[x] run all queries from ulo paper in virtuoso
-> had to use a little scritping to remove some
invalid(?!) parts from the rdf files
-> importing the isabelle rdf files I get an error
org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.SailException: Invalid IRI value
for all files; I wonder if the proposed IRI
scheme is actually illegal; will have to
look into that
-> RDF [1] uses IRIs which "are a generialization of URI [2]";
IRIs are also defined by the IETF [3]
-> looking at the grammar of IRIs [3], it indeed seems like the
pipe symbol as used by the ULO exports is in fact not allowed
in IRIs; to quote the IRI grammar
iunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / ucschar
where ucschar defines various regions of unicode
characters; the lowest of the range is 0xa0, which
is below 0x7c (the pipe symbol)
-> the IRIs in the Isabelle exports have the following
characters which are (according to automated tool
`iriok' [4]) not valid: '|', '\', ' ', '^'
-> importing the files w/ fixed IRIs I get new errors
from graphDB (sigh)
RDF Parse Error: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][IL}' is not allowed
e.g. w/ file Flow_Networks.Graph_Impl.rdf.gz
[ ] run all quries from ulo paper in graphdb
[ ] fix exported IRIs
[ ] familiarize w/ MathHub infastructure
[ ] look at tooling; user interface &c
[ ] look at programming interfaces
[ ] evaluate databases for integration w/ MathHub