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Deployment of new UFrameIT Releases

A Note on Versioning

We use semantic versioning. A version number looks like x.y.z, no v prefix.

Always release all of

at the same time with the same version number.

Making a new UFrameIT Release

  1. Deploy prereleases on the UFrameIT/UFrameIT GitHub repo for all OS. See below how to do that.
  2. Let people test.
  3. Merge FrameIT/frameworld's devel branch into master and git-tag with x.y.z.
  4. Update archive submodules in UFrameIT/archives and git-tag with x.y.z.
  5. Git-tag UFrameIT/UFrameIT (this repo) with x.y.z..
  6. Publish prerelease from step 1.
  7. Write a news post on our website:

Deploying Binaries for UFrameIT

Archive type

  • For Linux, deploy .tar.gz files (-> smallest file size as compared to .zip and .tar)
  • For macOS, deploy .dmg files
  • For Windows, deploy .zip files (-> guaranteed compatibility among end users since Windows Explorer can open them)

Building Binaries (MultiBuild.bat can be used to do this automatically. is maybe outdated and needs adjustments)

  • Make sure Support for all build target platforms is installed:

    • Open Unity Hub -> Installs -> Choose Version -> Add Modules -> Check the following: Windows Build Support, Linux Build Support, Mac Build Support
  • Make sure to copy a suitable frameit-server.jar and a corresponding archives-folder into "Assets/StreamingAssets":

  • Make sure to build with the unity-version that's set as the default-version for the project


    • Via Command Line: see MultiBuild.bat
    • Via Unity-UI: File -> Build Settings... -> Choose "Target Platform" and "Architecture" -> Build

Building Archives

  • For Windows: zip -r <TARGET-DIR>/UFrameIT-<version> <SOURCE-DIR>
  • For Linux: tar -zcvf UFrameIT-<version>-Linux.tar.gz <SOURCE-DIR>
  • For macOS: Create a dmg-file from the .app-file (Only possible on macOS)
    • mkdir UFrameIT-Image-Folder
    • cp <> UFrameIT-Image-Folder/<>
    • hdiutil create UFrameIT-<version>-Mac.dmg -volname "UFrameIT-<version>" -srcfolder UFrameIT-Image-Folder
    • For adjusting the appearance of the dmg, the image from "Assets/Images/dmg_background.png" can be used

Hints for deployment

  • The build for macOS usually only works if it's built from a Mac
  • There was a Unity-Bug, where two different versions of Unity were pointing to the same Unity.exe. When you verify the version of the Unity.exe, with opening its details-panel, this version should match the version used for the build and the version that's set as the default-version for the Unity-Project. If that's not the case, this could lead to the following error on Linux: "Invalid serialized file version: .../FrameWorld_Data/globalgamemanagers. Expected version: 2019.4.0f1. Actual version: 2019.4.3f1"
  • If the resulting binary does not work properly, please go through the player.log file (
    • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/CompanyName/ProductName/Player.log
    • macOS: ~/Library/Logs/Company Name/Product Name/Player.log
    • Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\CompanyName\ProductName\Player.log
  • For problems concerning the appearance of the game, please open the Unity-Project and adjust the Project-/Player-Settings: Edit -> Project Settings... -> Player -> Resolution and Presentation
  • For changing the scenes that will be build please change the Build-Settings: File -> Build Settings... -> Scenes in Build