Technical directions on adding a page
To add a new page, create a file of the form `<first initial><surname>.md` in this
directory, taking the existing files as examples. Any auxiliary files (e.g. CV, ... should
have form `<first initial><surname>-<aux>.<ext>`.
Each file needs some specific parameters:
* **layout** use *person*
* **menu_title** (optional) the slot title in the menu, use your full name, leave out
for auxiliary pages.
* **fullname**
* **fulltitle**
* **start_date** (optional) a start date (YYYY-MM)
* **end_date** (optional) an end date (YYYY-MM)
* **role** one of *master-student*, *bachelor-student*, *phd-student*, *postdoc*, *faculty* or *guest*
* **crossref** (optional) if the home page is outside this web site.
A person is considered as 'active' (i.e. a current member) if and only if their `end_date` is unset.