This seminar discusses selected topics from knowledge representation.
This is a wide field that pervades all of computer science and many adjacent sciences like mathematics and physics.
@@ -84,14 +84,13 @@ Therefore, the seminar is well-suited for newcomers, e.g., students interested i
thesis or PhD.
<!-- ##### Flow of the Seminar and Grading Requirements
<!--- ##### Flow of the Seminar and Grading Requirements
The seminar consists of weekly talks. Every student chooses one topic on which to give a talk.
Additionally every student prepares a report about their topic. The grades is based on attendance, the talk, and the report.
Topics are chosen individually with the instructors, typically at the first seminar slot.
Students are allowed and encouraged to make suggestions for their topic - anything is allowed that is scientific and broadly related to knowledge representation.
Topics are chosen individually with the instructors, typically at the first seminar slot.
Students are allowed and encouraged to make suggestions for their topic - anything is allowed that is scientific and broadly related to knowledge representation.
Some topics can be found at (Those are thesis topics, but they are representative of the kind of topics that also work in the seminar.)
In general, all papers from the IJCAR, CADE, ITP, LICS, CSL, FSCD, CICM, ICMS, KR, ISWC