Week 19 (04.05.-10.05.)
[~] familiarize yourself w/ some tooling
[x] run all quries from ulo paper in graphdb
-> Some of the example queries require more data than
in the cited imports. In particular, there are zero
occurences of `aligned-with' in the Isabelle and Coq
export -> of course a query using `aligned-with' in GraphDB
returns zero results
-> The idea of `aligns-with' however is quite interesting
and I want to look that paper. It seems to be a way of
joining multiple namespaces and defintions of a given
thing (e.g. the natural numbers).
[~] run queries from code
-> I set up a basic Java project that I will use to play with
the programming interface. The docs are in Java, switching
to Scala should not be hard.
[x] Look at the RDF4J tutorial [1]
[ ] Create ULO class in the vein of [2]
[~] familiarize w/ MathHub infastructure
[x] look at tooling; user interface &c
[x] look at programming interfaces
-> lmh is neat
-> will probalby take advantage of this
[ ] evaluate databases for integration w/ MathHub
[ ] exploration
[ ] look at other graph databases; we need to at
least look at alternatives, right?
[x] write down what's wrong exactly; it's not very helpful to
just report that "something is wrong, is it?
[ ] report to authors of exporters