Forked from
KWARC / / www
1028 commits behind the upstream repository.
Tom Wiesing authoredTom Wiesing authored 798 B
layout: default
title: Completed Projects
permalink: /projects/completed/
{% assign projects = site.pages | where: "layout", "project" | where: "active", false | sort: "end_date" | reverse %}
Completed, externally funded Projects
{% for item in projects %}
{% if item.funding %} {% include psitem.html %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Completed Internal Projects
We also organize some of our research and development into Projects,
{% for item in projects %}
{% unless item.funding %} {% include psitem.html %} {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
System Projects
Completed projects that focused on building particular systems can be found under KWARC Systems.