@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Each post needs some specific parameters:
***title** the title of your post
***subtitle** (optionnal) a subtitle. It will be adjuncted to your title in the post link and just under the title in the post page
***location** (optional) a location (especially for workshops, conferences, job openings, etc)
***author** the author of the post (you don't want to push yourself forward? Just write *the ODK team* or whatever you like
***author** the author of the post (you don't want to push yourself forward? Just write *the KWARC team* or whatever you like)
***date** the date *YYYY/MM/DD*
***redirect_from** not needed for new posts, this is just the redirect link from old activities pages on the former site
***tags** a list of tag. The first tag is the *type* of activity (talk, blogpost, workshop, etc). The available tags are in the folder */_tagpages/* you can create news tags by adding a page there and then adding the tag to your post.