Tobias Schöner authoredTobias Schöner authored
WorldFactInteraction.cs 3.36 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/// <summary>
/// This class handles displaying Fact tooltips, when hovering over a fact in the Gameworld
/// </summary>
public class WorldFactInteraction : MonoBehaviour
public LayerMask factLayerMask;
public Transform HidingCanvas;
private GameObject currentDisplay;
private Transform lastHit = null;
void LateUpdate()
if (currentDisplay != null && currentDisplay.GetComponent<DragHandling>().dragged)
// currently dragging -> remove transparency to indicate dragging and let DragHandling.cs take over
ChangeImageAlpha(currentDisplay.GetComponent<Image>(), 1);
private void UpdateDisplay()
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
// if no fact was hit or pointer was over other UI
if (!Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit, Mathf.Infinity, factLayerMask) || WasOtherUIHit())
// destroy currentDisplay if it exists
lastHit = null;
FactObject factObj = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<FactObject>();
if (factObj == null)
// should never happen, if the layerMask is set up correctly
//Debug.LogError("WorldFactInteraction Raycast collided with object in factLayerMask, that did not contain a FactObject script: " + hit.transform.gameObject.name);
lastHit = null;
if (hit.transform != lastHit) // a fact has been hit for the first time -> delete old display and instantiate new one
currentDisplay.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; // move currentDisplay to mousePosition
ChangeImageAlpha(currentDisplay.GetComponent<Image>(), 0.5f); // ensure that image alpha is correct, since it could have changed due to dragging
lastHit = hit.transform;
private void InstantiateNewDisplay(FactObject factObj)
if (currentDisplay)
Fact fact = StageStatic.stage.factState[factObj.URI];
// TODO: this link to DisplayFacts is not ideal: maybe refactor to SciptableObject or such
currentDisplay = fact.instantiateDisplay(DisplayFacts.prefabDictionary[fact.GetType()], HidingCanvas);
#region Helper
private static void ChangeImageAlpha(Image img, float alpha)
img.color = new Color(img.color.r, img.color.g, img.color.b, alpha);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if any UI other than currentDisplay was hit
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool WasOtherUIHit()
PointerEventData pointerData = new(EventSystem.current)
position = Input.mousePosition
List<RaycastResult> results = new();
EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(pointerData, results);
foreach (var res in results)
if (currentDisplay == null || !res.gameObject.transform.IsChildOf(currentDisplay.transform))
return true;
return false;
#endregion Helper