layout: post
author: Michael Kohlhase
title: Report on the WP6-WIAS Workshop on Math-in-the-Middle Content
- workshop
WP6 participants JacU (Florian Rabe), FAU (Dennis Müller, Michael Kohlhase) and UZH (Paul
Olivier Dehaye) came together with members of the
[Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics](
(WIAS: Thomas Koprucki and Carsten Tabelow) for a one-week code (20. 3. -- 24. 3.) sprint
on the Math-in-the-Middle Content and Logic and the encoding of mathematical Models. The
result of this was a significant extension of the MitM ontology (in particular for the
meta-theories for Sage) and a
[WIAS preprint on formalizations of Models](