John Schihada authoredJohn Schihada authored
ShinyThings.cs 8.44 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using static CommunicationEvents;
public class ShinyThings : MonoBehaviour
public WorldCursor Cursor;
//Attributes for Highlighting of Facts when Mouse-Over
private string selectableTag = "Selectable";
private Transform lastFactSelection;
public Material defaultMaterial;
public Material highlightMaterial;
//Attributes for simulating the drawing of a line/curve
public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
private List<Vector3> linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
private bool lineDrawingActivated;
private bool curveDrawingActivated;
//These are only the vertices for the Curve
private int curveDrawingVertexCount = 36;
private LineFact curveDrawingStartLine;
private Vector3 curveEndPoint;
private Vector3 angleMiddlePoint;
private float curveRadius;
// Start is called before the first frame update
public void Start()
if (Cursor == null) Cursor = GetComponent<WorldCursor>();
// Update is called once per frame
public void Update()
//Check if a Fact was Hit
RaycastHit Hit = Cursor.Hit;
if (Hit.transform != null)
Transform selection = Hit.transform;
//Set the last Fact unselected
if (this.lastFactSelection != null)
//Invoke the EndHighlightEvent that will be handled in FactSpawner
// CommunicationEvents.EndHighlightEvent.Invoke(this.lastFactSelection);
this.lastFactSelection = null;
//Set the Fact that was Hit as selected
if (selection.CompareTag(selectableTag))
//Invoke the HighlightEvent that will be handled in FactSpawner
this.lastFactSelection = selection;
if (this.lineDrawingActivated)
else if (this.curveDrawingActivated)
public void OnMouseOverFact(Transform selection)
Renderer selectionRenderer;
selectionRenderer = selection.GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (selectionRenderer != null)
//Set the Material of the Fact, where the mouse is over, to a special one
selectionRenderer.material = highlightMaterial;
public void OnMouseOverFactEnd(Transform selection)
Renderer selectionRenderer;
if (selection != null)
selectionRenderer = selection.GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (selectionRenderer != null)
//Set the Material of the fact back to default
selectionRenderer.material = defaultMaterial;
public void ActivateLineDrawing(Fact startFact)
this.lineRenderer.positionCount = 2;
lineRenderer.startWidth = 0.095f;
lineRenderer.endWidth = 0.095f;
//Set LineDrawing activated
this.lineDrawingActivated = true;
//Add the position of the Fact for the start of the Line
//The second point is the same point at the moment
this.lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, linePositions[0]);
this.lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, linePositions[1]);
//Updates the second-point of the Line when First Point was selected in LineMode
public void UpdateLineDrawing(Vector3 currentPosition)
this.linePositions[1] = currentPosition;
this.lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, this.linePositions[1]);
//Deactivate LineDrawing so that no Line gets drawn when Cursor changes
public void DeactivateLineDrawing(Fact startFact)
this.lineRenderer.positionCount = 0;
this.linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
this.lineDrawingActivated = false;
//Expect a LineFact here, where Line.Pid2 will be the Basis-Point of the angle
public void ActivateCurveDrawing(Fact startFact)
//In AngleMode with 3 Points we want to draw nearly a rectangle so we add a startPoint and an Endpoint to this preview
this.lineRenderer.positionCount = curveDrawingVertexCount + 2;
lineRenderer.startWidth = 0.05f;
lineRenderer.endWidth = 0.05f;
//Set CurveDrawing activated
this.curveDrawingActivated = true;
curveDrawingStartLine = (LineFact)startFact;
PointFact curveDrawingPoint1 = (PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid1);
PointFact curveDrawingPoint2 = (PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2);
//curveEndPoint is a point on the Line selected, with some distance from point2
curveEndPoint = curveDrawingPoint2.Point + 0.3f * (curveDrawingPoint1.Point - curveDrawingPoint2.Point).magnitude * (curveDrawingPoint1.Point - curveDrawingPoint2.Point).normalized;
angleMiddlePoint = curveDrawingPoint2.Point;
curveRadius = (curveEndPoint - curveDrawingPoint2.Point).magnitude;
public void UpdateCurveDrawing(Vector3 currentPosition)
//Find the nearest of all potential third points
PointFact nearestPoint = null;
foreach (Fact fact in Facts) {
if (fact is PointFact && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid1 && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2 && nearestPoint == null)
nearestPoint = (PointFact)fact;
else if (fact is PointFact && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid1 && fact.Id != curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2 && (nearestPoint.Point - currentPosition).magnitude > (((PointFact)fact).Point - currentPosition).magnitude)
nearestPoint = (PointFact)fact;
Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3(0,0,0);
if (nearestPoint != null)
Vector3 planePoint = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(currentPosition, Vector3.Cross((nearestPoint.Point-angleMiddlePoint), (curveEndPoint-angleMiddlePoint)));
//Determine the Start-Point for the nearest third-point
startPoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (planePoint - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
//Determine the Start-Point
startPoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (currentPosition - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
//Determine the Center of Start-Point and End-Point
Vector3 tempCenterPoint = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, curveEndPoint, 0.5f);
Vector3 curveMiddlePoint = angleMiddlePoint + curveRadius * (tempCenterPoint - angleMiddlePoint).normalized;
linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
//Start: AngleMiddlePoint -> FirstPoint of Curve
linePositions.Add(((PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2)).Point);
for (float ratio = 0; ratio <= 1; ratio += 1.0f / this.curveDrawingVertexCount)
var tangentLineVertex1 = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, curveMiddlePoint, ratio);
var tangentLineVertex2 = Vector3.Lerp(curveMiddlePoint, curveEndPoint, ratio);
var bezierPoint = Vector3.Lerp(tangentLineVertex1, tangentLineVertex2, ratio);
//End: LastPoint of Curve -> AngleMiddlePoint
linePositions.Add(((PointFact)Facts.Find(x => x.Id == curveDrawingStartLine.Pid2)).Point);
lineRenderer.positionCount = linePositions.Count;
public void DeactivateCurveDrawing(Fact startFact)
this.lineRenderer.positionCount = 0;
this.linePositions = new List<Vector3>();
this.curveDrawingActivated = false;