Michael Kohlhase authoredMichael Kohlhase authored
layout: course
instructor: Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase
title: Projekt zur Künstlichen Intelligenz
menu_title: KI-Projekt
taught: WS16/17, SS16
The KWARC group (Wissensrepräsentation und Verarbeitung)conducts research in knowledge representation and reasoning techniques with a view towards applications in knowledge management. We extend techniques from formal methods so that they can be used in settings where formalization is either infeasible or too costly. We concentrate on developing techniques for marking up the structural semantics in technical documents. This level of markup allows for offering interesting knowledge management services without forcing the author to formalize the document contents. In contrast to courses with fixed topics, project topics are defined individually.
See the KWARC home page for a general introduction to the research and the KWARC research topics list for expemplary topics.