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title: arXMLiv 08.2017 - Word Embeddings; Token Model

Part of the arXMLiv project at the KWARC research group


  • Deyan Ginev


  • This page documents: 08.2017
  • Latest: 08.2019

Accessibility and License

The content of this Dataset is licensed to SIGMathLing members for research and tool development purposes.

Access is restricted to SIGMathLing members under the SIGMathLing Non-Disclosure-Agreement as for most arXiv articles, the right of distribution was only given (or assumed) to arXiv itself.


  • A 5 billion token model for the arXMLiv 08.2017 dataset
  • 300 dimensional GloVe word embeddings for the arXMLiv 08.2017 dataset
    • and
  • 300d GloVe word embeddings for individual subsets
  • the main arXMLiv dataset is available separately here

Token Model Statistics

subset documents paragraphs sentences
no_problem 112,088 3,760,015 17,684,762
warning 574,638 35,215,866 144,166,524
error 401,644 28,555,173 111,798,273
complete 1,088,370 67,531,054 273,649,559
subset words formulas inline cite numeric literals
no_problem 355,253,671 17,020,161 2,991,053 9,913,009
warning 2,514,340,590 219,167,820 20,163,304 65,294,846
error 1,946,207,151 169,247,016 14,458,082 51,730,645
complete 4,815,801,412 405,434,997 37,612,439 126,938,500

GloVe Model Statistics

subset tokens unique words unique words (freq 5+ )
no_problem 384,951,086 490,134 170,615
warning 2,817,734,902 1,200,887 422,524
error 2,180,119,361 1,889,392 518,609
complete 5,382,805,349 2,573,974 746,673

Citing this Resource

Please cite the main dataset when using the word embeddings, as they are generated and distributed jointly. Instructions here


Download link (SIGMathLing members only)

Generated via

Generation Parameters

  • token model distributed as 3 subsets - no_problem, warning and error. complete model is derived via:

      cat token_model_no_problem.txt \
          token_model_warning.txt \
          token_model_error.txt > token_model_complete.txt
  • llamapun v0.1, corpus_token_model example used for token model extraction

    • used llamapun math-aware sentence and word tokenization
    • processed logical paragraphs only (excluded non-textual modalities, e.g. tables, figures and their captions, bibliographies)
    • marked up formulas replaced with mathformula token
    • marked up inline citations replaced with citationelement token
    • numeric literals replaced with NUM token
    • ignored sentences with unnaturally long words (>30 characters) - almost always due to latexml conversion errors
  • GloVe repository at sha 76507

    • build/vocab_count -min-count 5
    • build/cooccur -memory 32.0 -window-size 15
    • build/shuffle -memory 32.0
    • build/glove -threads 16 -x-max 100 -iter 25 -vector-size 300 -binary 2

Examples and baselines

GloVe in-built evaluation (non-expert tasks e.g. language, relationships, geography)

  1. no_problem
  • Total accuracy: 26.49% (3665/13833)
  • Highest score: "gram3-comparative.txt", 75.83% (1010/1332)
  1. warning
  • Total accuracy: 31.16% (4989/16013)
  • Highest score: "gram3-comparative.txt", 75.45% (1005/1332)
  1. error
  • Total accuracy: 29.63% (4997/16867)
  • Highest score: "gram3-comparative.txt", 76.58% (1020/1332)
  1. complete
  • Total accuracy: 32.86% (5770/17562)
  • Highest score: "gram3-comparative.txt", 78.53% (1046/1332)
  1. demo baseline: text8 demo (first 100M characters of Wikipedia)
  • Total accuracy: 23.91% (4262/17827)
  • Highest score: "capital-common-countries.txt", 62.65% (317/506)

Evaluation note: These in-built evlauation runs are provided as a sanity check that the generated GloVe models pass a basic baseline against the non-expert tasks in the default GloVe suite. One would need a scienctific discourse tailored set of test cases to evaluate the arXiv-based models competitively.

Measuring word analogy

In a cloned GloVe repository, start via:

python eval/python/ --vocab_file vocab.arxmliv.txt --vectors_file glove.arxmliv.5B.300d.txt
  1. abelian is to group as disjoint is to ?
  • Top hit: union, cosine distance 0.644784
  1. convex is to concave as positive is to ?
  • Top hit: negative, cosine distance 0.802866
  1. finite is to infinite as abelian is to ?
  • Top hit: nonabelian, cosine distance 0.664235
  1. quantum is to classical as bottom is to ?
  • Top hit: top, cosine distance 0.719843
  1. eq is to proves as figure is to ?
  • Top hit: shows, cosine distance 0.674743

Nearest word vectors

In a cloned GloVe repository, start via:

python eval/python/ --vocab_file vocab.arxmliv.txt --vectors_file glove.arxmliv.5B.300d.txt
  1. lattice

    Word: lattice  Position in vocabulary: 311
                                   Word   Cosine distance
                               lattices		0.811057
                              honeycomb		0.657262
                                 finite		0.625146
                             triangular		0.608218
                                spacing		0.605435
  2. entanglement

    Word: entanglement  Position in vocabulary: 1293
                                   Word   Cosine distance
                              entangled		0.763964
                           multipartite		0.730231
                               fidelity		0.653443
                            concurrence		0.652454
                          environemtnal		0.646705
                             negativity		0.646165
                                quantum		0.639032
                                discord		0.624222
                            nonlocality		0.610661
                             tripartite		0.609896
  3. forgetful

    Word: forgetful  Position in vocabulary: 10697
                                   Word   Cosine distance
                                functor		0.723019
                               functors		0.653969
                               morphism		0.626222
  4. eigenvalue

    Word: eigenvalue  Position in vocabulary: 1212
                                   Word   Cosine distance
                            eigenvalues		0.878527
                            eigenvector		0.766371
                          eigenfunction		0.761923
                           eigenvectors		0.747451
                         eigenfunctions		0.707346
                             eigenspace		0.661539
                          corresponding		0.629746
                              laplacian		0.627187
                               operator		0.627130
                                  eigen		0.620933
  5. riemannian

    Word: riemannian  Position in vocabulary: 2026
                                   Word   Cosine distance
                               manifold		0.766196
                              manifolds		0.745785
                                 metric		0.714120
                              curvature		0.672975
                                metrics		0.670006
                                finsler		0.665079
                                  ricci		0.657058
                              euclidean		0.650198
                                endowed		0.626307
                             riemmanian		0.621626
                              riemanian		0.618022