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  • using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.Networking;
    using static JSONManager;
    using static FactManager;
    public class ParsingDictionary {
        public static Dictionary<string, Func<Scroll.ScrollFact, Fact>> parseFactDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Func<Scroll.ScrollFact, Fact>>() {
            {MMTURIs.Point, PointFact.parseFact},
            {MMTURIs.Metric, LineFact.parseFact},
            {MMTURIs.Angle, AngleFact.parseFact}
    public abstract class Fact
    Richard Marcus's avatar
    Richard Marcus committed
        private int _id;
        public string Label;
        public int Id
            get { return _id; }
               // if (_id == value) return;
                _id = value;
                Label= ((Char)(64 + _id + 1)).ToString();
        public GameObject Representation;
        public string backendURI;
        public string backendValueURI; // supposed to be null, for Facts without values eg. Points, OpenLines, OnLineFacts...
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        public string format(float t)
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            return t.ToString("0.0000").Replace(',', '.');
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    public abstract class DirectedFact : Fact
        public DirectedFact flippedFact;
    public class AddFactResponse
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        //class to Read AddFact Responses.
        // public string factUri;
        // public string factValUri;
        public string uri;
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        public static AddFactResponse sendAdd(string path, string body)
            if (!CommunicationEvents.ServerRunning)
                Debug.LogWarning("Server not running");
                return new AddFactResponse();
            //Put constructor parses stringbody to byteArray internally  (goofy workaround)
            UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Put(path, body);
            www.method = UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST;
            www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
            www.timeout = 1;
            //TODO: implement real asynchronous communication ...
            AsyncOperation op = www.SendWebRequest();
            while (!op.isDone) { }
            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
                return new AddFactResponse();
                string answer = www.downloadHandler.text;
                return JsonUtility.FromJson<AddFactResponse>(answer);
    //I am not sure if we ever need to attach these to an object, so one script for all for now...
    public class PointFact : Fact
        public Vector3 Point;
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        public PointFact(int i, Vector3 P, Vector3 N)
            this.Id = i;
            this.Point = P;
            this.Normal = N;
            List<MMTTerm> arguments = new List<MMTTerm>
                new OMF(P.x),
                new OMF(P.y),
                new OMF(P.z)
            //OMS constructor generates full URI
            MMTTerm tp = new OMS(MMTURIs.Point);
            MMTTerm df = new OMA(new OMS(MMTURIs.Tuple), arguments);
            //TODO: rework fact list + labeling
            MMTSymbolDeclaration mmtDecl = new MMTSymbolDeclaration(this.Label, tp, df);
            string body = MMTSymbolDeclaration.ToJson(mmtDecl);
            AddFactResponse res = AddFactResponse.sendAdd(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress+"/fact/add", body);
            this.backendURI = res.uri;
        public PointFact(float a, float b, float c, string uri)
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            this.Point = new Vector3(a, b, c);
            this.Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
    Benjamin Bösl's avatar
    Benjamin Bösl committed
            this.backendURI = uri;
        public static PointFact parseFact(Scroll.ScrollFact fact) {
            String uri = fact.@ref.uri;
            float a = (float) ((OMF)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollSymbolFact)fact).df).arguments[0]).f;
            float b = (float) ((OMF)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollSymbolFact)fact).df).arguments[1]).f;
            float c = (float) ((OMF)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollSymbolFact)fact).df).arguments[2]).f;
            return new PointFact(a, b, c, uri);
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    public class LineFact : DirectedFact
    John Schihada's avatar
    John Schihada committed
        //Id's of the 2 Point-Facts that are connected
        //only for temporary Use of LineFacts.
        public LineFact() { }
    BenniHome's avatar
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        public LineFact(int i, int pid1, int pid2)
            this.Id = i;
            this.Pid1 = pid1;
            this.Pid2 = pid2;
            PointFact pf1 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid1)) as PointFact;
            PointFact pf2 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid2)) as PointFact;
            string p1URI = pf1.backendURI;
            string p2URI = pf2.backendURI;
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            float v = (pf1.Point - pf2.Point).magnitude;
            MMTTerm lhs =
                    new OMS(MMTURIs.Metric),
                    new List<MMTTerm> {
                        new OMS(p1URI),
                        new OMS(p2URI)
    Richard Marcus's avatar
    Richard Marcus committed
    Richard Marcus's avatar
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            //see point label
            MMTValueDeclaration mmtDecl = new MMTValueDeclaration(this.Label, lhs, valueTp, null);
            string body = MMTDeclaration.ToJson(mmtDecl);
            AddFactResponse res = AddFactResponse.sendAdd(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress + "/fact/add", body);
            this.backendURI = res.uri;
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        public LineFact(int Pid1, int Pid2, string backendURI)
            this.Pid1 = Pid1;
            this.Pid2 = Pid2;
            this.backendURI = backendURI;
        public static LineFact parseFact(Scroll.ScrollFact fact)
            String uri = fact.@ref.uri;
            String pointAUri = ((OMS)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollValueFact)fact).lhs).arguments[0]).uri;
            String pointBUri = ((OMS)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollValueFact)fact).lhs).arguments[1]).uri;
            int pid1 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find(x => x.backendURI.Equals(pointAUri)).Id;
            int pid2 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find(x => x.backendURI.Equals(pointBUri)).Id;
            return new LineFact(pid1, pid2, uri);
    public class OpenLineFact : Fact
        //R: this is called RayFact for now (see below), feel free to change
        //an infinite Line through the Points Pid1 and Pid2
        public int Pid1, Pid2;
    public class RayFact : Fact
        //Id's of the 2 Point-Facts that are connected
        public int Pid1, Pid2;
        //only for temporary Use of LineFacts.
        public RayFact() { }
        public RayFact(int i, int pid1, int pid2)
            this.Id = i;
            this.Pid1 = pid1;
            this.Pid2 = pid2;
            PointFact pf1 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid1)) as PointFact;
            PointFact pf2 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid2)) as PointFact;
            string p1URI = pf1.backendURI;
            string p2URI = pf2.backendURI;
            string body = @"{ ""base"":""" + p1URI + @"""," + @"""second"":""" + p2URI + @"""" + "}";
            AddFactResponse res = AddFactResponse.sendAdd(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress+"/fact/add/line", body);
            this.backendURI = res.uri;
          //  this.backendValueURI = res.factValUri;
        public RayFact(int i, int pid1, int pid2, string uri, string valuri)
            this.Id = i;
            this.Pid1 = pid1;
            this.Pid2 = pid2;
            this.backendURI = uri;
            this.backendValueURI = valuri;
    public class OnLineFact : Fact
        //Id's of the Point , and the Id of the Line it sits on
        public int Pid, Lid;
        public OnLineFact(int i, int pid, int lid)
            this.Id = i;
            this.Pid = pid;
            this.Lid = lid;
            PointFact pf = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid)) as PointFact;
            RayFact lf = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == lid)) as RayFact;
            string pURI = pf.backendURI;
            string lURI = lf.backendURI;
            string body = @"{ ""vector"":""" + pURI + @"""," + @"""line"":""" + lURI + @"""" + "}";
            AddFactResponse res = AddFactResponse.sendAdd(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress+"/fact/add/onLine", body);
            this.backendURI = res.uri;
          //  this.backendValueURI = res.factValUri;
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            Debug.Log("created onLine" + this.backendURI + " " + this.backendValueURI);
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    public class AngleFact : DirectedFact
    John Schihada's avatar
    John Schihada committed
        //Id's of the 3 Point-Facts, where Pid2 is the point, where the angle is
        //only for temporary Use of AngleFacts
        public AngleFact() { }
    Benjamin Bösl's avatar
    Benjamin Bösl committed
        public AngleFact(int i, int pid1, int pid2, int pid3)
            this.Id = i;
            this.Pid1 = pid1;
            this.Pid2 = pid2;
            this.Pid3 = pid3;
            PointFact pf1 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid1)) as PointFact;
            PointFact pf2 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid2)) as PointFact;
            PointFact pf3 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find((x => x.Id == pid3)) as PointFact;
            string p1URI = pf1.backendURI;
            string p2URI = pf2.backendURI;
            string p3URI = pf3.backendURI;
    BenniHome's avatar
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            float v = Vector3.Angle((pf1.Point - pf2.Point), (pf3.Point - pf2.Point));
            if (Mathf.Abs(v - 90.0f) < 0.01) v = 90.0f;
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            Debug.Log("angle: " + v);
            MMTTerm lhs =
                new OMA(
                    new OMS(MMTURIs.Angle),
                    new List<MMTTerm> {
                        new OMS(p1URI),
                        new OMS(p2URI),
                        new OMS(p3URI)
            //see point label
            MMTValueDeclaration mmtDecl = new MMTValueDeclaration(this.Label, lhs, valueTp, null);
            string body = MMTDeclaration.ToJson(mmtDecl);
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    BenniHome's avatar
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            AddFactResponse res = AddFactResponse.sendAdd(CommunicationEvents.ServerAdress+"/fact/add", body);
            this.backendURI = res.uri;
        public AngleFact(int Pid1, int Pid2, int Pid3, string backendURI)
            this.Pid1 = Pid1;
            this.Pid2 = Pid2;
            this.Pid3 = Pid3;
            this.backendURI = backendURI;
        public static AngleFact parseFact(Scroll.ScrollFact fact)
            String uri = fact.@ref.uri;
            String pointAUri = ((OMS)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollValueFact)fact).lhs).arguments[0]).uri;
            String pointBUri = ((OMS)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollValueFact)fact).lhs).arguments[1]).uri;
            String pointCUri = ((OMS)((OMA)((Scroll.ScrollValueFact)fact).lhs).arguments[2]).uri;
            int pid1 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find(x => x.backendURI.Equals(pointAUri)).Id;
            int pid2 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find(x => x.backendURI.Equals(pointBUri)).Id;
            int pid3 = CommunicationEvents.Facts.Find(x => x.backendURI.Equals(pointCUri)).Id;
            return new AngleFact(pid1, pid2, pid3, uri);