With endpoints in place, we can now query the ULO/RDF
data set. Depending on the kind of application, different interfaces
and approaches to querying the database might make sense.
\subsection{Querying for Tetrapodal Search}
\emph{ulo-storage} was started with the goal of making organizational
knowledge available for tetrapodal search. We will first take a look
at how ULO/RDF performs at this task. Conviniently, various queries
for a tetrapodal search system were suggested in~\cite{tetra}; we will
investigate how well each of the suggested queries~$\mathcal{Q}_{1}$
to~$\mathcal{Q}_{13}$ can be realized with ULO/RDF datasets. Where
possible, we evaluate proof of concept implementations.
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{1}$ Find theorems with non-elementary proofs.}
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{2}$ Find algorithms that solve $NP$-complete graph problems.}
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{3}$ Find integer sequences whose generating function is a rational
polynomial in $\sin(x)$ that has a Maple implementation not affected
by the bug in module~$x$.}
Here be dragons
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{4}$ $CAS$ implementation of Groebner bases that conform to a
definition in AFP.}
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{5}$ Find all group representations that are good for~$X$ (say a
software engineer working on something and doesn't know group
theory), maybe ``computing with in/finite groups''.}
Here be dragons
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{6}$ Math software systems that implement algorithms from MSC48CXX
(or that compute a particular thing).}
Here be dragons
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{7}$ All areas of math that {Nicolas G.\ de Bruijn} has worked in and
his main contributions.}
Here be dragons
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{8}$ All the researchers that have worked on problem~$X$ (where~$X$
does not have a good name, maybe connected to ``Go'').}
Here be dragons
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{9}$ Areas of mathematics that immediate descendants of~$X$ worked
Here be dragons
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{10}$ All graphs whose order is larger than the publication record of
its ``inventor'' (name patron).}
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{11}$ Integer sequences that grow sub-exponentially.}
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{12}$ Published integer sequences not listed in the OEIS.}
\subsubsection*{$\mathcal{Q}_{13}$ Find all polynomials whose list of coefficients occurs as a
subsequence of a specific OEIS sequence.}