@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ First, you have to set up a development environment:
2. Follow the [UFrameIT server installation guide](https://github.com/UniFormal/MMT/blob/devel/src/frameit-mmt/installation.md) to run the server
3. In Unity, select the scene MainMenue.unity (You can find it in Assets\Scenes\Menues) and run the game (Play Button). From there you can try out "TechDemo A" in the "Demo Category"; click on it to expand a list of levels to choose from.
### Building UFrameIT
Tipps: TupleFactory and AppDomain don't function with .NET Standard 2.1, instead use .NET Framework.
### Building and starting the UFrameIT Server for standalone run.
1. Get JAR-file of the UFrameIT Server
@@ -60,10 +64,10 @@ First, you have to set up a development environment:
2. Navigate in Intellij to: File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts
3. In the Artifacts Menue, press the icon "+" than choose JAR -> From modules with dependencies
4. In the new Menue "CreateJAR from Modules"
* find "Module:" and select "frameit-mmt"
* find "Module:" and select "All Modules" (in the past was "frameit-mmt" possible)
* find "Main Class:" and search for the "Server" or set the path to the Server:
Link: ... -> frameit-mmt -> src -> info.kwac.mmt.frameit -> communication -> server -> Server
* Set "JAR files from libraries" to "extract to the target JAR".
* Set "JAR files from libraries" to "copy to the output directory and link via manigest" (in the past was "extract to the target JAR" possible).