@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ SIGMathLing organizes a community of researchers and developers in Math Lingusit
3. collecting, curating, and internally/externally distributing a set of maths linguistic resources (corpora, lexica, libraries, tools, and benchmarks).
## 2. Members
Any individual involved in research and application development in math linguistics can join SIGMathLing, provided they agree to
1. a flexible NDA (all resources stay inside SIGMathLing and are used only for research purposes, unless the licenses explicitly allow so).
2. contributing (all?) their linguistic resources into SIGMathLing
3. opening up their analysis results to the others by contributing results
4. upon cessation of membership, the NDA terminates and all SIGMathLing-internal data is permanently deleted.
Any individual involved in research and application development in math linguistics can join SIGMathLing, provided they
1. sign an [non-disclosure agreement](/nda/)(i.e. all resources stay inside SIGMathLing and are used only for research purposes, unless the licenses explicitly allow so).
2. agree to contributing (all?) their linguistic resources into SIGMathLing
3. agree to opening up their analysis results to the others by contributing results
Upon cessation of membership, the [non-disclosure agreement](/nda/) terminates and all SIGMathLing-internal data is permanently deleted.
The SIGMathLing keeps a membership roster and supplies a member's mailing list.