* Vyacheslav Zholudev: *Enhancing XML Preservation and Workflows*, Jacobs University, VI 2012.
* Christoph Lange: *Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by
Semantic Web Integration*, Jacobs University, III 2011.
* Christine M\"uller: *Adaptation of Mathematical Documents*, Jacobs University, V 2010.
* Normen M\"uller: *Change Management on Semi-Structured Documents*, Jacobs University, VIII 2010.
* Immanuel Normann: *Automated Theory Interpretation*, Jacobs University, XII 2008.
* Florian Rabe: *Representing Logics and Logic Translations*, Jacobs University, VI 2008.
* Vyacheslav Zholudev: *[Enhancing XML Preservation and Workflows](https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/23)*, Jacobs University, VI 2012.
* Christoph Lange: *[Enabling Collaboration on Semiformal Mathematical Knowledge by
Semantic Web Integration](https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/434)*, Jacobs University, III 2011.
* Christine M\"uller: *[Adaptation of Mathematical Documents](https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/252)*, Jacobs University, V 2010.
* Normen M\"uller: *[Change Management on Semi-Structured Documents](https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/227)*, Jacobs University, VIII 2010.
* Immanuel Normann: *[Automated Theory Interpretation](https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/336)*, Jacobs University, XII 2008.
* Florian Rabe: *[Representing Logics and Logic Translations](https://opus.jacobs-university.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/344)*, Jacobs University, VI 2008.
* Karsten Konrad: *Model Generation for Natural Lanugage Interpretation and Analysis*, Universtät des Saarlandes, IV 2000.
* Christoph Benzm\"uller: *Equality and Extensionality in
Higher-Order Theorem Proving*, Universtät des Saarlandes, V 1999.
* Christoph Benzm\"uller: *Equality and Extensionality in Higher-Order Theorem Proving*, Universtät des Saarlandes, V 1999.
* Susanna Kuschert: *Dynamic Meaning and Accomodation*, Universtät des Saarlandes, II 1999,