cref="Id"> Ids </see> on which this Fact depends.</returns>
/// <example><see cref="AngleFact"/> needs 3 <see cref="PointFact"/>s to be defined.</example>
protected abstract string[] GetDependentFactIds();
/// <value>Unique Id. e.g.: MMT URI</value>
public string Id
//while (FetchURICoroutine.MoveNext()) ; //active wait for server
return ServerDefinition.ToString();
//private IEnumerator FetchURICoroutine = IEnumeratorExtensions.yield_break;
/// <summary>AST which the Server understands. e.g.: OMS(MMT URI)</summary>
public SOMDoc ServerDefinition
get => _ServerDefinition ??= Defines();
protected set => _ServerDefinition = value;
private SOMDoc _ServerDefinition = null;
public bool HasServerTwin => ServerDefinition is OMS;
/// <value>
/// <c>get</c> initiates and subsequently updates a human readable name. <remarks>Should be called once a constructor call to be initiated.</remarks>
/// <c>set</c> calls <see cref="rename(string)"/>
/// </value>
public string Label
{ // in case of renamed dependables
return _Facts == null // JsonSerialization toggle (_Facts.GetNumberOfFacts() == 0 && this is not PointFact) // JsonSerialization toggle && allow first (Point)Fact to be created
|| (hasCustomLabel && _CustomLabel != null)
? _CustomLabel
: generateLabel();
if (_Facts == null) // JsonSerialization toggle)
_CustomLabel = value;
LabelId = -LabelId;
/// <value>
/// Is true if Fact has a custom <see cref="Label"/> which is not <c>null</c> or <c>""</c>.
/// </value>
public bool hasCustomLabel => LabelId < 0;
/// <summary>
/// Stores custom <see cref="Label"/> if set.
/// </summary>
protected string _CustomLabel = null;
/// <summary>
/// Counter to organize auto generated <see cref="Label"/>.
/// Set to negative, if custom \ref Label is assigned.
/// </summary>
// property for JSON to set AFTER Label => declare AFTER Label
public int LabelId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Reference to <see cref="FactRecorder"/> in which this Fact and all its <see cref="getDependentFactIds">depending Facts</see> are beeing organized.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Now only relevant for Lables</remarks>
protected FactRecorder _Facts;
bool ForceRecalculateTransform = true;
public Vector3 Position
if (ForceRecalculateTransform)
return _Position;
protected set
ForceRecalculateTransform = false;
_Position = value;
private Vector3 _Position = Vector3.zero;
public Quaternion Rotation
if (ForceRecalculateTransform)
return _Rotation;
protected set
ForceRecalculateTransform = false;
_Rotation = value;
private Quaternion _Rotation = Quaternion.identity;
public Vector3 LocalScale
if (ForceRecalculateTransform)
return _LocalScale;
protected set
ForceRecalculateTransform = false;
_LocalScale = value;
private Vector3 _LocalScale = Vector3.one;
/// <summary>
/// Only being used by [JsonReader](https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/T_Newtonsoft_Json_JsonReader.htm) to initiate empty \ref Fact "Facts".
/// <seealso cref="SOMDocManager"/>
/// </summary>
protected Fact()
this._Facts = null; // new FactOrganizer();
LabelId = 0;
s_type = this.GetType().Name;
/// <summary>
/// Standard base-constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="organizer"><see cref="_Facts"/></param>
protected Fact(FactRecorder organizer) : this()
this._Facts = organizer;
/// <summary>
/// Copies <paramref name="fact"/> by initiating new MMT %Fact.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fact">Fact to be copied</param>
/// <param name="old_to_new"><c>Dictionary</c> mapping <paramref name="fact"/>.<see cref="getDependentFactIds"/> in <paramref name="fact"/>.<see cref="Fact._Facts"/> to corresponding <see cref="Fact.Id"/> in <paramref name="organizer"/> </param>
/// <param name="organizer"><see cref="_Facts"/></param>
public Fact ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
Fact ret = _ReInitializeMe(old_to_new, organizer);
ret.LabelId = this.LabelId;
if (ret.hasCustomLabel)
ret._CustomLabel = this.Label;
return ret;
protected abstract Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer);
/// <summary>
/// Assignes a custom <see cref="Label"/>, if <paramref name="newLabel"/> is not yet taken;
/// or clears custom <see cref="Label"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newLabel">To be new <see cref="Label"/>. To reset to auto-generation set to <c>null</c> or <c>""</c>.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
//TODO: notify about updated dependable Labelnames for UI
//TODO: check for colissions with not yet generated names
public bool rename(string newLabel)
// returns true if succeded
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newLabel) && _Facts.GetNumberOfFacts() != 0)
// switch back to autogenerated
_CustomLabel = null;
return true;
// set CustomLabel if available
if (_Facts.ContainsLabel(newLabel))
return false;
_CustomLabel = newLabel;
return true;
protected abstract void RecalculateTransform();
public abstract MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration();
public abstract SOMDoc Defines();
/// <summary>
/// Frees ressources e.g. <see cref="Label"/> and will eventually delete %Fact Server-Side in far-near future when feature is supported.
/// </summary>
//TODO: MMT: delete over there
if (CommunicationEvents.VerboseURI)
Debug.Log("Server removed Fact:\n" + this.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Compares \ref Fact "this" against <paramref name="f2"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f2">Fact to compare to</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="f2"/> is semantical very similar to \ref Fact "this"</returns>
public abstract bool Equivalent(Fact f2);
/// <summary>
/// Compares <paramref name="f1"/> against <paramref name="f2"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f1">Fact to compare to</param>
/// <param name="f2">Fact to compare to</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="f2"/> is semantical very similar to <paramref name="f1"/></returns>
public abstract bool Equivalent(Fact f1, Fact f2);
/// <summary>
/// canonical
/// </summary>
/// <returns>unique-ish Hash</returns>
public new virtual int GetHashCode()
=> DependentFactIds
.Select(id => id.GetHashCode())
.Aggregate((hash1, hash2) => hash1 ^ hash2);
/// <summary>
/// auto-generates <see cref="Label"/> using generation variable(s) e.g. <see cref="LabelId"/>;
/// if custom <see cref="Label"/> is set, tries to restore original generated <see cref="Label"/> **without** resetting <see cref="_CustomLabel"/>. If original <see cref="Label"/> is already taken, a new one will be generated.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>auto-generated <see cref="Label"/></returns>
protected virtual string generateLabel()
if (LabelId < 0)
// reload Label if possible
LabelId = _Facts.UnusedLabelIds.Remove(-LabelId) ? -LabelId : 0;
if (LabelId == 0)
if (_Facts.UnusedLabelIds.Count == 0)
LabelId = ++_Facts.MaxLabelId;
LabelId = _Facts.UnusedLabelIds.Min;
return ((char)(64 + LabelId)).ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Parses <see cref="MMTFact"/> to actual Fact
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fact">instance to be parsed</param>
/// <returns>parsed Fact</returns>
public static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
=> null;
/// <summary>
/// Tells <see cref="_Facts"/> that \ref Fact "this" no longer uses auto-generated <see cref="Label"/>, but remembers current generation variable(s).
/// </summary>
// TODO? only get _Fact to freeLabel/
public /*protected internal*/ void freeAutoLabel()
if (LabelId > 0)
// store Label for name-persistance
LabelId = -LabelId;
private static List<Type> ServerBlacklist = new()
private bool SendedToMMT = false;
public void SendToMMT()
if (ServerBlacklist.Contains(GetType()))
if (!SendedToMMT && !HasServerTwin)
ServerDefinition = SendToMMT(MakeMMTDeclaration());
SendedToMMT = true;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Asynchron version has proofen inefficent, since <see cref="Fact.Id"/> is usually called in close proximity.</remarks>
// Asynchron version in comments
public static SOMDoc SendToMMT(MMTFact mmtDecl)
// FetchURICoroutine =
//_URI =
string uri =
CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress + "/fact/add",
//,(string uri) => _SendURICallback(mmtDecl, uri)
//void _SendURICallback(MMTDeclaration mmtDecl, string uri)
// _URI = uri;
if (mmtDecl is MMTGeneralFact mMTSymbol && mMTSymbol.defines != null)
ParsingDictionary.parseTermsToId[mMTSymbol.defines.ToString()] = uri;// _URI;
if (uri == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Server rejected MMTFact; Fallback engaged.");
return mmtDecl.GetDefines();
return new OMS(uri);
static string _SendAdd(string path, string body)//, Action<string> uriCallback)
if (!CommunicationEvents.ServerRunning)
Debug.LogWarning("Server not running");
return null; // yield break;
if (CommunicationEvents.VerboseURI)
Debug.Log("Sending to Server:\n" + body);
//Put constructor parses stringbody to byteArray internally (goofy workaround)
using UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Put(path, body);
www.method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST;
www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
www.timeout = 1;
//yield return
UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation web =
while (!web.isDone // not enough as querry
&& www.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.InProgress) ;
if (www.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError
|| www.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ProtocolError)
return null; // yield break;
while (!www.downloadHandler.isDone)
//yield return null
FactReference res = JsonUtility.FromJson<FactReference>(www.downloadHandler.text);
if (CommunicationEvents.VerboseURI)
Debug.Log("Server added Fact:\n" + res.uri);
return res.uri; // yield break;
private static uint bypasscc = 0;
public static void MakeFact(List<Fact> ret, object payload, SOMDoc ServerDefinition, FactRecorder organizer, bool BypassServer)
Type type = payload.GetType();
if (BypassServer) bypasscc++;
SOMDoc BypassURI = new OMLIT<uint>(bypasscc);
if (payload is Fact fact)
if (payload is float f)
? new RealLitFact(f, BypassURI, organizer)
: new RealLitFact(f, organizer));
if (payload is Vector3 point)
? new PointFact(point, BypassURI, organizer)
: new PointFact(point, Vector3.up, organizer));
if (FuncExtensions.IsFuncType(type, out _))
? new FunctionFact(ServerDefinition, BypassURI, organizer)
: new FunctionFact(ServerDefinition, organizer));
if (TupleExtensions.IsTupleType(type, out _))
? DynamicTupleFact.MMTFactory(payload, ServerDefinition, SOMDoc.SOMDocType(type), organizer, BypassURI)
: DynamicTupleFact.MMTFactory(payload, ServerDefinition, SOMDoc.SOMDocType(type), organizer));
if (type.IsGenericType
&& type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>))
? DynamicListFact.MMTFactory((List<dynamic>)payload, ServerDefinition, SOMDoc.SOMDocType(type), organizer, BypassURI)
: DynamicListFact.MMTFactory((List<dynamic>)payload, ServerDefinition, SOMDoc.SOMDocType(type), organizer));
if (type.IsAnonymousType())
throw new NotImplementedException($"For Type {type}.");
public interface IUnpackable
public abstract IEnumerator UnpackMe(List<Fact> ret, bool BypassServer);
/// <summary>
/// Implements CRTP for <see cref="Fact"/>; Escalates constructors;
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">class, which inherits from FactWrappedCRTP</typeparam>
public abstract class FactWrappedCRTP<T> : Fact where T : FactWrappedCRTP<T>
/// <summary>\copydoc Fact.Fact()</summary>
protected FactWrappedCRTP() : base() { }
/// <summary>\copydoc Fact.Fact(FactOrganizer)</summary>
protected FactWrappedCRTP(FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer) { }
/// \copydoc Fact.Equivalent(Fact)
public override bool Equivalent(Fact f2)
=> Equivalent(this, f2);
/// \copydoc Fact.Equivalent(Fact, Fact)
public override bool Equivalent(Fact f1, Fact f2)
=> f1.GetType() == f2.GetType()
&& EquivalentWrapped((T)f1, (T)f2); // || f1.ServerDefinition.Equivalent(f2.ServerDefinition); <= StackOverflow
/// <summary>CRTP step of <see cref="Equivalent(Fact)"/> and <see cref="Equivalent(Fact, Fact)"/></summary>
protected abstract bool EquivalentWrapped(T f1, T f2);
protected bool DependentFactsEquivalent(T f1, T f2)
=> f1.DependentFactIds
(id1, id2) =>
id1 == id2
|| FactRecorder.AllFacts[id1].Equivalent(FactRecorder.AllFacts[id2])
.All(b => b);
/// <summary>
/// Point in 3D Space
/// </summary>
public class PointFact : FactWrappedCRTP<PointFact>
/// <summary> Position </summary>
public Vector3 Point;
/// <summary> Orientation for <see cref="Fact.WorldRepresentation"/> </summary>
private Vector3 Normal;
/// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary>
public PointFact() : base()
this.Point = Vector3.zero;
this.Normal = Vector3.up;
/// <summary>
/// Standard Constructor:
/// Initiates <see cref="Point"/>, <see cref="Normal"/>, <see cref="Fact._URI"/> and creates MMT %Fact Server-Side
/// </summary>
/// <param name="P">sets <see cref="Point"/></param>
/// <param name="N">sets <see cref="Normal"/></param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public PointFact(Vector3 P, Vector3 N, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.Point = P;
this.Normal = N;
protected override void RecalculateTransform()
Position = Point;
{ // Rotation
Vector3 notNormal = Vector3.forward != Normal ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.up;
Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(
Vector3.Cross(Normal, notNormal),
/// <summary>
/// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_.
/// <see cref="Normal"/> set to <c>Vector3.up</c>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">sets <see cref="Point"/></param>
/// <param name="uri">MMT URI</param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public PointFact(Vector3 point, SOMDoc _ServerDefinition, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.Point = point;
this.Normal = Vector3.up;
this.ServerDefinition = _ServerDefinition;
_ = this.Label;
/// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact)
public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
if (((MMTGeneralFact)fact).defines is not OMA defines)
yield break;
ParsingDictionary.parseTermsToId.TryAdd(defines.ToString(), fact.@ref.uri);
Vector3 point = SOMDoc.MakeVector3(defines);
ret.Add(new PointFact(point, fact.@ref, StageStatic.stage.factState));
/// \copydoc Fact.hasDependentFacts
public override bool HasDependentFacts => false;
/// \copydoc Fact.getDependentFactIds
protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
=> new string[] { };
/// \copydoc Fact.GetHashCode
public override int GetHashCode()
=> this.Point.GetHashCode();
/// \copydoc Fact.Equivalent(Fact, Fact)
protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(PointFact f1, PointFact f2)
=> Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f1.Point, f2.Point);
protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
=> new PointFact(this.Point, this.Normal, organizer);
public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
SOMDoc tp = new OMS(MMTConstants.Point);
return new MMTGeneralFact(Label, tp, Defines());
public override SOMDoc Defines()
=> new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.Tuple),
new[] {
new OMLIT<float>(Point.x),
new OMLIT<float>(Point.y),
new OMLIT<float>(Point.z),
/// <summary>
/// A <see cref="PointFact"/> on a <see cref="AbstractLineFact"/>
/// </summary>
public class OnLineFact : FactWrappedCRTP<OnLineFact>
/// <summary> <see cref="PointFact"/>.<see cref="Fact.Id">Id</see> </summary>
public string Pid;
public PointFact Point { get => (PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[Pid]; }
/// <summary> <see cref="AbstractLineFact"/>.<see cref="Fact.Id">Id</see> </summary>
public string Rid;
public AbstractLineFact Ray { get => (AbstractLineFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[Rid]; }
/// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary>
public OnLineFact() : base()
this.Pid = null;
this.Rid = null;
/// <summary>
/// Standard Constructor:
/// Initiates <see cref="Pid"/>, <see cref="Rid"/>, <see cref="Fact._URI"/> and creates MMT %Fact Server-Side
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid">sets <see cref="Pid"/></param>
/// <param name="rid">sets <see cref="Rid"/></param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public OnLineFact(string pid, string rid, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.Pid = pid;
this.Rid = rid;
protected override void RecalculateTransform()
Position = Point.Position;
{ //Rotation
Vector3 up = Point.Rotation * Vector3.up;
Vector3 forward = Ray.Dir;
if (Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(up, forward))
Vector3 arbitary = Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(forward, Vector3.forward)
? Vector3.right
: Vector3.forward;
up = Vector3.Cross(arbitary, forward);
Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up);
/// <summary>
/// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid">sets <see cref="Pid"/></param>
/// <param name="rid">sets <see cref="Rid"/></param>
/// <param name="uri">MMT URI</param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public OnLineFact(string pid, string rid, SOMDoc _ServerDefinition, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.Pid = pid;
this.Rid = rid;
this.ServerDefinition = _ServerDefinition;
_ = this.Label;
/// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact)
public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
string pointUri = ((OMS)((OMA)((OMA)((MMTGeneralFact)fact).type).arguments[0]).arguments[1]).uri;
string lineUri = ((OMA)((OMA)((MMTGeneralFact)fact).type).arguments[0]).arguments[0] is OMS
// standard case
? ((OMS)((OMA)((OMA)((MMTGeneralFact)fact).type).arguments[0]).arguments[0]).uri
// case when line Uri has a projl on the line Argument
: ((OMS)((OMA)((OMA)((OMA)((MMTGeneralFact)fact).type).arguments[0]).arguments[0]).arguments[0]).uri;
if (!FactRecorder.AllFacts.ContainsKey(pointUri)
|| !FactRecorder.AllFacts.ContainsKey(lineUri))
yield break;
ret.Add(new OnLineFact(pointUri, lineUri, fact.@ref, StageStatic.stage.factState));
/// \copydoc Fact.generateLabel
protected override string generateLabel()
=> Point.Label + "∈" + Ray.Label;
/// \copydoc Fact.hasDependentFacts
public override bool HasDependentFacts => true;
/// \copydoc Fact.getDependentFactIds
protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
=> new string[] { Pid, Rid };
protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(OnLineFact f1, OnLineFact f2)
=> DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2);
protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
=> new OnLineFact(old_to_new[this.Pid], old_to_new[this.Rid], organizer);
public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
SOMDoc tp = new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.Ded),
new[] {
new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.OnLine),
new[] {
new OMS(Rid),
new OMS(Pid)
return new MMTGeneralFact(this.Label, tp, Defines());
public override SOMDoc Defines() => null;
/// <summary>
/// Two parallel Lines comprised of two <see cref="LineFact">LineFacts</see>
/// </summary>
public class ParallelLineFact : FactWrappedCRTP<ParallelLineFact>
/// @{ <summary>
/// One <see cref="Fact.Id">Id</see> of two <see cref="LineFact"/> that are parallel [<see cref="Lid1"/>, <see cref="Lid2"/>].
/// </summary>
public string Lid1, Lid2;
/// @}
public AbstractLineFact Ray1 { get => (AbstractLineFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[Lid1]; }
public AbstractLineFact Ray2 { get => (AbstractLineFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[Lid2]; }
/// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary>
public ParallelLineFact() : base()
this.Lid1 = null;
this.Lid2 = null;
/// <summary>
/// Standard Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lid1">sets <see cref="Lid1"/></param>
/// <param name="lid2">sets <see cref="Lid2"/></param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public ParallelLineFact(string lid1, string lid2, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.Lid1 = lid1;
this.Lid2 = lid2;
protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
/// <summary>
/// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Lid1">sets <see cref="Lid1"/></param>
/// <param name="Lid2">sets <see cref="Lid2"/></param>
/// <param name="backendURI">MMT URI</param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public ParallelLineFact(string Lid1, string Lid2, SOMDoc _ServerDefinition, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.Lid1 = Lid1;
this.Lid2 = Lid2;
this.ServerDefinition = _ServerDefinition;
_ = this.Label;
/// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact)
public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
if (((MMTGeneralFact)fact).type is not OMA type) // proof DED
yield break;
OMA parallel_lines_OMA = (OMA)type.arguments[0]; // parallel
string lineAUri = ((OMS)parallel_lines_OMA.arguments[0]).uri;
string lineBUri = ((OMS)parallel_lines_OMA.arguments[1]).uri;
if (!FactRecorder.AllFacts.ContainsKey(lineAUri)
|| !FactRecorder.AllFacts.ContainsKey(lineBUri))
yield break;
ret.Add(new ParallelLineFact(lineAUri, lineBUri, fact.@ref, StageStatic.stage.factState));
/// \copydoc Fact.generateLabel
protected override string generateLabel()
=> Ray1.Label + "||" + Ray2.Label;
public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
SOMDoc tp = new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.Ded),
new[] {
new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.ParallelLine),
new[] {
new OMS(Lid1),
new OMS(Lid2),
return new MMTGeneralFact(this.Label, tp, Defines());
public override SOMDoc Defines() => null;
/// \copydoc Fact.hasDependentFacts
public override bool HasDependentFacts => true;
/// \copydoc Fact.getDependentFactIds
protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
=> new string[] { Lid1, Lid2 };
/// \copydoc Fact.Equivalent(Fact, Fact)
protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(ParallelLineFact f1, ParallelLineFact f2)
=> DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2);
protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
=> new ParallelLineFact(old_to_new[this.Lid1], old_to_new[this.Lid2], organizer);
/// <summary>
/// Used for BouncingScroll
/// </summary>
public class QuadFact : FactWrappedCRTP<QuadFact>
/// <summary> Defining Corners; Order is Cyclic;
/// <see cref="PointFact"/>.<see cref="Fact.Id">Id</see> </summary>
public string[] Pids;
public PointFact[] Points
get => _Points ??= Pids.Select(pid => (PointFact)FactRecorder.AllFacts[pid]).ToArray();
private PointFact[] _Points;
public Vector3 Normal, Tangents, AltTangents;
/// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary>
public QuadFact() : base() { }
/// <summary>
/// Standard Constructor:
/// Initiates <see cref="Pids"/> and creates MMT %Fact Server-Side
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid_corners">sets <see cref="Pids"/></param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public QuadFact(string[] pid_corners, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
/// <summary>
/// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid_corners">sets <see cref="Pids"/></param>
/// <param name="uri">MMT URI</param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public QuadFact(string[] pid_corners, SOMDoc _ServerDefinition, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.ServerDefinition = _ServerDefinition;
_ = this.Label;
private void Init(string[] pid_corners)
Pids = pid_corners;
Tangents = (Points[0].Point - Points[1].Point).normalized;
AltTangents = (Points[0].Point - Points[2].Point).normalized;
Normal = Vector3.Cross(Tangents, AltTangents).normalized;
if (Math3d.vectorPrecission < Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(Normal, Points[0].Point - Points[3].Point)))
throw new ArgumentException("All Points must lie on the same Plane!");
/// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact)
public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
SOMDoc tp = new OMS(MMTConstants.Wall);
return new MMTGeneralFact(Label, tp, Defines());
public override SOMDoc Defines()
=> new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.CreateWall),
Pids.Select(pid => new OMS(pid)).ToArray()
protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(QuadFact f1, QuadFact f2)
if (f1.Points.Length != f2.Points.Length)
return false;
int i = 0;
for (; i < f2.Points.Length; i++) // 1st incedence
if (f2.Points[i].Equivalent(f1.Points[0]))
if (i == f2.Points.Length) // no match
return false;
for (int j = 1; j < f2.Points.Length; j++) // cyclic match
if (!f2.Points[(i + j) % f2.Points.Length].Equivalent(f1.Points[j]))
return false;
return true;
public override bool HasDependentFacts => true;
protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
=> Pids;
protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
=> new QuadFact(Pids.Select(pid => old_to_new[pid]).ToArray(), organizer);
/// <summary>
/// Used for BouncingScroll
/// </summary>
public class TriangleFact : FactWrappedCRTP<TriangleFact>
/// <summary> Defining Verticies; Order gives NormalDirection;
public Vector3[] Verticies;
public Vector3 Normal, Tangents, AltTangents;
/// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary>
public TriangleFact() : base() { }
/// <summary>
/// Standard Constructor:
/// Initiates <see cref="Pids"/> and creates MMT %Fact Server-Side
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid_corners">sets <see cref="Pids"/></param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public TriangleFact(Vector3[] Verticies, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
/// <summary>
/// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid_corners">sets <see cref="Pids"/></param>
/// <param name="uri">MMT URI</param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public TriangleFact(Vector3[] Verticies, SOMDoc _ServerDefinition, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.ServerDefinition = _ServerDefinition;
_ = this.Label;
private void Init(Vector3[] Verticies)
this.Verticies = Verticies;
Tangents = (Verticies[0] - Verticies[1]).normalized;
AltTangents = (Verticies[0] - Verticies[2]).normalized;
Normal = Vector3.Cross(Tangents, AltTangents).normalized;
/// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact)
public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
SOMDoc tp = new OMS(MMTConstants.Triangle);
return new MMTGeneralFact(Label, tp, Defines());
public override SOMDoc Defines()
=> new OMA(
new OMS(MMTConstants.CreateTriangle),
Verticies.Select(vert => SOMDoc.MakeVector3(vert)).ToArray()
protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(TriangleFact f1, TriangleFact f2)
int i = 0;
for (; i < 3; i++)
if (Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f2.Verticies[i], f1.Verticies[0]))
break; // 1st incedence
return i < 3 // match ? then do: cyclic match
&& Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f2.Verticies[(i + 1) % 3], f1.Verticies[1])
&& Math3d.IsApproximatelyEqual(f2.Verticies[(i + 2) % 3], f1.Verticies[2]);
public override bool HasDependentFacts => false;
protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
=> new string[0];
protected override void RecalculateTransform()
Position = Verticies[0];
Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Tangents, Vector3.up);
protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
=> new TriangleFact(Verticies, organizer);
#pragma warning disable // Testing...
/// use this if you need to test certain implementations of facts.
/// <summary>
/// just for testing purposes
/// </summary>
public class TestFact : FactWrappedCRTP<TestFact>
/// <summary> \copydoc Fact.Fact </summary>
public TestFact() : base()
/// <summary>
/// Standard Constructor:
/// Initiates members and creates MMT %Fact Server-Side
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid1">sets <see cref="Pid1"/></param>
/// <param name="pid2">sets <see cref="Pid2"/></param>
/// <param name="radius">sets <see cref="radius"/></param>
/// <param name="normal">sets <see cref="normal"/></param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public TestFact(FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer) { }
protected override void RecalculateTransform() { }
/// <summary>
/// Bypasses initialization of new MMT %Fact by using existend URI, _which is not checked for existence_.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Pid1">sets <see cref="Pid1"/></param>
/// <param name="Pid2">sets <see cref="Pid2"/></param>
/// <param name="radius">sets <see cref="radius"/></param>
/// <param name="normal">sets <see cref="normal"/></param>
/// <param name="backendURI">MMT URI</param>
/// <param name="organizer">sets <see cref="Fact._Facts"/></param>
public TestFact(string backendURI, FactRecorder organizer) : base(organizer)
this.ServerDefinition = ServerDefinition;
_ = this.Label;
/// <summary>
/// parses the Circlefact response of the MMT-Server
/// </summary>
/// \copydoc Fact.parseFact(ScrollFact)
public new static IEnumerator parseFact(List<Fact> ret, MMTFact fact)
string uri = fact.@ref.uri;
Debug.Log("TestFact Uri:" + uri);
ret.Add(new TestFact(uri, StageStatic.stage.factState));
yield break;
/// \copydoc Fact.generateLabel
protected override string generateLabel()
=> "test";
/// \copydoc Fact.hasDependentFacts
public override bool HasDependentFacts => false;
/// \copydoc Fact.getDependentFactIds
protected override string[] GetDependentFactIds()
=> new string[] { };
/// \copydoc Fact.GetHashCode
public override int GetHashCode()
=> base.GetHashCode();// this.Pid1.GetHashCode() ^ this.Pid2.GetHashCode();
/// \copydoc Fact.Equivalent(Fact, Fact)
protected override bool EquivalentWrapped(TestFact f1, TestFact f2)
return DependentFactsEquivalent(f1, f2);
protected override Fact _ReInitializeMe(Dictionary<string, string> old_to_new, FactRecorder organizer)
=> new TestFact(organizer);
public override MMTFact MakeMMTDeclaration()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override SOMDoc Defines()
throw new NotImplementedException();
#pragma warning restore // Testing over