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FactOrganizer.cs 12.6 KiB
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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Linq;
    //TODO? PERF? (often inserts) SortedDict <-> Dict (often reads)
    //TODO: MMT: move some functionality there
    //TODO: consequent!= samestep != dependent
    //PERF: avoid string as key (general: allocations & dict: hash -> colission? -> strcmp[!])
        private Dictionary<string, Fact> FactDict;
        private Dictionary<string, meta> MetaInf = new Dictionary<string, meta>();
        private List<stepnote> Workflow = new List<stepnote>();
        // notes position in Workflow for un-/redo; the pointed to element is non-acitve
        private int marker = 0;
        // backlock logic for convinience
        private int worksteps = 0;
        private int backlog = 0;
        // set if recently been resetted
        private struct stepnote
            // Fact.Id
            public string Id;
            // true if this Fact has been created in the same step as the last one
            //      steproot[false] (=> steptail[true])*
            public bool samestep;
            // reference to steproot/ after steptail-end
            public int steplink;
            // distincts creation and deletion
            public bool creation;
            public stepnote(string Id, bool samestep, bool creation, FactOrganizer that)
                this.Id = Id;
                this.samestep = samestep;
                this.creation = creation;
                if (samestep)
                // steplink = !first_steptail ? previous.steplink : steproot
                    stepnote prev = that.Workflow[that.marker - 1];
                    this.steplink = prev.samestep ? prev.steplink : that.marker - 1;
                    // steproot sets steplink after itself (end of steptail)
                    this.steplink = that.marker + 1;
            // TODO? -> public int last_occurence for safe_dependencies
            // reference to first occurrence in Workflow
            public int workflow_id;
            // keeps track wether Fact is currently in Scene
            public bool active;
            public meta(int workflow_id, bool active = true)
                this.workflow_id = workflow_id;
       = active;
        public FactOrganizer(bool invoke = false)
            FactDict = new Dictionary<string, Fact>();
        public FactOrganizer(IDictionary<string, Fact> dictionary, bool invoke = false)
            FactDict = new Dictionary<string, Fact>(dictionary);
        public Fact this[string id]
            get{ return FactDict[id]; }
        public bool ContainsKey(string id)
            return FactDict.ContainsKey(id);
        public bool ContainsLabel(string label)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
                return false;
            var hit = FactDict.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Value.Label == label);
            return !hit.Equals(System.Activator.CreateInstance(hit.GetType()));
        //TODO? MMT? PERF: O(n), every Fact-insertion
        private bool FindEquivalent(Fact search, out string found, out bool exact)
        // Looks for existent facts (found) which are very similar to prposed fact (search)
        // does not check active state
            if (exact = FactDict.ContainsKey(search.Id))
                    return true;
            found = null;
            return false;
        private void WorkflowAdd(stepnote note)
        // prunes & adds Workflow; Invokes Events
            if (note.samestep)
            // update steplink of steproot
                stepnote tmp = Workflow[note.steplink];
                tmp.steplink = Workflow.Count + 1;
                Workflow[note.steplink] = tmp;
            marker = Workflow.Count;
            InvokeFactEvent(note.creation, note.Id);
        private void PruneWorkflow()
        // set current (displayed) state in stone; resets un-redo parameters
            /*if (soft_resetted)
                this.hardreset(false); // musn't clear
                worksteps -= backlog;
                backlog = 0;
                for (int i = Workflow.Count - 1; i >= marker; i--)
                // cleanup now obsolete Facts
                    stepnote last = Workflow[i];
                    if (MetaInf[last.Id].workflow_id == i)
                    // remove for good, if original creation gets pruned
                // prune Worklfow down to marker
                Workflow.RemoveRange(marker, Workflow.Count - marker);
        public string Add(Fact value, out bool exists, bool samestep = false)
        // also checks for duplicates and active state
        // returns key of actual Fact
            string key;
            if (exists = FindEquivalent(value, out key, out bool exact))
                if (!exact)
                    // no longer needed
                if (MetaInf[key].workflow_id >= marker)
                // check for zombie-status
                    // protect zombie from beeing pruned
                    MetaInf[key] = new meta(marker, true);
                // zombies are undead!
                else if (MetaInf[key].active)
                    // desired outcome already achieved
                MetaInf.Add(key, new meta(marker, true));
            WorkflowAdd(new stepnote(key, samestep, true, this));
            return key;
        public bool Remove(Fact value, bool samestep = false)
        public bool Remove(string key, bool samestep = false)
        //no reset check needed (impossible state)
                return false;
            //TODO: see issue #58
            safe_dependencies(key, out List<string> deletethis);
            if(deletethis.Count > 0)
                yeetusdeletus(deletethis, samestep);
        // TODO: MMT: decide dependencies there (remember virtual deletions in Unity (un-redo)!)
        // TODO? decrease runtime from O(n/2)
        public bool safe_dependencies(string key, out List<string> dependencies)
        // searches for dependencies of a Fact; returns false if any dependencies are steproots
        // int key: Fact to be deleted
        // out List<int> dependencies: dependencyList
            dependencies = new List<string>();
            int c_unsafe = 0;
            int pos = MetaInf[key].workflow_id;
            // accumulate facts that are dependent of dependencies
            for (int i = pos; i < marker; i++)
                // TODO: consequent != samestep != dependent (want !consequent)
                if (!Workflow[i].creation)
                    // just try
                    if (dependencies.Remove(Workflow[i].Id) && !Workflow[i].samestep)
                else if (0 < this[Workflow[i].Id].getDependentFactIds().Intersect(dependencies).Count())
                    if (!Workflow[i].samestep)
            return c_unsafe == 0;
        private void yeetusdeletus(List<string> deletereverse, bool samestep = false)
            for(int i = deletereverse.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--, samestep = true)
                WorkflowAdd(new stepnote(deletereverse[i], samestep, false, this));
        private void reversestep(int pos, bool samestep = false)
        // reverses any entire step; adds process to Workflow!
        // int pos: position after steptail-end of the step to be reversed
            if (pos >= marker)
            // check for valid step (implicit reset check)
            for (int i = pos, stop = Workflow[pos].samestep ? Workflow[pos].steplink : pos;
                i >= stop; i--, samestep = true)
                if (Workflow[i].creation)
                    Remove(Workflow[i].Id, samestep);
                    WorkflowAdd(new stepnote(Workflow[i].Id, samestep, true, this));
                fastforward(); // revert softreset
            else if (backlog < worksteps) {
                stepnote last = Workflow[--marker];
                int stop = last.samestep ? last.steplink : marker;
                for (int i = marker; i >= stop; i--)
                    last = Workflow[i];
                    InvokeFactEvent(!last.creation, last.Id);
                marker = stop;
        public void redo()
            if (backlog > 0)
                stepnote last = Workflow[marker];
                int stop = last.samestep ? Workflow[last.steplink].steplink : last.steplink;
                for (int i = marker; i < stop; i++)
                    last = Workflow[i];
                    InvokeFactEvent(last.creation, last.Id);
                marker = stop;
        // Does not Invoke RemoveFactEvent(s)!
            marker = 0;
            worksteps = 0;
            backlog = 0;
        public void hardreset(bool invoke_event = true)
                if (invoke_event && invoke && MetaInf[entry.Key].active)
        public void softreset()
            // TODO: PREF: alt: EventResetAll
            // marker = 0; backlog = worksteps;
            while (marker > 0)
        public void fastforward()
            while (backlog > 0)
                // also sets resetted = false;
        public void store()
            // TODO: save state of all of this?
            // probably nothing:
            //      safe class instance somewhere
        public void load(bool draw_all = true)
        // call this after assigning a stored instance in an empty world
            // TODO: see issue #58
            foreach (var mett in MetaInf)
                // update active info if needed
                if (
                    meta info = mett.Value;
           = false;
                    MetaInf[mett.Key] = info;
            marker = 0;
            var stop = backlog;
            backlog = worksteps;
                while(backlog > stop)
        private void InvokeFactEvent(bool creation, string Id)
            // update meta struct
            meta info = MetaInf[Id];
   = creation;
            MetaInf[Id] = info;
            if (invoke)
                if (creation)
        public bool StaticlySovled(List<Fact> StaticSolution, out List<Fact> MissingElements, out List<Fact> Solutions)
            return DynamiclySolved(StaticSolution, out MissingElements, out Solutions, new FactEquivalentsComparer());
        //TODO: PERF: see CommunicationEvents.Solution
        public bool DynamiclySolved(List<Fact> MinimalSolution, out List<Fact> MissingElements, out List<Fact> Solutions, FactComparer FactComparer)
            Solutions = FactDict.Values.Where(f => MetaInf[f.Id].active)
                .Where(active => MinimalSolution.Contains(active, FactComparer.SetSearchRight()))
            MissingElements = MinimalSolution.Except(Solutions, FactComparer.SetSearchLeft()).ToList();
            return MissingElements.Count == 0;